Creating a server profile template
From the main menu , select
Server Profile Templates, and then do one of the following:
- Click + Create server profile template in the master pane.
- Select Actions > Create.
NOTE:The Actions menu is enabled only after a server profile template is created.
Provide the requested data for the following panels:
Local storage
SAN storage
Boot settings
BIOS settings
NOTE:Update the following parameters for BIOS configuration:{"BootMode": "Uefi", "Sriov": "Enabled", "IntelProcVtd": "Enabled", "ProcVirtualization": "Enabled", "PowerRegulator": "StaticHighPerf", "MinProcIdlePkgState": "NoState", "MinProcIdlePower": "NoCStates", "EnergyPerfBias": "MaxPerf", "CollabPowerControl": "Disabled", "ProcTurbo": "Disabled", "ProcHyperthreading": "Disabled", "IntelUpiPowerManagement": "Disabled", "EnergyEfficientTurbo": "Disabled", "UncoreFreqScaling": "Maximum", "NumaGroupSizeOpt": "Clustered", "SubNumaClustering": "Disabled", "MemPatrolScrubbing": "Disabled", "MemRefreshRate": "Refreshx1", "EmbNicEnable": "Disabled", "FlexLom1Enable": "Auto", "WorkloadProfile": "Custom" }
PCIe slot 1 is disabled. PCIe slot 2 and 3 are enabled
First FLR Network boot ("NicBoot") parameter is enabled
In the boot order, FLR Pxe IPv4 is moved to first position, so that Pxe boot happens through FLR port
NOTE:RAID configuration: "raid_details":[{ "LogicalDriveName": "LD1", "Raid": "Raid1", "DataDrives": { "DataDriveCount": 2, "DataDriveMediaType": "HDD", "DataDriveInterfaceType": "SAS", "DataDriveMinimumSizeGiB": 0 } }]
Create or
Create + to create the server profile template.
If you click Create +, you can create another server profile template.
- Repeat this procedure to create a new server profile template.
- Verify that each server profile template was created in the master pane.