Creating a server profile template

  1. From the main menu , select Server Profile Templates, and then do one of the following:
    1. Click + Create server profile template in the master pane.
    2. Select Actions > Create.

    The Actions menu is enabled only after a server profile template is created.

  2. Provide the requested data for the following panels:
    • General

    • Firmware

    • Connections

    • Local storage

    • SAN storage

    • Boot settings

    • BIOS settings

      Update the following parameters for BIOS configuration:
      {"BootMode": "Uefi",
      "Sriov": "Enabled",
      "IntelProcVtd": "Enabled",
      "ProcVirtualization": "Enabled",
      "PowerRegulator": "StaticHighPerf",
      "MinProcIdlePkgState": "NoState",
      "MinProcIdlePower": "NoCStates",
      "EnergyPerfBias": "MaxPerf",
      "CollabPowerControl": "Disabled",
      "ProcTurbo": "Disabled",
      "ProcHyperthreading": "Disabled",
      "IntelUpiPowerManagement": "Disabled",
      "EnergyEfficientTurbo": "Disabled",
      "UncoreFreqScaling": "Maximum",
      "NumaGroupSizeOpt": "Clustered",
      "SubNumaClustering": "Disabled",
      "MemPatrolScrubbing": "Disabled",
      "MemRefreshRate": "Refreshx1",
      "EmbNicEnable": "Disabled",
      "FlexLom1Enable": "Auto",
      "WorkloadProfile": "Custom"
      • PCIe slot 1 is disabled. PCIe slot 2 and 3 are enabled

      • First FLR Network boot ("NicBoot") parameter is enabled

      • In the boot order, FLR Pxe IPv4 is moved to first position, so that Pxe boot happens through FLR port

    • Advanced


      RAID configuration:
                                "LogicalDriveName": "LD1",
                                "Raid": "Raid1",
                                "DataDrives": {
                                   "DataDriveCount": 2,
                                   "DataDriveMediaType": "HDD",
                                   "DataDriveInterfaceType": "SAS",
                                   "DataDriveMinimumSizeGiB": 0
  3. Click Create or Create + to create the server profile template.

    If you click Create +, you can create another server profile template.

  4. Repeat this procedure to create a new server profile template.
  5. Verify that each server profile template was created in the master pane.