Download and configure RHOSP repository


Ensure that you are logged in to the NPS toolkit VM as root user.

  1. Navigate to the following path:
    cd /root/Cloud/automation/vim_repo_artifacts
  2. Update the following input.yaml file:
    vi input.yaml
    proxy_ip: "<proxy ip address or proxy hostname>"
    proxy_port: "8080"
    proxy_user: ""
    proxy_password: ""
    registry_ip: "<remote_nps_vm_ip>"
    registry_port: "8787"	
    #Path of hpe-3par-cinder-rhosp13 folder if required
    #hpe3par_cinder_folder: "/root/hpe-3par-cinder-rhosp13"
    hpe3par_cinder_folder: ""	
    # Path where artifacts will be created
    artifacts_folder: "/root/artifacts"
    # Path where all the track files are created
    artifacts_track_folder: "/var/run/vim_artifacts"
    If proxy is required, fill the following parameters:
    • proxy_ip:

    • proxy_port:

    • proxy_user:

    • proxy_password:

    • registry_ip: "<remote_nps_vm_ip> - provide the IP address of the NPS VM.

    If you are using HPE 3PAR as a storage option, enter the path of the location where you downloaded the hpe-3par-cinder-rhosp13-master.tar.gz.

  3. To create artifacts, run the playbook:

    nohup ansible-playbook create_artifacts.yaml -e "@input.yaml" &


    This process takes approximately 2 hours to download and bundle the files.

  4. Monitor the progress of the artifacts creation in the nohup.out log file that is created as part of the playbook command. To view the nohup.out log file, run the following command:
    # tailf nohup.out

    The nohup.out log file provides the information on the success or failure of the script.


    For any failures seen in the nohup.out log, see Failures during artifacts creation.

  5. After the artifacts creation is successfully completed, check if repo_container is up and running.

    docker ps | grep -i repo