SNMP configuration

NPS configures SNMP in iLO servers. This command creates SNMP users and configures alert destination for the respective users. This is an optional feature.

Use one of the following options to configure SNMP:

Configuring SNMP for random servers

Use the nps configure-snmp command to configure SNMP for server not present in the input JSON. It can configure on single server or list of servers or range of servers. This will add alert destinations and SNMP v3 users to the server based on the SNMP details provided in the user input. This CLI configures the same alert destinations and users in all the servers.


All listed servers must have the same iLO user name and password.


nps configure-snmp --snmp_ip <destination_ip1,destination_ip2> -TrapCommunity <trapcommunity> -SNMPAlertProtocol <snmp_alert_protocol> -securityname <snmp_username> -AuthProtocol <auth_protocol> -AuthPassphrase <auth_passphrase> -PrivacyProtocol <privacy_protocol> -PrivacyPassphrase <privacy_passphrase> -sl <iLO_IP (or) iLO_IP1,iLO_IP2,iLO_IP3,.. (or) iLO_start_IP-iLO_end_IP > -ilo_user <ilo_username> -ilo_password <ilo_password>


  • destination_ip1, destination_ip2: IP address of remote management system that receives SNMP alerts. It can single IP address or multiple IP address in a comma separated way.

  • Indicates the SNMP protocol associated with the AlertDestination.

  • The supported SNMP alert protocol are SNMPv1Trap, SNMPv3Trap, and SNMPv3Inform.

  • Provides the SNMPv3 security name associated with SNMPv3trap or SNMPv3Inform set on SNMPAlertProtocol.

  • Alphanumeric value with 1-32 characters.

  • Sets the message digest algorithm to use for encoding the authorization passphrase. The message digest is calculated over an appropriate portion of an SNMP message and is included as part of the message sent to the recipient.

  • Supported Auth protocol are MD5, SHA, and SHA256.

  • Sets the encryption algorithm to use for encoding the privacy passphrase. A portion of an SNMP message is encrypted before transmission.

  • Supported privacy protocol are AES and DES

  • Sets the passphrase to use for sign operations.

  • String with 8-49 characters.

  • Sets the passphrase to use for encrypt operations.

  • String with 8-49 characters.

  • iLO_IP: Single server iLO IP which is not provided in the input JSON to configure SNMP.

  • iLO_IP1,iLO_IP2,iLO_IP3: List of server iLO IP’s which are not provided in the input JSON to configure SNMP.

  • iLO_start_IP-iLO_end_IP: Range of IP’S which are not provided in the input JSON to configure SNMP.

    • iLO_start_IP: Start IP address of the range.

    • iLO_end_IP: End IP address of the range

    • SNMP will be configured on all the servers between the start range and end range including start IP and end IP.

  • Username of the iLO server. All the servers provided must have the same username.

  • Password of the iLO server. All the servers provided must have the same password.

Optional parameter

  • The configured SNMPv1 trap community string.

  • Trap community will be empty if Trapcommunity is not provided as user input.

Verifying the status of the SNMP configuration

To verify the status of the SNMP configuration for the provided server, check if the configure-snmp pod status of the corresponding server is completed or not by running the following command:

kubectl get pods -n nps

Wait until the configure-snmp pod status of corresponding server is displayed as Completed. If the status is displayed as Error, analyze the <topology_name>_<server_IP>_configure_snmp_<date>.log file. Logs files are located in the /var/nps/logs/<topology_name>/ directory. Correct the errors and run the SNMP configuration again.