Configuring SR-IOV

  • Ensure that the RHCOS servers are reachable from the NPS toolkit VM.

  • Ensure that the RHCOS cluster is up and running and all nodes must be in READY state.

  • Ensure that interface names provided in the sriov_profile must match the interface available in the worker nodes.

  • Ensure that the VIM is in REGISTERED state.

    To check the state of the server, use the following nps command:
    nps show --data servers --node <worker node ilo ip>

    If this prerequisite is not satisfied, then NPS considers the server (worker node) as not ready to configure SR-IOV and it skips that server.

  1. Use the following NPS RHOCP command to configure SR-IOV on the RHOCP cluster:
    nps deploy -s rhocp -a configure-sriov
  2. Check the status of the operation using the following command:
    nps show --data vim

    Wait until the status is displayed as SRIOV_CONFIGURED or SRIOV_CONFIGURE_FAILED:

    1. If the state is displayed as SRIOV_CONFIGURED, then SRIOV is successfully configured on the RHOCP cluster and the individual server vim state is updated as SRIOV_CONFIGURED.
    2. If the state is displayed as SRIOV_CONFIGURED_FAILED, see SR-IOV configuration fails.