Creating a BYOD server
Configure a portal redirect web-server.
portal web-server [
] url [url-string
: Configure the BYOD redirect feature.
: Configure portal redirect web-server.
: Configure the URL of the BYOD server.
: A URL redirecting the client to the BYOD server must be in ASCII.
Associating a BYOD server
Associate a BYOD server with a specific VLAN to redirect clients to the assigned URL page.
vlan [
] <portal web-server [
: Add, delete, edit VLAN configuration, or enter a VLAN context.
: VLAN identifier or VLAN name.
: Configure the BYOD redirect feature on a VLAN.
: Specify the BYOD web-server.
: BYOD web-server name in ASCII.
Creating a BYOD ACL rule
Configure a BYOD-free rule.
portal free-rule [
] vlan [VLAN-ID
] destination <<
> | mask <mask-length
> | any tcp <des-tcp-port
> | udp <des-udp-port
> | source <ip-address
> | mask <mask-length
> | any tcp <src-tcp-port
> |udp <src-udp-port
Term Meaning portal Configure the BYOD redirect feature. free-rule Configure a BYOD-free rule. rule-number Free rule number as an INTEGER<1-6>. vlan Free rule source VLAN ID. VLAN-ID VLAN identifier or VLAN name. destination Free rule destination. ip-address IP address mask Mask mask-length Mask length. tcp TCP protocol udp UDP Protocol des-udp-port tcp port destination source Free rule source. <src/des-tcp/udp-port> TCP or UDP port number, as an integer<1-65534>. any Free rule source any. ip Free rule source IP. IP Free rule destination IP. any Free rule source or destination any.
Implementing BYOD-redirect configuration
BYOD enables employees to register and access corporate resources with personally-owned devices. Though BYOD provides flexibility to employees, it can bring challenges to IT departments. BYOD-redirect is designed to help manage and control personal devices and policies at the enterprise network level.
Before implementing BYOD-redirect ensure that:
BYOD-redirect is configured on a VLAN.
BYOD-redirect is supported on up to three VLANs.
BYOD-redirect is supported with Mac and 802.1X authentications.
BYOD-redirect works with IMC 7.0 UAM module.
The switch supports Radius CoA Access-Accept (RFC 3576/5176).
The client URL and DHCP IP are included in the Redirect URL to the IMC.
NOTE: Until the registration process has been completed, a client device cannot access the internet or the enterprise network. Any traffic from this unauthorized device is redirected to the BYOD server. | |
Implementing BYOD-redirect configuration examples
The following examples show how to implement BYOD-redirect for both wired and wireless solutions.
BYOD configuration on a distribution switch
To facilitate the BYOD-redirect function, complete the following tasks on the distribution switch:
Configure DNS and make FQDN solution successful:
ip dns server-address priority 1 <
DNS-server-IP>.NOTE: The argument to the URL can be an FQDN or IP address. If you use the IP address as an argument, this step is not necessary.
Configure BYOD web-server URL: portal web-server "byod" url
Enable BYOD-redirect on a VLAN: vlan 101 portal web-server "byod."
Configure BYOD-redirect free-rules on the on-boarding VLAN 101 to permit client traffic transit through DNS and DHCP servers using the following commands.
To permit DNS traffic to/from a DNS server to a client through on-boarding VLAN:
portal free-rule 1 vlan 101 source any udp 0 destination any udp 53
portal free-rule 2 vlan 101 source any udp 53 destination any udp 0
To permit DHCP traffic to/from DHCP server to client through on-boarding VLAN:
portal free-rule 3 vlan 101 source any udp 68 destination any udp 67
portal free-rule 4 vlan 101 source any udp 67 destination any udp 68
Register device in IMC on the on-boarding VLAN. When registration is successful, client traffic is placed into different VLAN (guest/corporate) configurations.
Client authentication configuration on edge switch
Enable MAC authentication on edge switch port 1-2 using the following commands:
# enable mac authentication on ports 1-2
aaa port-access mac-based 1-2
# configure number of client limits on port 1 and port2
aaa port-access mac-based 1 addr-limit 32
aaa port-access mac-based 2 addr-limit 32
radius-server host <radius ip> dyn-authorization
radius-server host <radius ip> time-window 0
Wired and wireless components configured in a network topology
Access Type | Edge Switch | Distribution Switch | Configuration ProcedureNote |
Wired Access | 2530 switch | 5400 switch |
Wireless Access |
Wired clients solution
Access Type | Edge Switch | Distribution Switch | Configuration Procedure |
Wired Access |
2530 switch |
3800 switch |
Configuration and access for wired clients on an edge switch
Access Type |
Edge Switch |
Distribution Switch |
Configuration Procedure |
Wired Access | 3500 switch | N/A |
Show commands
Show portal server
Display all BYOD servers and their attributes or specify a BYOD web-server-name to display its details.
show portal web-server [
Term Meaning portal Display BYOD server details.. web-server Specify the BYOD web-server. web-server name Enter BYOD web-server name in ASCII. Sample output
Portal Server: 1)imc: Resolved IP : VPN Instance : n/a URL : VLAN : 101 DNS Cache Status : 20 seconds
Show portal redirect statistics
Show redirect statistics of a BYOD.
Show portal free rule
Display all BYOD free rules and their attributes; the user can specify a BYOD rule to display its free rule.
Associating with the BYOD server on a specified VLAN
Associate a BYOD server with a specific VLAN to redirect clients to the assigned URL page.
vlan <VLAN-ID > [portal web-server < web-server-name>]
Term Meaning portal Configure the BYOD redirect feature on the VLAN. web-server Specify the BYOD web-server. ASCII-STR BYOD web server name. vlan Add, delete, edit VLAN configuration, or enter a VLAN context. VLAN-ID Enter a VLAN identifier or a VLAN name.