Manually adding a Candidate to a stack (Menu)

In the default configuration, you must manually add stack Members from the Candidate pool. The following reasons cause a switch to remain a Candidate instead of becoming a Member:

  • Auto Grab in the Commander is set to No (the default).

  • Auto Join in the Candidate is set to No.

    [NOTE: ]

    NOTE: When a switch leaves a stack and returns to Candidate status, its Auto Join parameter resets to No so that it will not immediately rejoin a stack from which it has just departed.

  • A Manager password is set in the Candidate.

  • The stack is full.

Unless the stack is already full, use the Stack Management screen to manually convert a Candidate to a Member. If the Candidate has a Manager password, you will need to use it to make the Candidate a Member of the stack.

  1. To add a Member, start at the Main Menu and select: 9. Stacking ⇒ 4. Stack Management

    The Stack Management screen appears. For status descriptions, see Status messages.

    The Stack Management screen

                                Pacific Ocean
    ======================- CONSOLE - MANAGER MODE -===========================
                          Stacking - Stack Management
      SN   MAC Address     System Name     Device Type          Status
      --   ------------   ---------------  -----------  ------------------------
      1    0060b0-e94300  Coral Sea        switch    Member Up
      2    080009-918f80  North Atlantic   switch    Member Up
    Actions->  Back        Add     Edit    Delete     Help
    Return to previous screen.
    Use up/down arrow keys to change record selection, left/right arrow keys to
    change action selection, and <Enter> to execute action.
  2. Press A (for Add) to add a Candidate. You then see a screen showing available Candidates; the Commander automatically selects an available switch number (SN); you can assign any other available SN.

    A Candidate list on the Stack Management screen

                                Pacific Ocean
    ======================- CONSOLE - MANAGER MODE -===================
                          Stacking - Stack Management
      Switch Number : 3
      MAC Address : 
      Candidate Password :
      Candidate MAC     System Name         Device Type  
      -------------   ----------------      -----------
      0060b0-e94300   DEFAULT_CONFIG        switch
      080009-918f80   DEFAULT_CONFIG        switch
    Actions->  Cancel        Edit    Save           Help
    Use arrow keys to change field selection, <space> to toggle field choices,
    and <Enter> to go to Actions.
  3. Either accept the displayed switch number or enter another available number. (The range is 0 - 15, with 0 reserved for the Commander.)

  4. Use the down-arrow key to move the cursor to the MAC Address field, then enter the MAC address of the desired Candidate from the Candidate list in the lower part of the screen.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • If the desired Candidate has a Manager password, press the down-arrow key to move the cursor to the Candidate Password field, then enter the password.

    • If the desired Candidate does not have a password, go to step 6.

  6. Press Enter to return to the Actions line, then press S (for Save) to complete the Add process for the selected Candidate. You will then see a screen similar to the one in the next figure, with the newly added Member. For a description of the Status column entries, see Status messages.

    [NOTE: ]

    NOTE: If the message Unable to add stack member: Invalid Password appears in the console menu's Help line, then you either omitted the Candidate's Manager password or incorrectly entered the Manager password.

    New member added to stack

                                Pacific Ocean
    ======================- CONSOLE - MANAGER MODE -=================
                          Stacking - Stack Management
      SN  MAC Address    System Name      Device Type      Status
      --  ------------- ---------------   -----------  --------------
      1   0060b0-e94300 Coral Sea         switch    Member Up
      2   080009–918f80 North Atlantic    switch    Member Up
      3   0060b0-e94300 Big_Waters-3      switch    Member Up
    Actions->  Cancel        Edit    Save           Help
    Use arrow keys to change field selection, <space> to toggle field choices,
    and <Enter> to go to Actions.