MVRP timers

MVRP supports four types of timers:

  • Join Timer

  • Leave Timer

  • LeaveAll Timer

  • Periodic Timer

Join Timer

The Join Timer controls the transmission of Join messages. To avoid a PDU storm, an MVRP participant waits for a duration of the Join Timer after sending a join message, and ensures that all participants transmit at different times. This is a per port timer and is applicable to all applicants for the port.

mvrp join-timer


mvrp join-timer <centiseconds>

no mvrp join-timer


Sets the Join Timer for the port. You can use the timer to space MVRP join messages. To ensure that join messages are transmitted to other participants, an MVRP participant waits for a specified time before sending a join message. The Join Timer must be less than half of the Leave Timer. The default value is 20 centiseconds.

Use no mvrp join-timer to set the interval to the default value.



Set the Join Timer for the port.


mvrp join-timer <20-100>

The MVRP Join Timer ranges from 20 –100 in centiseconds.

Example output
switch(eth-1)# mvrp join-timer
<20-100>              Set the join timer for the port.
switch# mvrp join-timer 40
switch# show mvrp config

 Configuration and Status - MVRP

 Global MVRP status : Enabled

 Port     Status   Periodic Registration Join  Leave    LeaveAll Periodic
                   Timer    Type         Time  Timer    Timer    Timer
 -------  -------- -------- ------------ ----  -------- -------- --------
 1        Enabled  Enabled  Normal       40    300      1000     100
 2        Disabled Enabled  Normal       20    300      1000     100
 3        Disabled Enabled  Normal       20    300      1000     100

Leave Timer

The Leave Timer controls the time duration for which the Registrar state machine waits in the LV state before changing to the MT state. The Leave Timer is started only when a leave message is received by the applicant state. The attribute is deregistered, if there are requests to join before the expiry of the Leave Timer. This is a per port timer and is applicable to all registrars for the port.

mvrp leave-timer


mvrp leave-timer <centiseconds>

no mvrp leave-timer


The Leave Timer must be at least twice the Join Timer and must be less than the LeaveAll Timer. The default value is 300 centiseconds.

Use no mvrp leave-timer to set the interval to the default value.



Set the Leave Timer for the port.


mvrp leave-timer <40-1000000>

The MVRP Leave Timer ranges from 40 –1000000 in centiseconds.

Example output
switch(eth-1)# mvrp leave-timer
<40-1000000>          Set the leave timer for the port.
switch(eth-1)# mvrp leave-timer 500
switch(eth-1)# show mvrp config

 Configuration and Status - MVRP

 Global MVRP status : Enabled

 Port     Status   Periodic Registration Join  Leave    LeaveAll Periodic
                   Timer    Type         Time  Timer    Timer    Timer
 -------  -------- -------- ------------ ----  -------- -------- --------
 1        Enabled  Enabled  Normal       40    500      1000     100
 2        Disabled Enabled  Normal       20    300      1000     100
 3        Disabled Enabled  Normal       20    300      1000     100

LeaveAll Timer

The LeaveAll Timer controls the frequency with which the LeaveAll state machine generates LeaveAll PDUs. When a LeaveAll Timer expires, the MVRP sends out LeaveAll messages and restarts the LeaveAll Timer. The LeaveAll Timer is set to a random value T which ranges from LeaveAllTime < T < 1.5*LeaveAllTime, where LeaveAll time is the configured LeaveAll time. The default value is 1000 centiseconds. This is a per port timer.

mvrp leaveall-timer


mvrp leaveall-timer <centiseconds>

no mvrp leaveall-timer


The LeaveAll Timer is the time duration between sending LeaveAll messages. The LeaveAll Timer must be greater than the Leave Timer.

Use no mvrp leaveall-timer to set the interval to the default value.



Set the LeaveAll Timer for the port.


mvrp leaveall-timer <500-1000000>

The MVRP LeaveAll Timer ranges from 500 –1000000 in centiseconds.

Example output
switch# mvrp leaveall-timer
<500-1000000>         Set the leaveall timer for the port.
switch# mvrp leaveall-timer 700
switch(eth-1)# show mvrp config

 Configuration and Status - MVRP

 Global MVRP status : Enabled

 Port     Status   Periodic Registration Join  Leave    LeaveAll Periodic
                   Timer    Type         Time  Timer    Timer    Timer
 -------  -------- -------- ------------ ----  -------- -------- --------
 1        Enabled  Enabled  Normal       40    500      700      100
 2        Disabled Enabled  Normal       20    300      1000     100
 3        Disabled Enabled  Normal       20    300      1000     100 

Periodic Timer

The Periodic Timer controls the frequency with which the periodic transmission state machine generates periodic events. This is a per port timer. On start, the Periodic Timer is set to one second. You can enable or disable the Periodic Timer. By default, it is enabled. The default value is 100 centiseconds.

mvrp periodic timer


mvrp periodic-timer <centiseconds>

no mvrp periodic-timer


Set the Periodic Timer transmission interval for the port.

Use no mvrp periodic-timer to set the interval to the default value.



Set the Periodic Timer transmission interval for the port.


mvrp periodic-timer <100-1000000>

The MVRP Periodic Timer ranges from 100 –1000000 in centiseconds.

Example output
switch(eth-1)# mvrp periodic-timer
<100-1000000>         Set the periodic timer transmission interval for the port.
switch(eth-1)# mvrp periodic-timer 300
switch(eth-1)# show mvrp config

 Configuration and Status - MVRP

 Global MVRP status : Enabled

 Port     Status   Periodic Registration Join  Leave    LeaveAll Periodic
                   Timer    Type         Time  Timer    Timer    Timer
 -------  -------- -------- ------------ ----  -------- -------- --------
 1        Enabled  Enabled  Normal       40    500      700      300
 2        Disabled Enabled  Normal       20    300      1000     100
 3        Disabled Enabled  Normal       20    300      1000     100

mvrp periodic-timer-enable


mvrp periodic-timer-enable

no mvrp periodic-timer-enable


Enable Periodic Timer transmission for the port. By default, it is enabled.

Use no mvrp periodic-timer-enable to disable the Periodic Timer on an interface.