Show details of TA profile

Shows the details of the Trust Anchor profile specified.


show crypto pki ta-profile TA-Profile-Name detail

Full syntax example

show crypto pki ta-profile crl TA-profile-name crl certificate-serial-numserial-num

Displays all CRLs available in all TA-profiles. The option certificate-serial-num is only used when crl option is used in the show CLI.


show crypto pki ta-profile [TA-PROFILE-NAME] [crl | detail] [certificate-serial-num <SERIAL-NUM>]


show crypto pki ta-profile

Displays all the CRLs available in all TA-profiles.


A name (maximum 100 characters) with a unique identifier for the Trust Anchor Profile. Ten TA profiles are supported: one for each allowed trust anchor (Root CA certificate.)


Shows the CRL details of the TA profile


Shows the configuration details of the TA profile.


Serial number of the certificate whose revocation information is required.

[NOTE: ]

NOTE: The option certificate-serial-num is only used when the crl option is used in the show CLI; for example:

show crypto pki ta-profile [TA-profile-name] crl certificate-serial-num <serial-num>