

Time protocols
General steps for running a time protocol on the switch
About SNTP time synchronization
About TimeP time synchronization
Selecting a time synchronization protocol
timesync command
Enabling and disabling time synchronization protocols
Enabling SNTP
Broadcast/Unicast switch
Enabling SNTP in Broadcast Mode
Enabling SNTP in unicast mode
Enabling TimeP
Enabling TimeP in DHCP mode
Enabling TimeP operation in manual mode
Viewing, enabling, and modifying the TimeP protocol (Menu)
Disabling time synchronization protocols
Disabling time synchronization without changing the TimeP or SNTP configuration
Disabling SNTP Mode
Disabling the TimeP mode
Viewing and configuring time synchronization protocol parameters
Viewing and configuring SNTP parameters
Viewing all SNTP server addresses configured on the switch
Enabling SNTP client authentication
Configuring other SNTP parameters
Poll interval
Server priority
Server address
Viewing and configuring SNTP parameters (Menu)
Viewing and configuring TimeP parameters
Disabling TimeP
Enabling TimeP in DHCP or manual mode
Poll interval
Server address
Disabling time synchronization
Other time protocol commands
Show management command
Show SNTP command
Show TimeP command
Viewing and configuring SNTP
Enabling or disabling the SNTP mode
Configuring the SNTP mode
Enabling SNTP in broadcast mode
Enabling or disabling in Broadcast mode
SNTP in unicast mode
SNTP unicast time polling with multiple SNTP servers
Changing the SNTP poll interval
Changing the SNTP server priority
Disabling time synchronization without changing the SNTP configuration
Viewing all SNTP server addresses configured on the switch
Adding SNTP server addresses
Deleting SNTP server addresses
Configuring the key-identifier, authentication mode, and key-value
Configuring a key-id as trusted
Associating a key with an SNTP server
Enabling and disabling SNTP client authentication
Viewing SNTP authentication configuration information
Viewing statistical information for each SNTP server
Configuring a key-id as trusted
Associating a key with an SNTP server
Configuring unicast and for authentication
Viewing SNTP authentication configuration information
Viewing all SNTP authentication keys that have been configured on the switch
Viewing statistical information for each SNTP server
Storing security information in the running-config file
Viewing and configuring SNTP (Menu)
Viewing the current TimeP configuration
Enabling TimeP mode
Disabling TimeP mode
Enabling TimeP in manual mode
Disabling TimeP in manual mode
Enabling TimeP in DHCP Mode
Enabling TimeP in Manual Mode
Disabling TimeP in manual mode
Changing from one TimeP server to another
Changing the TimeP poll interval
Disabling time synchronization
Disabling the TimeP mode
Viewing, enabling, and modifying the TimeP protocol(Menu)
About SNTP time synchronization
About SNTP: Selecting and configuring
About SNTP unicast time polling with multiple SNTP servers
About trusted keys
About saving configuration files and the include-credentials command
SNTP messages in the event log
Viewing current resource usage
Viewing information on resource usage
When insufficient resources are available
Policy enforcement engine
Usage notes for show resources output
Port status and configuration
Viewing port status and configuration
Internal port names
Show services
No parameters
Show services locator
Show services device
Requesting a reboot
Services in Operator/Manager/Configure context
Show services set locator module
Reloading services module
Connection to the application via a serial port
Shutdown the services module.
Viewing the port VLAN tagged status
Dynamically updating the show interfaces command
Customizing the show interfaces command
Smart Rate
Viewing port utilization statistics
Operating notes for viewing port utilization statistics
Viewing transceiver status
Transceiver Operating notes
Enabling or disabling ports and configuring port mode
Enabling or disabling the USB port
Software versions K.13.XX operation
Software Version K.14.XX Operation.
Enabling or disabling flow control
Configuring auto-MDIX
Viewing port configuration (Menu)
Configuring ports (Menu)
Configuring friendly port names
Configuring a single port name
Configuring the same name for multiple ports
Viewing friendly port names with other port data
Listing all ports or selected ports with their friendly port names
Including friendly port names in per-port statistics listings
Searching the configuration for ports with friendly port names
Configuring the type of a module
Clearing the module configuration
Configuring uni-directional link detection
About viewing port status and configuring port parameters
Connecting transceivers to fixed-configuration devices
Error messages associated with the show interfaces command
Using pattern matching with the show interfaces custom command
About configuring auto-MDIX
Manual override
About using friendly port names
Configuring and operating rules for friendly port names
Configuring transceivers and modules that have not been inserted
Clearing the module configuration
Uni-directional link detection (UDLD)
Uplink failure detection
Configuration Guidelines for UFD
UFD enable/disable
UFD track data configuration
UFD enable/disable
UFD track data configuration
UFD minimum uplink threshold configuration
show uplink-failure-detection
UFD operating notes
Error log
Invalid port error messages
Power over ethernet (PoE/PoE+) operation
PoE Overview
Disabling or re-enabling PoE port operation
Enabling support for pre-standard devices
Configuring the PoE port priority
Controlling PoE allocation
Manually configuring PoE power levels
Configuring PoE redundancy (chassis switches only)
Changing the threshold for generating a power notice
Enabling or disabling ports for allocating power using LLDP
Enabling PoE detection via LLDP TLV advertisement
Negotiating power using the DLL
Initiating advertisement of PoE+ TLVs
Viewing PoE when using LLDP information
Viewing the global PoE power status of the switch
Viewing PoE status on all ports
Viewing the PoE status on specific ports
Planning and implementing a PoE configuration
Power requirements
Assigning PoE ports to VLANs
Applying security features to PoE configurations
Assigning priority policies to PoE traffic
PoE operation
PoE configuration options
PD support
PoE power priority
Assigning PoE priority with two or more modules
About configuring PoE
Configuring thresholds for generating a power notice
PoE/PoE+ allocation using LLDP
LLDP with PoE
LLDP with PoE+
PoE+ with LLDP Overview
PoE allocation
Operation Note
Port trunking
Viewing and configuring port trunk groups
Viewing static trunk type and group for all ports or for selected ports
Viewing static LACP and dynamic LACP trunk data
Configuring a static trunk or static LACP trunk group
Removing ports from a static trunk group
Port Shutdown with Broadcast Storm
Configuration Commands
Viewing broadcast-storm configuration
Event logs
Enabling dynamic LACP trunk groups
Removing ports from a dynamic LACP trunk group
Setting the LACP key
Viewing and configuring a static trunk group (Menu)
Enabling L4-based trunk load balancing
Viewing trunk load balancing
Operating notes
Distributed trunking
Configuring ISC ports
Configuring distributed trunking ports
Configuring peer-keepalive links
Viewing distributed trunking information
Viewing peer-keepalive configuration
Viewing switch interconnect
Port trunking overview
Port trunk connections and configuration
Port trunk operations
Fault tolerance
Trunk configuration methods
Dynamic LACP trunk
Dynamic LACP Standby Links
Viewing LACP Local Information
Viewing LACP Peer Information
Viewing LACP Counters
Using keys to control dynamic LACP trunk configuration
Static trunk
Operating port trunks
Show port-security log
Configuring a static or dynamic trunk group overview
Enabling a dynamic LACP trunk group
Dynamic LACP standby links
Viewing LACP local information
Viewing LACP peer information
Viewing LACP counters
Trunk group operation using LACP
Default port operation
LACP operating notes and restrictions
802.1X (Port-based access control) configured on a port
Port security
Changing trunking methods
Static LACP trunks
Dynamic LACP trunks
VLANs and dynamic LACP
Blocked ports with older devices.
Spanning Tree and IGMP
Half-duplex, different port speeds, or both not allowed in LACP trunks
Dynamic/static LACP interoperation
Trunk group operation using the "trunk" option
Viewing trunk data on the switch
Outbound traffic distribution across trunked links
Trunk load balancing using Layer 4 ports
Distributed trunking overview
Distributed trunking interconnect protocol
Configuring distributed trunking
Configuring peer-keepalive links
DT operating notes when updating software versions
Port traffic controls
Configuring rate-limiting on all traffic
Viewing the current rate-limit configuration
Configuring ICMP rate-limiting
Viewing the current ICMP rate-limit configuration
Resetting the ICMP trap function of the port
Determining the switch port number used in ICMP port reset commands
Configuring an egress/outbound broadcast limit on the switch
Configuring inbound rate-limiting for broadcast and multicast traffic
Configuring egress per-queue rate-limiting
Configuration commands
Configuring Guaranteed Minimum Bandwidth (GMB) for outbound traffic
Viewing the current GMB configuration
Validation rules
Event log
Configuring jumbo frame operation
Viewing the current jumbo configuration
Enabling or disabling jumbo traffic on a VLAN
Configuring a maximum frame size
Configuring IP MTU
Viewing the maximum frame size
Operating notes for maximum frame size
All traffic rate-limiting
Operating notes for rate-limiting
ICMP rate-limiting
Configuring ICMP rate-limiting
Using both ICMP rate-limiting and all-traffic rate-limiting on the same interface
Operating notes for ICMP rate-limiting
Testing ICMP rate-limiting
ICMP rate-limiting trap
Guaranteed minimum bandwidth (GMB)
GMB operations
Impacts of QoS queue configuration on GMB operation
Impact of QoS queue configuration on GMB commands.
Jumbo frames
Operating rules for jumbo frames
Jumbo traffic-handling
Jumbo frame maximum size
Jumbo IP MTU
Troubleshooting Jumbo frames
A VLAN is configured to allow jumbo frames, but one or more ports drops all inbound jumbo frames
A non-jumbo port is generating "Excessive undersize/giant frames" messages in the Event Log
Configuring for Network Management Applications
Configuring the switch to filter untagged traffic
Viewing configuration file change information
Minimal interval for successive data change notifications
Viewing the current port speed and duplex configuration on a switch port
Viewing the configuration
RMON advanced management
Configuring UDLD verify before forwarding
UDLD time delay
UDLD configuration commands
Show commands
RMON generated when user changes UDLD mode
Configuring MAC
Configuring the MAC address count option
Configuring the MAC address table change option
Configuring the mac-notify option at the interface context level
Per-port MAC change options for mac-notify
Viewing the mac-count-notify option
Viewing mac-notify traps configuration
Configuring sFlow
Configuring sFlow
sFlow Configuring multiple instances
Viewing sFlow Configuration and Status
Viewing management stations for SNMPv3
Configuring SNMP
Network security notifications
SNMP traps on running configuration changes
Source IP address for SNMP notifications
Listening mode
Group access levels
SNMPv3 communities
SNMPv2c informs
SNMP notifications
Supported Notifications
Configuring SNMP notifications
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c Traps
SNMPv3 users
About adding users
Using SNMP tools to manage the switch
SNMP management features
SNMPv1 and v2c access to the switch
SNMPv3 access to the switch
Enabling SNMPv3
Configuring users in SNMPv3
Enabling and disabling switch for access from SNMPv3 agents
Enabling or disabling restrictions to access from only SNMPv3 agents
Enabling or disabling restrictions from all non-SNMPv3 agents to read-only access
Viewing the operating status of SNMPv3
Viewing status of message reception of non-SNMPv3 messages
Viewing status of write messages of non-SNMPv3 messages
Viewing and configuring non-version-3 SNMP communities (Menu)
Configuring an SNMP trap receiver
Enabling SNMPv2c informs
Configuring SNMPv3 notifications
Mapping SNMPv3 communities
Enabling SNMP traps on running configuration changes
Enabling SNMP traps on Startup Configuration changes
Configuring the source IP address for SNMP notifications
Verify the configuration for SNMP replies and traps
Viewing SNMP notification configuration
Assigning users to groups
Listing community names and values
Configuring community names and values
Enabling or disabling notification/traps for network security failures and other security events
Viewing the current configuration for network security notifications
Enabling Link-Change Traps
Configuring listening mode
Configuring CDP
Configuring CDP mode
Configuring CDPv2 for voice transmission
Enabling or disabling CDP operation on individual ports
Enabling and Disabling CDP Operation
Filtering CDP information
Viewing the current CDP configuration of the switch
Viewing the current CDP neighbors table of the switch
Configuring LLDP
LLDP and CDP data management
LLDP and CDP neighbor data
CDP operations
LLDP operations
Packet boundaries in a network topology
LLDP operation configuration options
Transmit and receive mode
Options for reading LLDP information collected by the switch
LLDP and LLDP-MED standards compatibility
Port trunking
IP address advertisements
Spanning-tree blocking
802.1X blocking
LLDP operation on the switch
Time-to-Live for transmitted advertisements
Delay interval between advertisements
Re-initialize delay interval
SNMP notification support
Changing the minimum interval
Basic LLDP per-port advertisement content
Port VLAN ID TLV support on LLDP
LLDP-MED classes
LLDP-MED operational support
Configuring per-port transmit and receive modes
Configuring a remote management address for outbound LLDP advertisements
Configuring support for port speed and duplex advertisements
Configuring location data for LLDP-MED devices
Enabling LLDP data change notification for SNMP trap receivers
Enabling or disabling LLDP operation on the switch
LLDP-MED fast start control
Changing the packet transmission interval
Changing the time-to-live for transmitted advertisements
Changing the delay interval
Changing the reinitialization delay interval
Filtering PVID mismatch log messages
Viewing port configuration details
Viewing switch information available for outbound advertisements
Viewing LLDP statistics
Viewing the global LLDP, port admin, and SNMP notification status
Tracking LLDP-MED connects and disconnects—topology change notification
Advertising device capability, network policy, PoE status and location data
Network policy advertisements
Policy elements
PoE advertisements
Location data for LLDP-MED devices
Viewing the current port speed and duplex configuration
Viewing LLDP statistics
LLDP operating notes
Viewing advertisements currently in the neighbors MIB
Viewing PoE advertisements
Configuring TVL
Configuring the VLAN ID TLV
Viewing the TLVs advertised
Enabling or Disabling TLVs controlled by medTLvEnable
Generic header ID in configuration file
DHCP auto deployment
Add-Ignore-Tag option
Configuration commands for the add-ignore-tag option
Show logging commands for the add-ignore-tag option
DHCPv4 server
IP pools
DHCP options
BootP support
Authoritative server and support for DHCP inform packets
Authoritative pools
Authoritative dummy pools
Change in server behavior
DHCPv4 configuration commands
Enable/disable the DHCPv4 server
Configuring the DHCP address pool name
Specify a boot file for the DHCP client
Configure a default router for a DHCP client
Configure the DNS IP servers
Configure a domain name
Configure lease time
Configure the NetBIOS WINS servers
Configure the NetBIOS node type
Configure subnet and mask
Configure DHCP server options
Configure the range of IP address
Configure the static binding information
Configure the TFTP server domain name
Configure the TFTP server address
Change the number of ping packets
Change the amount of time
Configure DHCP Server to save automatic bindings
Configure a DHCP server to send SNMP notifications
Enable conflict logging on a DHCP server
Enable the DHCP server on a VLAN
Clear commands
Reset all DHCP server and BOOTP counters
Delete an automatic address binding
Show commands
Display the DHCPv4 server address bindings
Display address conflicts
Display DHCPv4 server database agent
Display DHCPv4 server statistics
Display the DHCPv4 server IP pool information
Display DHCPv4 server global configuration information
Event log
Event Log Messages
DHCPv6 server
Add hardware address to DHCPv6
Enable/Disable DHCPv6 Snooping
Enable or disable DHCPv6 snooping on a VLAN
Configure trusted interfaces
Configure authorized DHCPv6 servers
Configuring lease entry file for DHCPv6 snooping
Validation rules
Configuring upper limit of binding addresses per binding anchor
Validation Rules
Configuring DHCPv6 relay option 79
Configuring DHCPv6 snooping on a VLAN range
Validation Rules
Configuring a port as trusted
Validation rules
Configuring authorized DHCPv6 server for snooping
Validation rules
Configuring traps for DHCPv6-snooping
Configure IPv6 lockdown globally and per port
Validation rules
Configure static DHCPv6 binding entry
Validation rules
Configuring traps for IPv6 source-lockdown
Clearing DHCPv6 snooping statistics
Validation rules
Enable debug for DHCPv6-snooping
Debug security for dynamic IPv6 lockdown
Show DHCPv6-snooping configuration
Validation rules
Show DHCPv6 snooping bindings
Validation rules
Show DHCPv6 snooping statistics
Show IPv6 source-lockdown bindings or status
Show IPv6 source-lockdown status per port
Show snmp-server traps
Show distributed-trunking consistency-parameters feature
Show distributed-trunking consistency-parameters
Show DHCPv6 relay
Event log
Event Messages
Link Aggregation Control Protocol-Multi-Active Detection
LACP configuration
Viewing LACP-MAD configuration
Clear all LACP statistics
LACP-MAD Operations
File transfers
File transfer methods
TFTP software downloads
TFTP software downloads
Enabling TFTP
Downloading software automatically from a TFTP server
Downloading to primary flash using TFTP
Disabling TFTP and auto-TFTP for enhanced security
Enabling SSH V2 (required for SFTP)
Using USB to transfer files to and from the switch
Enabling SCP and SFTP
Using SCP and SFTP
Downloading software via a Xmodem
Downloading to Flash using Xmodem and terminal emulator
Downloading to primary flash using Xmodem (Menu)
Enabling or disabling the USB port
Downloading switch software using USB
Viewing the status of the USB port
Using USB autorun
Configuring autorun on the switch
Viewing autorun configuration information
Using USB autorun
Security considerations
Troubleshooting autorun operations
Autorun secure mode
Behavior of autorun when USB port is disabled
Software versions K.13.XX operation
Software version K.14.XX operation
Switch to Switch
Switch-to-switch download
Downloading the OS from another switch
Downloading from primary only
Downloading from source flash
Switch-to-switch download to primary flash (Menu)
Copying software images
Copying a software image to a remote host in TRTP
Copying using Xmodem
Copying using USB
Copying diagnostic data to a remote host, USB device, PC, or UNIX workstation
Copying command output to a destination device
Copying Event Log output to a destination device
Copying crash data content to a destination device
Copying crash data with redundant management
Copying crash log data content to a destination device
Copying crash logs with redundant management (8200zl series switch)
Copying coredumps from the standby management module (8200zl series switch)
Flight data recorder
Copying diagnostic data to a remote host, USB device, PC or UNIX workstation
Transferring switch configurations
Copying a configuration file to a remote host in TFTP
Copying a configuration file from a remote host in TFTP
Copying customized command file
Copying a configuration file using Xmodem
Copying a configuration file from a serially connected PC or UNIX workstation
Copying a configuration file to a USB device
Copying a configuration file from a USB device
Transferring ACL command files
Uploading an ACL command file from a TFTP server
Uploading an ACL command file using Xmodem
USB: Uploading an ACL command file from a USB device
Transferring switch configurations
Transferring ACL command files
Downloading switch software
Switch software download rules
Troubleshooting TFTP download failures
Single copy command
Single copy command
Multiple management switches
Stacking switches
Standalone switches
Crash file options
Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation
Status and counters data
Accessing status and counters (Menu)
Viewing system information
Locating a switch
Chassislocate at Boot
Collecting processor data with the task monitor
Accessing system information (Menu)
Accessing switch management address information
Accessing switch management address information (Menu)
Viewing additional component information
Viewing port status (Menu)
Enabling and Disabling Compatibility Mode for v2 zl and zl modules
Viewing port status
Viewing port status (Menu)
Accessing port and trunk group statistics
Viewing the port counter summary report
Viewing a detailed traffic summary for specific ports
Resetting the port counters
Accessing port and trunk statistics (Menu)
Viewing the switch's MAC address tables
Accessing MAC address views and searches
Accessing MAC address views and searches (Menu)
Viewing and searching per-VLAN MAC-addresses
Finding the port connection for a specific device on a VLAN
Viewing and searching port-level MAC addresses
Determining whether a specific device is connected to the selected port
Accessing MSTP Data
Show IP IGMP status
Viewing VLAN information
WebAgent status information
Configuring local mirroring
Configuring a local mirroring session
Configuring traffic-direction criteria to select traffic
Configuring ACL criteria to select inbound traffic — deprecated
Configuring a mirroring policy to select inbound traffic
Configuring MAC-based criteria to select traffic
Configuring a remote mirroring destination on the remote switch
Configuring a remote mirroring destination on the local switch
Configuring a local mirroring destination on the local switch
Configuring monitored traffic
Configuring local mirroring (Menu)
Configuring the mirroring destination on a remote switch
Configuring the mirroring source on the local switch
Configuring traffic-direction criteria to select traffic
Configuring ACL criteria to select inbound traffic
Configuring a mirroring policy to select inbound traffic
Configuring the MAC-based criteria to select traffic
Configuring a destination switch in a remote mirroring session
Configuring a source switch in a local mirroring session
Configuring a source switch in a remote mirroring session
Selecting all traffic on a port interface for mirroring according to traffic direction
Selecting all traffic on a VLAN interface for mirroring according to traffic direction
Configuring a MAC address to filter mirrored traffic on an interface
Configuring classifier-based mirroring
Applying a mirroring policy on a port or VLAN interface
Viewing a classifier-based mirroring configuration
Viewing all mirroring sessions configured on the switch
Viewing the remote endpoints configured on the switch
Viewing the mirroring configuration for a specific session
Viewing a remote mirroring session
Viewing a MAC-based mirroring session
Viewing a local mirroring session
Viewing information on a classifier-based mirroring session
Viewing information about a classifier-based mirroring configuration
Viewing information about a classifier-based mirroring configuration
Viewing information about statistics on one or more mirroring policies
Viewing resource usage for mirroring policies
Viewing the mirroring configurations in the running configuration file
Switch and network operations
Compatibility mode
Port and trunk group statistics and flow control status
Traffic mirroring overview
Mirroring overview
Mirroring destinations
Mirroring sources and sessions
Mirroring sessions
Mirroring session limits
Selecting mirrored traffic
Mirrored traffic destinations
Local destinations
Remote destinations
Monitored traffic sources
Criteria for selecting mirrored traffic
Mirroring configuration
Remote mirroring endpoint and intermediate devices
Migration to release K.12.xx
Booting from software versions earlier than K.12.xx
Maximum supported frame size
Frame truncation
Migration to release K.14.01 or greater
Using the Menu to configure local mirroring
Menu and WebAgent limits
Remote mirroring overview
Quick reference to remote mirroring setup
High-level overview of the mirror configuration process
Determine the mirroring session and destination
For a local mirroring session
For a remote mirroring session
Configure a mirroring destination on a remote switch
Configure a destination switch in a remote mirroring session
Configure a mirroring session on the source switch
Configure a source switch in a remote mirroring session
Configure the monitored traffic in a mirror session
Traffic selection options
Mirroring-source restrictions
About selecting all inbound/outbound traffic to mirror
Untagged mirrored packets
About using SNMP to configure no-tag-added
Operating notes
About selecting inbound traffic using an ACL (deprecated)
About selecting inbound/outbound traffic using a MAC address
About selecting inbound traffic using advanced classifier-based mirroring
Classifier-based mirroring configuration
Classifier-based mirroring restrictions
About applying multiple mirroring sessions to an interface
Mirroring configuration examples
Maximum supported frame size
Enabling jumbo frames to increase the mirroring path MTU
Effect of downstream VLAN tagging on untagged, mirrored traffic
Operating notes for traffic mirroring
Troubleshooting traffic mirroring
Scalability: IP Address, VLAN, and Routing Maximum Values
Chassis Redundancy (8200zl and 5400R Switches)
Viewing management module redundancy status
Enabling or disabling redundant management
Transitioning from no redundancy to nonstop switching
Setting the Rapid Switchover Stale Timer
Directing the standby module to become active
Setting the rapid switchover stale timer
Directing the standby module to become active
Setting the active management module for next boot
Hotswapping out the active management module
Resetting the management module
Viewing management information
Viewing information about the management and fabric modules
Viewing information about the redundancy role of each management module
Viewing which software version is in each flash image
Viewing system software image information for both management modules
Viewing the status of the switch and its management modules
Standby management module commands
Viewing redundancy status on the standby module
Viewing the flash information on the standby module
Viewing the version information on the standby module
Setting the default flash for boot
Booting the active management module from the current default flash
Displaying module events
Viewing log events
Copying crash file information to another file
Viewing saved crash information
Enabling and disabling fabric modules
Overview of chassis redundancy (8200zl switches)
Nonstop switching with redundant management modules
How the management modules interact
About using redundant management
Transition from no redundancy to nonstop switching
About setting the rapid switchover stale timer
About directing the standby module to become active
Nonstop switching with VRRP
Example nonstop routing configuration
Nonstop forwarding with RIP
Nonstop forwarding with OSPFv2 and OSPFv3
Enabling nonstop forwarding for OSPFv2
Configuring restart parameters for OSPFv2
Viewing OSPFv2 nonstop forwarding information
Enabling nonstop forwarding for OSPFv3
Configuring restart parameters for OSPFv3
Viewing OSPFv3 nonstop forwarding information
Hotswapping management modules
Management module switchover
Events that cause a switchover
What happens when switchover occurs
When switchover will not occur
When a management module crashes while the other management module is rebooting
Hotswapping out the active management module
When the standby module is not available
Hotswapping in a management module
Software version mismatch between active and hotswapped module
Other software version mismatch conditions
About downloading a new software version
File synchronization after downloading
Potential software version mismatches after downloading
Downloading a software version serially if the management module is corrupted
About turning off redundant management
Disable management module redundancy with two modules present
Disable management module redundancy with only one module present
Active management module commands
Viewing modules
CLI commands affected by redundant management
boot command
Boot and reload commands with OSPFv2 or OSPFv3 enabled
Modules operating in nonstop mode
Additional commands affected by redundant management
Using the WebAgent for redundant management
Determining active module
Diagram of the decision process
Syncing commands
Management module redundancy features
Nonstop switching features
Unsupported zl modules
Hot swapping of management modules
Rapid routing switchover and stale timer
Task Usage Reporting
Help text
process-tracking help
show cpu help
show cpu process help
Command tab
show cpu process
Command ouput
show cpu process
show cpu process slot <SLOT-LIST>
Smart Rate Technology
Show Smart Rate port
Error messages
Error messages
HP Networking 6th Generation Switch ASIC
Configuration setup
Show commands
Show system
Show system information
Show running configuration
Event logging
Version 2 — version 3 blade compatibility on the HP 5400R switch
Allow V2 command
Validation rules
Show commands
Event Log
MAC Address Management
Determining MAC addresses
Viewing the MAC addresses of connected devices
Viewing the switch's MAC address assignments for VLANs configured on the switch
Viewing the port and VLAN MAC addresses
Network Out-of-Band Management (OOBM) for the 6600 Switch
OOBM Configuration
Entering the OOBM configuration context from the general configuration context
Enabling and disabling OOBM
Enabling and disabling the OOBM port
Setting the OOBM port speed
Configuring an OOBM IPv4 address
Configuring an OOBM IPv4 default gateway
OOBM show commands
Showing the global OOBM and OOBM port configuration
Showing OOBM IP configuration
Showing OOBM ARP information
Application server commands
Application client commands
OOBM and switch applications