Configuring network parameters in a DHCPv6 address pool
Enter system view.
Enter DHCPv6 address pool view.
ipv6 dhcp pool pool-name
Specify an IPv6 subnet for dynamic assignment.
network { prefix/prefix-length | prefix prefix-number [ sub-prefix/sub-prefix-length ] } [ preferred-lifetime preferred-lifetime valid-lifetime valid-lifetime ]
By default, no IPv6 subnet is specified.
The IPv6 subnets cannot be the same in different address pools.
If you specify an IPv6 prefix by its ID, make sure the IPv6 prefix is in effect. Otherwise, the configuration does not take effect.
Specify a DNS server address.
dns-server ipv6-address
By default, no DNS server address is specified.
Specify a domain name.
domain-name domain-name
By default, no domain name is specified.
Specify a SIP server address or domain name.
sip-server { address ipv6-address | domain-name domain-name }
By default, no SIP server address or domain name is specified.
Configure a self-defined DHCPv6 option.
option code hex hex-string
By default, no self-defined DHCPv6 option is configured.