Assigning an IP address to an interface

About manual IP address assignment

An interface can have one primary address and multiple secondary addresses.

Typically, you need to configure a primary IP address for an interface. If the interface connects to multiple subnets, configure primary and secondary IP addresses on the interface so the subnets can communicate with each other through the interface.

In an IRF fabric, you can assign an IP address to the management Ethernet port of each member in the management Ethernet port view of the master. Only the IP address assigned to the management Ethernet port of the master takes effect. After an IRF fabric split, the IP addresses assigned to the management Ethernet ports of the new masters (original subordinates) take effect. Then you can use these IP addresses to log in to the new masters for troubleshooting.

Restrictions and guidelines


  1. Enter system view.


  2. Enter interface view.

    interface interface-type interface-number

  3. Assign an IP address to the interface.

    ip address ip-address { mask-length | mask } [ irf-member member-id | sub ]

    By default, no IP address is assigned to the interface.

    To assign an IP address to the management Ethernet port of an IRF member device, enter the master's management Ethernet port view and specify the irf-member member-id option.