Configuring Naptha attack prevention
About Naptha attack prevention
Naptha is a DDoS attack that targets operating systems. It exploits the resources consuming vulnerability in TCP/IP stack and network application process. The attacker establishes a large number of TCP connections in a short period of time and leaves them in certain states without requesting any data. These TCP connections starve the victim of system resources, resulting in a system breakdown.
After you enable Naptha attack prevention, the device periodically checks the number of TCP connections in each state (CLOSING, ESTABLISHED, FIN_WAIT_1, FIN_WAIT_2, and LAST_ACK). If the number of TCP connections in a state exceeds the limit, the device will accelerate the aging of the TCP connections in that state to mitigate the Naptha attack.
Enter system view.
Enable Naptha attack prevention.
tcp anti-naptha enable
By default, Naptha attack prevention is disabled.
(Optional.) Set the maximum number of TCP connections in a state.
tcp state { closing | established | fin-wait-1 | fin-wait-2 | last-ack } connection-limit number
By default, the maximum number of TCP connections in each state (CLOSING, ESTABLISHED, FIN_WAIT_1, FIN_WAIT_2, and LAST_ACK) is 50.
To disable the device from accelerating the aging of the TCP connections in a state, set the value to 0.
(Optional.) Set the interval for checking the number of TCP connections in each state.
tcp check-state interval interval
By default, the interval for checking the number of TCP connections in each state is 30 seconds.