Example: Configuring Stelnet based on 128-bit Suite B algorithms
Network configuration
As shown in Figure 138:
Switch B acts as the Stelnet Suite B server (SSH2), and it uses publickey authentication to authenticate the Stelnet client.
Switch A acts as an Stelnet Suite B client (SSH2). After the user on Switch A logs in to Switch B through the Stelnet Suite B client software, the user can configure and manage Switch B as an administrator.
Figure 138: Network diagram
Generate the client's certificate and the server's certificate. (Details not shown.)
You must first configure the certificates of the server and the client because they are required for identity authentication between the two parties.
In this example, the server's certificate file is ssh-server-ecdsa256.p12 and the client's certificate file is ssh-client-ecdsa256.p12.
Configure the Stelnet client:
You can modify the pkix version of the client software OpenSSH to support Suite B. This example uses an HPE switch as an Stelnet client.
# Upload the server's certificate file ssh-server-ecdsa256.p12 and the client's certificate file ssh-client-ecdsa256.p12 to the Stelnet client through FTP or TFTP. (Details not shown.)
# Create a PKI domain named server256 for verifying the server's certificate and enter its view.
<SwitchA> system-view [SwitchA] pki domain server256
# Disable CRL checking.
[SwitchA-pki-domain-server256] undo crl check enable [SwitchA-pki-domain-server256] quit
# Import local certificate file ssh-server-ecdsa256.p12 to PKI domain server256.
[SwitchA] pki import domain server256 p12 local filename ssh-server-ecdsa256.p12 The system is going to save the key pair. You must specify a key pair name, which is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 64 characters. Valid characters include a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, and hyphens (-). Please enter the key pair name[default name: server256]:
# Display information about local certificates in PKI domain server256.
[SwitchA] display pki certificate domain server256 local Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 3 (0x3) Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Issuer: C=CN, ST=Beijing, L=Beijing, O=AA, OU=Software, CN=SuiteB CA Validity Not Before: Aug 21 08:39:51 2015 GMT Not After : Aug 20 08:39:51 2016 GMT Subject: C=CN, ST=Beijing, O=AA, OU=Software, CN=SSH Server secp256 Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey Public-Key: (256 bit) pub: 04:a2:b4:b4:66:1e:3b:d5:50:50:0e:55:19:8d:52: 6d:47:8c:3d:3d:96:75:88:2f:9a:ba:a2:a7:f9:ef: 0a:a9:20:b7:b6:6a:90:0e:f8:c6:de:15:a2:23:81: 3c:9e:a2:b7:83:87:b9:ad:28:c8:2a:5e:58:11:8e: c7:61:4a:52:51 ASN1 OID: prime256v1 NIST CURVE: P-256 X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 08:C1:F1:AA:97:45:19:6A:DA:4A:F2:87:A1:1A:E8:30:BD:31:30:D7 X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:5A:BE:85:49:16:E5:EB:33:80:25:EB:D8:91:50:B4:E6:3E:4F:B8:22 Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:65:02:31:00:a9:16:e9:c1:76:f0:32:fc:4b:f9:8f:b6:7f: 31:a0:9f:de:a7:cc:33:29:27:2c:71:2e:f9:0d:74:cb:25:c9: 00:d2:52:18:7f:58:3f:cc:7e:8b:d3:42:65:00:cb:63:f8:02: 30:01:a2:f6:a1:51:04:1c:61:78:f6:6b:7e:f9:f9:42:8d:7c: a7:bb:47:7c:2a:85:67:0d:81:12:0b:02:98:bc:06:1f:c1:3c: 9b:c2:1b:4c:44:38:5a:14:b2:48:63:02:2b
# Create a PKI domain named client256 for the client's certificate and enter its view.
[SwitchA] pki domain client256
# Disable CRL checking.
[SwitchA-pki-domain-client256] undo crl check enable [SwitchA-pki-domain-client256] quit
# Import local certificate file ssh-client-ecdsa256.p12 to PKI domain client256.
[SwitchA] pki import domain client256 p12 local filename ssh-client-ecdsa256.p12 The system is going to save the key pair. You must specify a key pair name, which is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 64 characters. Valid characters include a to z, A to Z, 0 to 9, and hyphens (-). Please enter the key pair name[default name: client256]:
# Display information about local certificates in PKI domain client256.
[SwitchA] display pki certificate domain client256 local Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 4 (0x4) Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 Issuer: C=CN, ST=Beijing, L=Beijing, O=AA, OU=Software, CN=SuiteB CA Validity Not Before: Aug 21 08:41:09 2015 GMT Not After : Aug 20 08:41:09 2016 GMT Subject: C=CN, ST=Beijing, O=AA, OU=Software, CN=SSH Client secp256 Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: id-ecPublicKey Public-Key: (256 bit) pub: 04:da:e2:26:45:87:7a:63:20:e7:ca:7f:82:19:f5: 96:88:3e:25:46:f8:2f:9a:4c:70:61:35:db:e4:39: b8:38:c4:60:4a:65:28:49:14:32:3c:cc:6d:cd:34: 29:83:84:74:a7:2d:0e:75:1c:c2:52:58:1e:22:16: 12:d0:b4:8a:92 ASN1 OID: prime256v1 NIST CURVE: P-256 X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA:FALSE Netscape Comment: OpenSSL Generated Certificate X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 1A:61:60:4D:76:40:B8:BA:5D:A1:3C:60:BC:57:98:35:20:79:80:FC X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: keyid:5A:BE:85:49:16:E5:EB:33:80:25:EB:D8:91:50:B4:E6:3E:4F:B8:22 Signature Algorithm: ecdsa-with-SHA256 30:66:02:31:00:9a:6d:fd:7d:ab:ae:54:9a:81:71:e6:bb:ad: 5a:2e:dc:1d:b3:8a:bf:ce:ee:71:4e:8f:d9:93:7f:a3:48:a1: 5c:17:cb:22:fa:8f:b3:e5:76:89:06:9f:96:47:dc:34:87:02: 31:00:e3:af:2a:8f:d6:8d:1f:3a:2b:ae:2f:97:b3:52:63:b6: 18:67:70:2c:93:2a:41:c0:e7:fa:93:20:09:4d:f4:bf:d0:11: 66:0f:48:56:01:1e:c3:be:37:4e:49:19:cf:c6
# Assign an IP address to VLAN-interface 2.
<SwitchA> system-view [SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 2 [SwitchA-Vlan-interface2] ip address [SwitchA-Vlan-interface2] quit
Configure the Stelnet server:
# Upload the server's certificate file ssh-server-ecdsa256.p12 and the client's certificate file ssh-client-ecdsa256.p12 to the Stelnet server through FTP or TFTP. (Details not shown.)
# Create a PKI domain named client256 for verifying the client's certificate and import the file of the client's certificate to this domain. (Details not shown.)
# Create a PKI domain named server256 for the server's certificate and import the file of the server's certificate to this domain. (Details not shown.)
# Specify Suite B algorithms for algorithm negotiation.
<SwitchB> system-view [SwitchB] ssh2 algorithm key-exchange ecdh-sha2-nistp256 [SwitchB] ssh2 algorithm cipher aes128-gcm [SwitchB] ssh2 algorithm public-key x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 x509v3-ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
# Specify server256 as the PKI domain of the server's certificate.
[SwitchB] ssh server pki-domain server256
# Enable the Stelnet server.
[SwitchB] ssh server enable
# Assign an IP address to VLAN-interface 2.
[SwitchB] interface vlan-interface 2 [SwitchB-Vlan-interface2] ip address [SwitchB-Vlan-interface2] quit
# Set the authentication mode to AAA for user lines.
[SwitchB] line vty 0 63 [SwitchB-line-vty0-63] authentication-mode scheme [SwitchB-line-vty0-63] quit
# Create a local device management user named client001. Authorize the user to use the SSH service and assign the network-admin user role to the user.
[SwitchB] local-user client001 class manage [SwitchB-luser-manage-client001] service-type ssh [SwitchB-luser-manage-client001] authorization-attribute user-role network-admin [SwitchB-luser-manage-client001] quit
# Create an SSH user named client001. Specify the publickey authentication method for the user and specify client256 as the PKI domain for verifying the client's certificate.
[SwitchB] ssh user client001 service-type stelnet authentication-type publickey assign pki-domain client256
Establish an SSH connection to the Stelnet server based on the 128-bit Suite B algorithms:
# Establish an SSH connection to the server at
<SwitchA> ssh2 suite-b 128-bit pki-domain client256 server-pki-domain server256 Username: client001 Press CTRL+C to abort. Connecting to port 22. Enter a character ~ and a dot to abort. ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2004-2017 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP * * Without the owner's prior written consent, * * no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. * ****************************************************************************** <SwitchB>