Display and maintenance commands for IKEv2

Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.



Display the IKEv2 policy configuration.

display ikev2 policy [ policy-name | default ]

Display the IKEv2 profile configuration.

display ikev2 profile [ profile-name ]

Display the IKEv2 proposal configuration.

display ikev2 proposal [ name | default ]

Display the IKEv2 SA information.

display ikev2 sa [ count | [ { local | remote } { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] [ verbose [ tunnel tunnel-id ] ] ]

Display IKEv2 statistics.

display ikev2 statistics

Delete IKEv2 SAs and the child SAs negotiated through the IKEv2 SAs.

reset ikev2 sa [ [ { local | remote } { ipv4-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ] | tunnel tunnel-id ] [ fast ]

Clear IKEv2 statistics.

reset ikev2 statistics