Example: Configuring main-mode IKE with pre-shared key authentication

Network configuration

As shown in Figure 124, configure an IKE-based IPsec tunnel between Switch A and Switch B to secure the communication between the switches.

Figure 124: Network diagram


  1. Make sure Switch A and Switch B can reach each other.

  2. Configure Switch A:

    # Configure an IP address for VLAN-interface 1.

    <SwitchA> system-view
    [SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 1
    [SwitchA-vlan-interface1] ip address
    [SwitchA-vlan-interface1] quit

    # Configure IPv4 advanced ACL 3101 to identify the traffic from Switch A to Switch B.

    [SwitchA] acl advanced 3101
    [SwitchA-acl-ipv4-adv-3101] rule 0 permit ip source 0 destination 0
    [SwitchA-acl-ipv4-adv-3101] quit

    # Create an IPsec transform set named tran1.

    [SwitchA] ipsec transform-set tran1

    # Set the packet encapsulation mode to tunnel.

    [SwitchA-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] encapsulation-mode tunnel

    # Use the ESP protocol for the IPsec transform set.

    [SwitchA-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] protocol esp

    # Specify the encryption and authentication algorithms.

    [SwitchA-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] esp encryption-algorithm aes-cbc-192
    [SwitchA-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] esp authentication-algorithm sha1
    [SwitchA-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] quit

    # Create an IKE keychain named keychain1.

    [SwitchA] ike keychain keychain1

    # Specify 12345zxcvb!@#$%ZXCVB in plain text as the pre-shared key to be used with the remote peer at

    [SwitchA-ike-keychain-keychain1] pre-shared-key address key simple 12345zxcvb!@#$%ZXCVB
    [SwitchA-ike-keychain-keychain1] quit

    # Create an IKE profile named profile1.

    [SwitchA] ike profile profile1

    # Specify IKE keychain keychain1.

    [SwitchA-ike-profile-profile1] keychain keychain1

    # Configure a peer ID with the identity type as IP address and the value as

    [SwitchA-ike-profile-profile1] match remote identity address
    [SwitchA-ike-profile-profile1] quit

    # Create an IKE-based IPsec policy entry. Specify the policy name as map1 and set the sequence number to 10.

    [SwitchA] ipsec policy map1 10 isakmp

    # Specify the remote IP address for the IPsec tunnel.

    [SwitchA-ipsec-policy-isakmp-map1-10] remote-address

    # Specify ACL 3101 to identify the traffic to be protected.

    [SwitchA-ipsec-policy-isakmp-map1-10] security acl 3101

    # Specify IPsec transform set tran1 for the IPsec policy.

    [SwitchA-ipsec-policy-isakmp-map1-10] transform-set tran1

    # Specify IKE profile profile1 for the IPsec policy.

    [SwitchA-ipsec-policy-isakmp-map1-10] ike-profile profile1
    [SwitchA-ipsec-policy-isakmp-map1-10] quit

    # Apply IPsec policy map1 to VLAN-interface 1.

    [SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 1
    [SwitchA-Vlan-interface1] ipsec apply policy map1
  3. Configure Switch B:

    # Configure an IP address for VLAN-interface 1.

    <SwitchB> system-view
    [SwitchB] interface Vlan-interface1
    [SwitchB-Vlan-interface1] ip address
    [SwitchB-Vlan-interface1] quit

    # Configure IPv4 advanced ACL 3101 to identify the traffic from Switch B to Switch A.

    [SwitchB] acl number 3101
    [SwitchB-acl-adv-3101] rule 0 permit ip source 0 destination 0
    [SwitchB-acl-adv-3101] quit

    # Create an IPsec transform set named tran1.

    [SwitchB] ipsec transform-set tran1

    # Set the packet encapsulation mode to tunnel.

    [SwitchB-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] encapsulation-mode tunnel

    # Use the ESP protocol for the IPsec transform set.

    [SwitchB-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] protocol esp

    # Specify the encryption and authentication algorithms.

    [SwitchB-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] esp encryption-algorithm aes-cbc-192
    [SwitchB-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] esp authentication-algorithm sha1
    [SwitchB-ipsec-transform-set-tran1] quit

    # Create an IKE keychain named keychain1.

    [SwitchB]ike keychain keychain1

    # Specify 12345zxcvb!@#$%ZXCVB in plain text as the pre-shared key to be used with the remote peer at

    [SwitchB-ike-keychain-keychain1] pre-shared-key address key simple 12345zxcvb!@#$%ZXCVB
    [SwitchB-ike-keychain-keychain1] quit

    # Create an IKE profile named profile1.

    [SwitchB] ike profile profile1

    # Specify IKE keychain keychain1

    [SwitchB-ike-profile-profile1] keychain keychain1

    # Configure a peer ID with the identity type as IP address and the value as

    [SwitchB-ike-profile-profile1] match remote identity address
    [SwitchB-ike-profile-profile1] quit

    # Create an IKE-based IPsec policy entry. Specify the policy name as use1 and set the sequence number to 10.

    [SwitchB] ipsec policy use1 10 isakmp

    # Specify the remote IP address for the IPsec tunnel.

    [SwitchB-ipsec-policy-isakmp-use1-10] remote-address

    # Specify ACL 3101 to identify the traffic to be protected.

    [SwitchB-ipsec-policy-isakmp-use1-10] security acl 3101

    # Specify IPsec transform set tran1 for the IPsec policy.

    [SwitchB-ipsec-policy-isakmp-use1-10] transform-set tran1

    # Specify IKE profile profile1 for the IPsec policy.

    [SwitchB-ipsec-policy-isakmp-use1-10] ike-profile profile1
    [SwitchB-ipsec-policy-isakmp-use1-10] quit

    # Apply IPsec policy use1 to VLAN-interface 1.

    [SwitchB] interface vlan-interface 1
    [SwitchB-Vlan-interface1] ipsec apply policy use1

Verifying the configuration

# Initiate a connection between Switch A and Switch B to trigger IKE negotiation. After IPsec SAs are successfully negotiated by IKE, the traffic between the two switches is IPsec-protected.