Enabling strict-checking on portal authorization information
About strict-checking on portal authorization information
The strict checking feature allows a portal user to stay online only when the authorization information for the user is successfully deployed. The strict checking fails if the authorized ACL or user profile does not exist on the device or the device fails to deploy the authorized ACL or user profile.
You can enable strict checking on the authorized ACL, authorized user profile, or both. If you enable both ACL checking and user profile checking, the user will be logged out if either checking fails.
Enabling strict checking on portal authentication information on an interface
Enter system view.
Enter Layer 3 interface view.
interface interface-type interface-number
Enable strict checking on portal authorization information.
portal authorization { acl | user-profile } strict-checking
By default, strict checking on portal authorization information is disabled on an interface. Portal users stay online even when the authorized ACL or user profile does not exist or the device fails to deploy the authorized ACL or user profile.