Configure basic parameters for a portal Web server
Enter system view.
Create a portal Web server and enter its view.
portal web-server server-name
You can create multiple portal Web servers.
Specify the VPN instance to which the portal Web server belongs.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name
By default, the portal Web server belongs to the public network.
Specify the URL of the portal Web server.
url url-string
By default, no URL is specified for a portal Web server.
To redirect users' HTTPS requests to the portal Web server URL, you must specify the HTTPS redirect listening port number. For more information about specifying the HTTPS redirect listening port number, see HTTP redirect in Layer 3—IP Services Configuration Guide.
Configure the parameters to be carried in the URL when the device redirects it to users.
url-parameter param-name { original-url | source-address | source-mac [ encryption { aes | des } key { cipher | simple } string ] | value expression }
By default, no redirection URL parameters are configured.
(Optional.) Specify the portal Web server type.
server-type { cmcc | imc }
By default, the portal Web server type is IMC.
This configuration is applicable to only to the remote portal service.
The specified server type must be the same as the type of the portal Web server actually used.