Display and maintenance commands for MAC authentication

Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.



Display MAC authentication information.

display mac-authentication [ interface interface-type interface-number ]

Display MAC authentication connections.

display mac-authentication connection [ open ] [ interface interface-type interface-number | slot slot-number | user-mac mac-addr | user-name user-name ]

Display MAC address information of MAC authentication users in specific MAC authentication VLANs or VSIs of a specific type.

display mac-authentication mac-address { critical-vlan | critical-vsi | guest-vlan | guest-vsi } [ interface interface-type interface-number ]

Clear MAC authentication statistics.

reset mac-authentication statistics [ interface interface-type interface-number ]

Remove users from the MAC authentication critical VLAN on a port.

reset mac-authentication critical vlan interface interface-type interface-number [ mac-address mac-address ]

Remove users from the MAC authentication critical voice VLAN on a port.

reset mac-authentication critical-voice-vlan interface interface-type interface-number [ mac-address mac-address ]

Remove users from the MAC authentication guest VLAN on a port.

reset mac-authentication guest-vlan interface interface-type interface-number [ mac-address mac-address ]

Remove users from the MAC authentication critical VSI on a port.

reset mac-authentication critical vsi interface interface-type interface-number [ mac-address mac-address ]

Remove users from the MAC authentication guest VSI on a port.

reset mac-authentication guest-vsi interface interface-type interface-number [ mac-address mac-address ]