Configuring IRF bridge MAC persistence



  • This feature does not take effect if the IRF bridge MAC address is configured by using the irf mac-address mac-address command.

  • The IRF bridge MAC address change causes transient traffic disruption.

Depending on the network condition, enable the IRF fabric to retain or change its bridge MAC address after the address owner leaves. Available options include:

IRF fabrics cannot merge if they contain member devices that have the same bridge MAC address.

When you configure IRF bridge MAC persistence, follow these restrictions and guidelines:

To configure the IRF bridge MAC persistence setting:




1. Enter system view.



2. Configure IRF bridge MAC persistence.

  • Retain the bridge MAC address permanently even if the owner has left the IRF fabric:irf mac-address persistent always

  • Retain the bridge MAC address for 6 minutes after the owner leaves the fabric:irf mac-address persistent timer

  • Change the bridge MAC address as soon as the owner leaves the fabric:undo irf mac-address persistent

By default, the IRF bridge MAC address remains unchanged for 6 minutes after the address owner leaves the fabric.