Binding physical interfaces to IRF ports

When you bind physical interfaces to IRF ports, follow these guidelines:

On a physical interface bound to an IRF port, you can execute only the following commands:

Command category



Basic Ethernet interface commands

  • description

  • flow-interval

  • shutdown

See Layer 2—LAN Switching Configuration Guide.

LLDP commands

  • lldp admin-status

  • lldp check-change-interval

  • lldp enable

  • lldp encapsulation snap

  • lldp notification remote-change enable

  • lldp tlv-enable

See Layer 2—LAN Switching Configuration Guide.

To bind physical interfaces to IRF ports:




1. Enter system view.



2. Enter interface view or interface range view.

  • Enter interface range view:interface range { interface-type interface-number [ to interface-type interface-number ] } &<1-24>

  • Enter interface view:interface interface-type interface-number

To shut down a range of IRF physical interfaces, enter interface range view.

To shut down one IRF physical interface, enter its interface view.

3. Shut down the interface or the range of interfaces.


By default, all interfaces are up.

4. Return to system view.



5. Enter IRF port view.

irf-port member-id/port-number


6. Bind each physical interface to the IRF port.

port group interface interface-type interface-number

By default, no physical interfaces are bound to an IRF port.

Repeat this step to assign multiple physical interfaces to the IRF port for link redundancy.

You can bind up to eight physical interfaces to an IRF port.

7. Return to system view.



8. Enter interface view or interface range view.

  • Enter interface range view:interface range { interface-type interface-number [ to interface-type interface-number ] } &<1-24>

  • Enter interface view:interface interface-type interface-number


9. Bring up the interface or the range of interfaces.

undo shutdown


10. Return to system view.



11. Save the configuration.


Activating IRF port settings causes IRF merge and reboot. To avoid data loss, save the running configuration to the startup configuration file before you perform the operation.

12. Activate the IRF port settings.

irf-port-configuration active

After this step is performed, the state of the IRF port changes to UP, the member devices elect a master automatically, and the subordinate device reboots automatically.

After the IRF fabric is formed, you can add additional physical interfaces to an IRF port (in UP state) without repeating this step.