Displaying and maintaining VPLS

Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.



Display LDP PW label information.

display l2vpn ldp [ peer ip-address [ pw-id pw-id ] | vsi vsi-name ] [ verbose ]

Display L2VPN forwarding information.

display l2vpn forwarding { ac | pw } [ vsi vsi-name ] [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ]

Display MAC address table information for one or all VSIs.

display l2vpn mac-address [ vsi vsi-name ] [ dynamic ] [ count ]

Display L2VPN PW information.

display l2vpn pw [ vsi vsi-name ] [ protocol { bgp | ldp | static } ] [ verbose ]

Display PW class information.

display l2vpn pw-class [ class-name ]

Display Ethernet service instance information.

display l2vpn service-instance [ interface interface-type interface-number [ service-instance instance-id ] ] [ verbose ]

Display VSI information.

display l2vpn vsi [ name vsi-name ] [ verbose ]

Display information about automatically discovered VPLS PEs.

display l2vpn auto-discovery [ peer ip-address ] [ vsi vsi-name ]

Display VPLS label block information.

display l2vpn bgp [ peer ip-address | local ] [ vsi vsi-name ] [ verbose ]

Display BGP L2VPN peer group information.

display bgp group l2vpn [ group-name ]

Display VPLS PE information maintained by BGP.

display bgp l2vpn auto-discovery [ peer ip-address { advertised | received } [ statistics ] | route-distinguisher route-distinguisher [ pe-address ip-address [ advertise-info ] ] | statistics ]

Display VPLS label block information maintained by BGP.

display bgp l2vpn signaling [ peer ip-address { advertised | received } [ statistics ] | route-distinguisher route-distinguisher [ site-id site-id [ label-offset label-offset [ advertise-info ] ] ] | statistics ]

Display BGP L2VPN peer information.

display bgp peer l2vpn [ group-name log-info | ip-address { log-info | verbose } | verbose ]

Display BGP L2VPN update group information.

display bgp update-group l2vpn [ ip-address ]

Clear MAC address entries for one or all VSIs.

reset l2vpn mac-address [ vsi vsi-name ]

Reset L2VPN BGP sessions.

reset bgp { as-number | ip-address | all | external | group group-name | internal } l2vpn

For more information about the display bgp group l2vpn, display bgp peer l2vpn, display bgp update-group l2vpn, and reset bgp commands, see Layer 3—IP Routing Command Reference.