Creating a sham link




1. Enter system view.



2. Enter OSPF view.

ospf [ process-id | router-id router-id | vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] *

HP recommends that you specify a router ID.

3. Configure the external route tag for imported VPN routes.

route-tag tag-value

If BGP runs within an MPLS backbone, and the BGP AS number is not greater than 65535, the first two octets of the external route tag are 0xD000 and the last two octets are the local BGP AS number. If the AS number is greater than 65535, the external route tag is 0.

4. Enter OSPF area view.

area area-id


5. Configure a sham link.

sham-link source-ip-address destination-ip-address [ cost cost | dead dead-interval | hello hello-interval | { { hmac-md5 | md5 } key-id { cipher cipher-string | plain plain-string } | simple { cipher cipher-string | plain plain-string } } | retransmit retrans-interval | trans-delay delay ] *

By default, no sham link is configured.