display ipv6 neighbors
Use display ipv6 neighbors to display IPv6 neighbor information.
display ipv6 neighbors { { ipv6-address | all | dynamic | static } [ slot slot-number ] | interface interface-type interface-number | vlan vlan-id } [ verbose ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
ipv6-address: Specifies the IPv6 address of a neighbor whose information is displayed.
all: Displays information about all neighbors, including neighbors acquired dynamically and configured statically on the public network and all private networks.
dynamic: Displays information about all neighbors acquired dynamically.
static: Displays information about all neighbors configured statically.
slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.
interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and name.
vlan vlan-id: Specifies a VLAN by its ID. The value range for VLAN ID is 1 to 4094.
verbose: Displays detailed neighbor information.
Usage guidelines
You can use the reset ipv6 neighbors command to clear IPv6 neighbor information.
# Display all neighbor information.
<Sysname> display ipv6 neighbors all Type: S-Static D-Dynamic O-Openflow I-Invalid IPv6 address Link layer VID Interface State T Age 2::2 0cda-415e-2332 N/A M-GE0/0/0 STALE D 572 FE80::EDA:41FF:FE5E:2332 0cda-415e-2332 N/A M-GE0/0/0 STALE D 562
# Display detailed information about all neighbors.
<Sysname> display ipv6 neighbors all verbose Type: S-Static D-Dynamic O-Openflow I-Invalid IPv6 Address: 2::2 Link Layer : 0cda-415e-2332 VID : N/A Interface: M-GE0/0/0 State : STALE Type: D Age : 677 Vpn-instance: [No Vrf] IPv6 Address: FE80::EDA:41FF:FE5E:2332 Link Layer : 0cda-415e-2332 VID : N/A Interface: M-GE0/0/0 State : STALE Type: D Age : 667 Vpn-instance: [No Vrf]
Table 44: Command output
Field | Description |
IPv6 Address | IPv6 address of a neighbor. |
Link Layer | Link layer address (MAC address) of a neighbor. |
VID | VLAN to which the interface connected with a neighbor belongs. |
Interface | Interface connected with a neighbor. |
State | State of a neighbor:
Type | Neighbor information type:
Age | A hyphen (-) indicates a static entry. For a dynamic entry, this field displays the elapsed time in seconds. If the neighbor is never reachable, this field displays a pound sign (#). |
Vpn-instance | Name of a VPN or [No Vrf] with no VPN configured. |
Related commands
ipv6 neighbor
reset ipv6 neighbors