display ipv6 icmp statistics

Use display ipv6 icmp statistics to display ICMPv6 packet statistics.


Centralized devices:

display ipv6 icmp statistics [ slot slot-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.

Usage guidelines

This command displays statistics about received and sent ICMPv6 packets.


# Display ICMPv6 packet statistics.

<Sysname> display ipv6 icmp statistics
  Input: bad code                0           too short                  0
         checksum error          0           bad length                 0
         path MTU changed        0          destination unreachable  0
         too big                  0           parameter problem         0
         echo request            0           echo reply                  0
         neighbor solicit        0           neighbor advertisement   0
         router solicit          0           router advertisement      0
         redirect                 0           router renumbering         0
 output: parameter problem     0           echo request                0
         echo reply               0           unreachable no route       0
         unreachable admin       0           unreachable beyond scope 0
         unreachable address    0           unreachable no port        0
         too big                   0           time exceed transit       0
         time exceed reassembly 0           redirect                    0
         ratelimited               0           other errors               0