display tcp statistics

Use display tcp statistics to display TCP traffic statistics.


display tcp statistics [ slot slot-number ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




slot slot-number: Specifies an IRF member device by its member ID.

Usage guidelines

TCP traffic statistics include information about received and sent TCP packets and Syncache/syncookie.


# Display TCP traffic statistics.

<Sysname> display tcp statistics
Received packets:
    Total: 4150 
    packets in sequence: 1366 (134675 bytes)
    window probe packets: 0, window update packets: 0
    checksum error: 0, offset error: 0, short error: 0
    packets dropped for lack of memory: 0
    packets dropped due to PAWS: 0
    duplicate packets: 12 (36 bytes), partially duplicate packets: 0 (0 bytes)
    out-of-order packets: 0 (0 bytes)
    packets with data after window: 0 (0 bytes)
    packets after close: 0
    ACK packets: 3531 (795048 bytes)
    duplicate ACK packets: 33, ACK packets for unsent data: 0

Sent packets:
    Total: 4058
    urgent packets: 0
    control packets: 50
    window probe packets: 3, window update packets: 11
    data packets: 3862 (795012 bytes), data packets retransmitted: 0 (0 bytes)
    ACK-only packets: 150 (52 delayed)
    unnecessary packet retransmissions: 0

Syncache/syncookie related statistics:
    entries added to syncache: 12
    syncache entries retransmitted: 0
    duplicate SYN packets: 0
    reply failures: 0
    successfully build new socket: 12
    bucket overflows: 0
    zone failures: 0
    syncache entries removed due to RST: 0
    syncache entries removed due to timed out: 0
    ACK checked by syncache or syncookie failures: 0
    syncache entries aborted: 0
    syncache entries removed due to bad ACK: 0
    syncache entries removed due to ICMP unreachable: 0
    SYN cookies sent: 0
    SYN cookies received: 0

SACK related statistics:
    SACK recoveries: 1
    SACK retransmitted segments: 0 (0 bytes)
    SACK blocks (options) received: 0
    SACK blocks (options) sent: 0
    SACK scoreboard overflows: 0

Other statistics:
    retransmitted timeout: 0, connections dropped in retransmitted timeout: 0
    persist timeout: 0
    keepalive timeout: 21, keepalive probe: 0
    keepalive timeout, so connections disconnected: 0
    fin_wait_2 timeout, so connections disconnected: 0
    initiated connections: 29, accepted connections: 12, established connections:
    closed connections: 50051 (dropped: 0, initiated dropped: 0)
    bad connection attempt: 0
    ignored RSTs in the window: 0
    listen queue overflows: 0
    RTT updates: 3518(attempt segment: 3537)
    correct ACK header predictions: 0
    correct data packet header predictions: 568
    resends due to MTU discovery: 0
    packets dropped with MD5 authentication: 0
    packets permitted with MD5 authentication: 0

Related commands

reset tcp statistics