Port status auto recovery

When the device configured with the block or no-learning loop action detects a loop on a port, it performs the action and waits three loop detection intervals. If the device does not receive a loop detection frame within three loop detection intervals, it performs the following tasks:

When the device configured with the shutdown action detects a loop on a port, the following events occur:

  1. The device automatically shuts down the port.

  2. The device automatically sets the port to the forwarding state after the detection timer configured by using the shutdown-interval command expires. For more information about the shutdown-interval command, see Fundamentals Command Reference.

  3. The device shuts down the port again if a loop is still detected on the port when the detection timer expires.

This process is repeated until the loop is removed.

[NOTE: ]


Incorrect recovery can occur when loop detection frames are discarded to reduce the load. To avoid this problem, use the shutdown action or manually remove the loop.