display vrrp

Use display vrrp to display the states of IPv4 VRRP groups.


display vrrp [ interface interface-type interface-number [ vrid virtual-router-id ] ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




interface interface-type interface-number: Specifies an interface by its type and number.

vrid virtual-router-id: Specifies an IPv4 VRRP group by its virtual router ID in the range of 1 to 255.

verbose: Displays detailed IPv4 VRRP group information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief IPv4 VRRP group information.

Usage guidelines


# Display brief information about all IPv4 VRRP groups on the device when VRRP operates in standard mode.

<Sysname> display vrrp
IPv4 Virtual Router Information:
 Running Mode      : Standard
 Total number of virtual routers : 1
 Interface          VRID  State        Running Adver   Auth     Virtual
                                       Pri     Timer   Type        IP 
 Vlan1              1     Master       150     100     Simple

Table 31: Command output (in standard mode)



Running Mode

VRRP operating mode (standard mode).

Total number of virtual routers

Total number of VRRP groups.


Interface where the VRRP group is configured.


Virtual router ID (VRRP group number).


Status of the router in the VRRP group:

  • Master.

  • Backup.

  • Initialize.

  • Inactive.

Running Pri

Current priority of the router.

When a track entry is associated with a VRRP group on the router, the router's priority changes when the track entry's status changes.

Adver Timer

VRRP advertisement sending interval in centiseconds.

Auth Type

Authentication type:

  • None—No authentication.

  • Simple—Simple text authentication.

  • MD5—MD5 authentication.

Virtual IP

Virtual IP address of the VRRP group.

# Display detailed information about all IPv4 VRRP groups on the device when VRRP operates in standard mode.

<Sysname> display vrrp verbose
IPv4 Virtual Router Information:
 Running Mode      : Standard
 Total number of virtual routers : 2
   Interface Vlan-interface2
     VRID           : 1                    Adver Timer  : 100
     Admin Status   : Up                   State        : Master
     Config Pri     : 150                  Running Pri  : 150
     Preempt Mode   : Yes                  Delay Time   : 5
     Auth Type      : Simple               Key          : ******
     Virtual IP     :
     Virtual MAC    : 0000-5e00-0101
     Master IP      :
   VRRP Track Information:
     Track Object   : 1                    State : Positive   Pri Reduced : 50
   Interface Vlan-interface2
     VRID           : 11                   Adver Timer  : 100
     Admin Status   : Up                   State        : Backup
     Config Pri     : 80                   Running Pri  : 80
     Preempt Mode   : Yes                  Delay Time   : 0
     Become Master  : 2370ms left
     Auth Type      : None
     Virtual IP     :
     Virtual MAC    : 0000-5e00-010b
     Master IP      :

Table 32: Command output (in standard mode)



Running Mode

VRRP operating mode (standard mode).

Total number of virtual routers

Total number of VRRP groups.


Interface where the VRRP group is configured.


Virtual router ID (VRRP group number).

Adver Timer

VRRP advertisement sending interval in centiseconds.

Admin Status

Administrative status: up or down.


Status of the router in the VRRP group:

  • Master.

  • Backup.

  • Initialize.

  • Inactive.

Config Pri

Configured priority of the router, which is configured through the vrrp vrid priority command.

Running Pri

Current priority of the router.

When a track entry is associated with a VRRP group on the router, the router's priority changes when the track entry's status changes.

Preempt Mode

Preemptive mode:

  • Yes.

  • No.

Delay Time

Preemption delay time in centiseconds.

Become Master

Time, in milliseconds, that a backup router has to wait before it becomes the master.

Auth Type

Authentication type:

  • None—No authentication.

  • Simple—Simple text authentication.

  • MD5—MD5 authentication.


Authentication key, which is not displayed if no authentication is required.

Virtual IP

Virtual IP address of the VRRP group.

Virtual MAC

Virtual MAC address of the VRRP group's virtual IP address, which is displayed when the router is the master.

Master IP

Primary IP address of the interface where the master resides.

VRRP Track Information

Track entry information. This field is displayed only after you have configured the vrrp vrid track command.

Track Object

Track entry which is associated with the VRRP group.


Track entry state:

  • Negative.

  • Positive.

  • NotReady.

Pri Reduced

Value by which the priority decreases when the status of the associated track entry becomes negative.


Switchover mode. When the status of the associated track entry becomes negative, the backup immediately becomes the master.

# Display brief information about all IPv4 VRRP groups on the device when VRRP operates in load balancing mode.

<Sysname> display vrrp
IPv4 Virtual Router Information:
 Running Mode      : Load Balance
 Total number of virtual routers : 1
 Interface          VRID  State        Running Address             Active
 Vlan1              1     Master       150             Local
 -----              VF 1  Active       255     000f-e2ff-0011      Local

Table 33: Command output (in load balancing mode)



Running Mode

VRRP operating mode (load balancing mode).

Total number of virtual routers

Total number of VRRP groups.


Interface where the VRRP group is configured.


Virtual router ID (VRRP group number) or virtual forwarder (VF) ID.


  • For a VRRP group (when the VRID is a virtual router ID), this field indicates the state of the router in the VRRP group, including Master, Backup, Initialize, and Inactive.

  • For a VF (when the VRID is a VF ID), this field indicates the state of the VF in the VRRP group, including Active, Listening, and Initialize.

Running Pri

  • For a VRRP group (when the VRID is a virtual router ID), this field indicates the running priority of the router. When a track entry is associated with a VRRP group on the router, the router's priority changes when the track entry's status changes.

  • For a VF (when the VRID is a VF ID), this field indicates the running priority of the VF. When a track entry is associated with a VF, the priority of the VF changes if the state of the monitored track entry changes.


  • For a VRRP group (when the VRID is a virtual router ID), this field indicates the virtual IP address of the VRRP group.

  • For a VF (when the VRID is a VF ID), this field indicates the virtual MAC address of the VF.


  • For a VRRP group (when the VRID is a virtual router ID), this field indicates the IP address of the interface where the master resides. If the current router is the master, local is displayed.

  • For a VF (when the VRID is a VF ID), this field indicates the IP address of the interface where the active virtual forwarder (AVF) resides. If the current VF is the AVF, local is displayed.

# Display detailed information about all IPv4 VRRP groups on the device when VRRP operates in load balancing mode.

<Sysname> display vrrp verbose
IPv4 Virtual Router Information:
 Running Mode      : Load Balance
 Total number of virtual routers : 2
   Interface Vlan-interface
     VRID           : 1                    Adver Timer  : 100
     Admin Status   : Up                   State        : Master
     Config Pri     : 150                  Running Pri  : 150
     Preempt Mode   : Yes                  Delay Time   : 5
     Auth Type      : None
     Virtual IP     :
     Member IP List : (Local, Master)
   VRRP Track Information:
     Track Object   : 1                    State : Positive   Pri Reduced : 50
   Forwarder Information: 2 Forwarders 1 Active
     Config Weight  : 255
     Running Weight : 255
    Forwarder 01
     State          : Active
     Virtual MAC    : 000f-e2ff-0011 (Owner)
     Owner ID       : 0000-5e01-1101
     Priority       : 255
     Active         : local
    Forwarder 02
     State          : Listening
     Virtual MAC    : 000f-e2ff-0012 (Learnt)
     Owner ID       : 0000-5e01-1103
     Priority       : 127
     Active         :
   Forwarder Weight Track Information:
     Track Object   : 1          State : Positive   Weight Reduced : 250
   Interface Vlan-interface2
     VRID           : 11                   Adver Timer  : 100
     Admin Status   : Up                   State        : Backup
     Config Pri     : 80                   Running Pri  : 80
     Preempt Mode   : Yes                  Delay Time   : 0
     Become Master  : 2370ms left
     Auth Type      : None
     Virtual IP     :
     Member IP List : (Local, Backup)
   Forwarder Information: 2 Forwarders 1 Active
     Config Weight  : 255
     Running Weight : 255
    Forwarder 01
     State          : Active
     Virtual MAC    : 000f-e2ff-40b1 (Learnt)
     Owner ID       : 0000-5e01-1103
     Priority       : 127
     Active         :
    Forwarder 02
     State          : Listening
     Virtual MAC    : 000f-e2ff-40b2 (Owner)
     Owner ID       : 0000-5e01-1101
     Priority       : 255
     Active         : local

Table 34: Command output (in load balancing mode)



Running Mode

VRRP operating mode (load balancing mode).

Total number of virtual routers

Total number of VRRP groups.


Interface where the VRRP group is configured.


Virtual router ID (VRRP group number).

Adver Timer

VRRP advertisement sending interval in centiseconds.

Admin Status

Administrative status: up or down.


Status of the router in the VRRP group:

  • Master.

  • Backup.

  • Initialize.

  • Inactive.

Config Pri

Configured priority of the router, which is configured by using the vrrp vrid priority command.

Running Pri

Current priority of the router.

When a track entry is associated with a VRRP group on the router, the router's priority changes when the track entry's status changes.

Preempt Mode

Preemptive mode:

  • Yes.

  • No.

Delay Time

Preemption delay time in centiseconds.

Become Master

Time, in milliseconds, that a backup router has to wait before it becomes the master.

Auth Type

Authentication type:

  • None—No authentication.

  • Simple—Simple text authentication.

  • MD5—MD5 authentication.


Authentication key, which is not displayed if no authentication is required.

Virtual IP

Virtual IP address list of the VRRP group.

Member IP List

IP addresses of the member devices in the VRRP group:

  • Local—IP address of the local router.

  • Master—IP address of the master.

  • Backup—IP address of the backup.

VRRP Track Information

Track entry which is associated with the VRRP group. This field is displayed only after you have configured the vrrp vrid track command.

Track Object

Track entry to be monitored.


Track entry state:

  • Negative.

  • Positive.

  • NotReady.

Pri Reduced

Value by which the priority decreases when the status of the associated track entry becomes negative. This field is displayed only after you have configured vrrp vrid track command.


Switchover mode. When the status of the associated track entry becomes negative, the backup immediately becomes the master.

Forwarder Information: 2 Forwarders 1 Active

VF information: Two VFs exist, and one is the AVF.

Config Weight

Configured weight of the VF: 255.

Running Weight

Current weight of the VF.

When a track entry is associated with the VFs of a VRRP group, the VFs' weights change when the track entry's status changes.

Forwarder 01

Information about VF 01.


VF state:

  • Active.

  • Listening.

  • Initialize.

Virtual MAC

Virtual MAC address of the VF.

Owner ID

Real MAC address of the VF owner.


VF priority in the range of 1 to 255.


IP address of the interface where the AVF resides. If the current VF is the AVF, local is displayed.

Forwarder Weight Track Configuration

VF weight Track configuration.

The field is displayed only after you have configured the vrrp vrid weight track command.

Track Object

Track entry which is associated with the VFs.

The field is displayed only after you have configured the vrrp vrid weight track command.


Track entry state:

  • Negative.

  • Positive.

  • NotReady.

Weight Reduced

Value by which the weights of the VFs decrease when the state of the associated track entry changes to negative.

The field is displayed only after you configure the vrrp vrid weight track command.