rrpp ring-group

Use rrpp ring-group to create an RRPP ring group and enter its view.

Use undo rrpp ring-group to remove an RRPP ring group.


rrpp ring-group ring-group-id

undo rrpp ring-group ring-group-id


No RRPP ring group is created.


System view

Predefined user roles



ring-group-id: Specifies an RRPP ring group ID in the range of 1 to 64.

Usage guidelines

When you remove a ring group, remove it on the edge node first and then on the assistant edge node. Otherwise, the assistant edge node might fail to receive Edge-Hello packets and consider the primary ring failed even if it is not.

After a ring group is removed, all subrings in the ring group do not belong to any ring group.


# Create RRPP ring group 1 and enter its view.

<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] rrpp ring-group 1

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