

RBAC AAA authorization, Assigning user roles
RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
RBAC non-AAA authorization, Assigning user roles
RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
abbreviating command, Abbreviating commands
ISSU software activate/deactivate operation (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
CLI online help, Accessing the CLI online help
emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
RBAC VPN instance access policy, Resource access policies
login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
login management user access control, Controlling user access
login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
login management login control (Telnet), Configuration example
login management SNMP access control, Controlling SNMP access, Configuration example
login management SSH login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
login management Telnet login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
login management user access control, Controlling user access
ISSU activate operation (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
FTP active (PORT) operating mode, Configuring FTP
airflow direction configuration, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
alias (command keyword), Configuring and using command keyword aliases
Python extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
Python extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
configuration archive, Configuring configuration rollback
configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
configuration archiving (automatic), Enabling automatic configuration archiving
running configuration (manual), Manually archiving the running configuration
argument (CLI string/text type), Entering a text or string type value for an argument
ASCII transfer mode, Configuring FTP
CLI user line assignment, User line assignment
RBAC local AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
RBAC non-AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
RBAC permission assignment, Permission assignment
RBAC remote AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
RBAC user role, Assigning user roles
RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles
FTP basic server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
login management CLI none authentication mode, Login authentication modes
login management CLI password authentication mode, Login authentication modes
login management CLI scheme authentication mode, Login authentication modes
login management Telnet login none authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
RBAC RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
FTP basic server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
login management user access control, Controlling user access
RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization
automatic configuration archiving, Enabling automatic configuration archiving
configuration. See
automatic configuration
DHCP server, Configuring the DHCP server
DNS server, Configuring the DNS server
file preparation, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
file server configuration, Configuring the file server
gateway, Configuring the gateway
HTTP server+Python script, Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
HTTP server+Tcl script, Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
interface selection, Selecting the interfaces used for automatic configuration
IRF fabric setup, Automatic IRF setup
server-based, Using automatic configuration, Server-based automatic configuration task list, Server-based automatic configuration examples
start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
TFTP server, Automatic configuration using TFTP server
USB-based, Using automatic configuration
console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
login management overview, Login overview


backing up
main next-startup configuration file, Backing up the main next-startup configuration file to a TFTP server
software upgrade backup image set, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
configuration, Configuring banners, Configuring banners, Configuration procedure, Configuration procedure
incoming type, Banner types
legal type, Banner types
login type, Banner types
MOTD type, Banner types
multiple-line input mode, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
shell type, Banner types
single-line input mode, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
binary transfer mode, Configuring FTP
boot loader
startup image file specification, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
startup image file specification (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
startup image file specification (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
Boot ROM
Boot ROM image preload, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
startup image file specification, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
startup image file specification (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
startup image file specification (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
software upgrade image type, Software types, Software types
software upgrade methods, Upgrade methods
software upgrade preparation, Preparing for the upgrade
software upgrade system startup, System startup process


file digest, Calculating the file digest
CF card partitioning, Partitioning a USB disk
file system current working directory, Changing the current working directory
FTP user account, Changing to another user account
emergency shell server connectivity, Checking the connectivity to a server
command abbreviation, Abbreviating commands
command entry, Entering a command
command history function use, Using the command history function
command hotkey use, Configuring and using command hotkeys
command keyword alias configuration, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
command keyword alias use, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
command keyword hotkey configuration, Configuring and using command hotkeys
command line editing, Editing a command line
command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
command-line error message, Understanding command-line error messages
console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
console port login procedure, Logging in through the console port for the first device access
device reboot (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
device reboot (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
display command output filtering, Filtering the output from a display command
display command output line numbering, Numbering each output line from a display command
display command output management, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
display command output save to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
display command output viewing, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
displaying login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
emergency shell file system management, Managing the file system
emergency shell system software image retrieval, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
enter system view from user view, Entering system view from user view
local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
login authentication modes, Login authentication modes
login management overview, Login overview
login overview, Logging in to the CLI
maintaining login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
online help access, Accessing the CLI online help
output control, Controlling the CLI output
output control keys, Output controlling keys
Python extended API functions (CLI class), CLI class
return to user view, Returning to user view
running configuration save, Saving the running configuration
software upgrade, Upgrading software, Software upgrade examples
string/text type argument value, Entering a text or string type value for an argument
undo command form, Using the undo form of a command
upper-level view return from any view, Returning to the upper-level view from any view
use, Using the CLI
user lines, User lines
user roles, User roles
view hierarchy, CLI views
FTP client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
IPv4 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
IPv6 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
CLI command abbreviation, Abbreviating commands
CLI command entry, Entering a command
CLI command history function use, Using the command history function
CLI command hotkey configuration, Configuring and using command hotkeys
CLI command hotkey use, Configuring and using command hotkeys
CLI command keyword alias configuration, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
CLI command keyword alias use, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
CLI command line editing, Editing a command line
CLI command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
CLI string/text type argument value, Entering a text or string type value for an argument
CLI undo command form, Using the undo form of a command
ISSU command series, ISSU commands
ISSU install series commands, Performing an ISSU by using install commands
ISSU performance by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
ISSU upgrade, Performing an ISSU
line interface. Use
login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
Tcl, Using Tcl
commit delay
running configuration, Configuring configuration commit delay
ISSU software changes (install series commands), Committing software changes
software upgrade, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
software upgrade (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
software upgrade (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
software upgrade with a warm reboot, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
file, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
Python extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
Python extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
Python language use, Using Python, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
software upgrade Boot image type, Software types
software upgrade feature image, Software types
software upgrade image loading, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
software upgrade image redundancy, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
software upgrade image type, Software types
software upgrade patch image, Software types
software upgrade system image type, Software types
Tcl configuration view command execution, Executing Comware commands in Tcl configuration view
startup configuration loading, Startup configuration loading process
configuration file
configuration archive, Configuring configuration rollback
configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
configuration archiving (automatic), Enabling automatic configuration archiving
configuration rollback, Configuring configuration rollback, Rolling back configuration
content, Configuration file content organization and format
device configuration types, Configuration types
displaying, Displaying and maintaining configuration files
encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
file formats, Configuration file formats
FIPS compliance, FIPS compliance
format, Configuration file content organization and format
main next-startup file backup, Backing up the main next-startup configuration file to a TFTP server
main next-startup file restore, Restoring the main next-startup configuration file from a TFTP server
management, Managing configuration files
next-startup configuration file, Specifying a next-startup configuration file
next-startup file delete, Deleting a next-startup configuration file
restrictions and guidelines, General configuration restrictions and guidelines
running configuration archiving (manual), Manually archiving the running configuration
running configuration save, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
startup file selection, Startup configuration file selection
automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list, Server-based automatic configuration examples
automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
command keyword alias, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
command keyword hotkey, Configuring and using command hotkeys
configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
configuration commit delay, Configuring configuration commit delay
configuration rollback, Configuring configuration rollback
device airflow direction, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
device as IPv4 TFTP client, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
device as IPv6 TFTP client, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
device banner, Configuring banners, Configuring banners, Configuration procedure, Configuration procedure
device CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
device name, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
device parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
device temperature alarm threshold, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds
device with Tcl, Using Tcl to configure the device
emergency shell management Ethernet port, Configuring the management Ethernet port
FTP, Configuring FTP
FTP basic server parameters, Configuring basic parameters
FTP client (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
FTP server (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
FTP server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
FTP server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
login management common VTY line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings
login management SNMP access control, Configuration example
login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
login management SSH login, Logging in through SSH
login management Telnet login, Logging in through Telnet
login management Telnet login on device, Configuring Telnet login on the device
login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
preprovisioning, Configuring preprovisioning
RBAC, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
RBAC feature group, Configuring feature groups
RBAC for RADIUS authentication user, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
RBAC local AAA authentication user, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization
RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
RBAC user role rules, Configuring user role rules
RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
TFTP, Configuring TFTP
login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
login management console port login procedure, Logging in through the console port for the first device access
login management overview, Login overview
CLI output, Controlling the CLI output
CLI output control keys, Output controlling keys
login management login (Telnet), Configuration example
login management SNMP access, Controlling SNMP access
login management SSH logins, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
login management Telnet logins, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
login management user access, Controlling user access
RBAC configuration, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list
file, Copying a file
copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
device CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
ISSU command series, ISSU commands
file system directory, Creating a directory
RBAC user role, Creating user roles


ISSU deactivate operation (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
file, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
ISSU IPE file (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
device factory-default configuration restore, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
file, Deleting or restoring a file
next-startup configuration file, Deleting a next-startup configuration file
recycle bin file, Deleting files from the recycle bin
device port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
ISSU upgrade method, Determining the upgrade procedure
automatic configuration, Using automatic configuration
automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list, Server-based automatic configuration examples
automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
automatic configuration file preparation, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
CLI command history function use, Using the command history function
CLI command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
CLI display command output filtering, Filtering the output from a display command
CLI display command output line numbering, Numbering each output line from a display command
CLI display command output management, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
CLI display command output save to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
CLI display command output viewing, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
CLI output control, Controlling the CLI output, Output controlling keys
CLI running configuration save, Saving the running configuration
CLI upper-level view return from any view, Returning to the upper-level view from any view
CLI use, Using the CLI
command help information display, Displaying command help information
configuration types, Configuration types
emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
emergency shell reboot, Rebooting the device
emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
emergency shell server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
emergency shell system software image load, Loading the system image
emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
enter system view from user view, Entering system view from user view
file system management, Managing the file system
file system storage media formatting, Formatting a storage medium
file system storage media management, Managing storage media
file system storage media mount, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
file system storage media unmount, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
FTP basic server parameters configuration, Configuring basic parameters
FTP client, Using the device as an FTP client
FTP client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
FTP client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
FTP configuration, Configuring FTP
FTP connection termination, Terminating the FTP connection
FTP connection troubleshooting, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
FTP manual server connection release, Manually releasing FTP connections
FTP server, Using the device as an FTP server
FTP server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
FTP server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
FTP server configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
FTP server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
FTP server files, Working with files on the FTP server
FTP user account change, Changing to another user account
IPv4 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
IPv6 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
ISSU device operating status verification, Verifying the device operating status
ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
login management modem login, Logging in through a pair of modems
login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
login management SSH server login, Using the device to log in to an SSH server
login management Telnet login device configuration, Configuring Telnet login on the device
login management Telnet server login, Using the device to log in to a Telnet server
management, Device management task list
preprovisioning configuration, Configuring preprovisioning
return to user view, Returning to user view
running configuration, Running configuration
software upgrade, Upgrading software, Software upgrade examples
software upgrade system startup, System startup process
startup configuration, Startup configuration
startup configuration loading, Startup configuration loading process
storage media CF card partition, Partitioning a USB disk
storage media USB disk partition, Partitioning a USB disk
storage medium partition, Repairing a storage medium
Tcl configuration, Using Tcl to configure the device
Tcl configuration view Comware command execution, Executing Comware commands in Tcl configuration view
TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP
device management
airflow direction configuration, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
banner configuration, Configuring banners, Configuring banners, Configuration procedure, Configuration procedure
banner input modes, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
banner types, Banner types
configuration, Managing the device, Managing the device
copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
device name configuration, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
device reboot, Rebooting the device, Rebooting the device
device reboot (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
device reboot (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
displaying configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
maintaining configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
password recovery capability disable, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
restoring factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
system time set, Setting the system time, Setting the system time
system time source set, Specifying the system time source, Specifying the system time source
task scheduling, Scheduling a task, Schedule configuration example
temperature alarm threshold, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds
transceiver module diagnosis, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
transceiver module verification, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules
USB interface disable, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
automatic configuration, Using automatic configuration
automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration examples
automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
device transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
file system current working directory change, Changing the current working directory
file system current working directory display, Displaying the current working directory
file system directory creation, Creating a directory
file system directory information display, Displaying directory information
file system directory management, Managing directories
file system directory removal, Removing a directory
file system management, Managing the file system
FTP server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
CLI output screen pausing, Disabling pausing between screens of output
device password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
device USB interface, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
login management Telnet login authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
command help information, Displaying command help information
configuration files, Displaying and maintaining configuration files
device copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
emergency shell mode device information, Displaying device information in emergency shell mode
file system current working directory display, Displaying the current working directory
file system directory information, Displaying directory information
file system file information, Displaying file information
file system text file content, Displaying the contents of a text file
FTP client, Displaying and maintaining the FTP client
FTP server, Displaying and maintaining the FTP server
ISSU, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
preprovisioned settings, Displaying and maintaining preprovisioned settings
RBAC settings, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
software upgrade image settings, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
automatic configuration, Using automatic configuration
automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration


editing command line, Editing a command line
emergency shell
device information display, Displaying device information in emergency shell mode
device reboot, Rebooting the device
file system management, Managing the file system
management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
server access, Accessing the server
server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
software upgrade (Comware), Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
system software image, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
system software image load, Loading the system image
use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
CLI command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
configuration archiving (automatic), Enabling automatic configuration archiving
configuration encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
device copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
preprovisioning, Enabling preprovisioning
RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
private key, Enabling configuration encryption
public key, Enabling configuration encryption
CLI entered-but-not-submitted command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
command, Entering a command
Python shell, Entering the Python shell
string/text type argument value, Entering a text or string type value for an argument
system view from user view, Entering system view from user view
CLI command line error message, Understanding command-line error messages
FTP client connection, Establishing an FTP connection
emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
Python script, Executing a Python script
Tcl configuration view Comware command, Executing Comware commands in Tcl configuration view


restoring factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
fast saving running configuration, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
calculating digest, Calculating the file digest
compression, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
configuration file content, Configuration file content organization and format
configuration file format, Configuration file content organization and format
configuration file formats, Configuration file formats
configuration file management, Managing configuration files
copying, Copying a file
decompression, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
deletion, Deleting or restoring a file
device configuration startup file selection, Startup configuration file selection
File Transfer Protocol. Use
FTP server files, Working with files on the FTP server
information display, Displaying file information
ISSU IPE file decompressing, Decompressing an .ipe file
management, Managing files
moving, Moving a file
name format, File name formats
next-startup configuration file, Specifying a next-startup configuration file
recycle bin file deletion, Deleting files from the recycle bin
renaming, Renaming a file
restoration, Deleting or restoring a file
software upgrade file naming, Software file naming conventions
system. See
text content display, Displaying the contents of a text file
file system
current working directory change, Changing the current working directory
current working directory display, Displaying the current working directory
directory creation, Creating a directory
directory information display, Displaying directory information
directory management, Managing directories
directory removal, Removing a directory
file compression, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
file copy, Copying a file
file decompression, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
file deletion, Deleting or restoring a file
file digest calculation, Calculating the file digest
file information display, Displaying file information
file management, Managing files
file move, Moving a file
file name formats, File name formats
file rename, Renaming a file
file restoration, Deleting or restoring a file
file/folder operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
management, Managing the file system
recycle bin file deletion, Deleting files from the recycle bin
storage media CF card partition, Partitioning a USB disk
storage media CF card partitioning restrictions, Restrictions and guidelines
storage media formatting, Formatting a storage medium
storage media management, Managing storage media
storage media mount, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
storage media mounting/unmounting restrictions, Restrictions and guidelines
storage media naming rules, Storage medium naming rules
storage media unmount, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
storage media USB disk partition, Partitioning a USB disk, Restrictions and guidelines
storage medium partition, Repairing a storage medium
text file content display, Displaying the contents of a text file
CLI display command output, Filtering the output from a display command
FIPS compliance
configuration file, FIPS compliance
login management, FIPS compliance
RBAC, FIPS compliance
configuration file, Configuration file formats, Configuration file content organization and format
file name, File name formats
file system storage media formatting, Formatting a storage medium
automatic configuration (file server), Configuring the file server
basic server parameters configuration, Configuring basic parameters
client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
command help information display, Displaying command help information
configuration, Configuring FTP
connection maintenance, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
connection termination, Terminating the FTP connection
device as client, Using the device as an FTP client
device as server, Using the device as an FTP server
displaying client, Displaying and maintaining the FTP client
displaying server, Displaying and maintaining the FTP server
emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
emergency shell system software image retrieval, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
IPv4 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
IPv6 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
local server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
local server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
manual server connection release, Manually releasing FTP connections
remote server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
remote server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
server configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
server files, Working with files on the FTP server
TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP
troubleshooting connection, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
user account change, Changing to another user account


automatic configuration, Configuring the gateway
get operation
Python extended API functions (get_self_slot), API get_self_slot
Python extended API functions (get_standby_slot), API get_standby_slot
RBAC feature group configuration, Configuring feature groups


CLI history function, Using the command history function
hotkey (command), Configuring and using command hotkeys
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
RBAC temporary user role authorization, RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)


CLI user line, User line identification
ISSU method, Identifying the ISSU method
emergency shell system software image retrieval, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
ISSU inactive software image removal (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
ISSU patch image (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
ISSU software image (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
ISSU software image upgrade (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
software upgrade BootWare image type, Software types
software upgrade Comware Boot image type, Software types
software upgrade Comware image loading, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
software upgrade Comware image redundancy, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
software upgrade Comware image type, Software types
software upgrade Comware system image type, Software types
startup image file specification, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
startup image file specification (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
startup image file specification (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
Python extended API, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
incoming banner type, Banner types
In-Service Software Upgrade. Use
install series commands
ISSU feature uninstall, Uninstalling feature or patch images
ISSU patch image uninstall, Uninstalling feature or patch images
ISSU running software image rollback, Rolling back the running software images
ISSU software image installation, Installing or upgrading software images
ISSU software image upgrade, Installing or upgrading software images
installing, Installing or upgrading software images, See also
ISSU software images (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
interface, Login overview, See also
FTP configuration, Configuring FTP
TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP
IPE file (ISSU), Decompressing an .ipe file
emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
emergency shell server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
FTP client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
emergency shell server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
FTP client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
Boot ROM image preload, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
emergency shell device reboot, Rebooting the device
emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
FTP client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
FTP server configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
ISSU for multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
ISSU for single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
ISSU methods, ISSU methods
ISSU performance by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
ISSU software image verification (install series commands), Verifying software images
ISSU upgrade, Performing an ISSU
software upgrade completion, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
software upgrade completion (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
software upgrade completion (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
software upgrade completion with a warm reboot, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
software upgrade startup image file specification, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
software upgrade startup image file specification (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
software upgrade startup image file specification (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
software upgrade with a reboot, Example of software upgrade through a reboot
command series, ISSU commands
console port login, Logging in to the device through the console port
device operating status, Verifying the device operating status
displaying, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
feature status verification, Verifying feature status
feature uninstall (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
inactive software image removal (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
install series commands, Performing an ISSU by using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
IPE file decompression (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
maintaining, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
method identification, Identifying the ISSU method
methods, ISSU methods
multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
patch image uninstall (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
running software image rollback (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
software activate/deactivate (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
software image (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
software image upgrade (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
software image verification (install series commands), Verifying software images
software upgrade Comware image method, Upgrade methods
software upgrade non-ISSU method, Upgrade methods
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting ISSU
troubleshooting failure to execute, Failure to execute the issu load/issu run switchover/issu commit/install activate/install deactivate command
upgrade, Performing an ISSU
upgrade image preparation, Preparing the upgrade images
upgrade restrictions, Understanding ISSU guidelines


device management, Device management task list
legal banner type, Banner types
CLI user line assignment, User line assignment
login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
login management CLI user line, User lines
login management CLI user line identification, User line identification
login management VTY common line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings
emergency shell system software image, Loading the system image
RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
logging in
ISSU console port, Logging in to the device through the console port
login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
login management CLI login, Logging in to the CLI
login management CLI login authentication modes, Login authentication modes
login management CLI user lines, User lines
login management CLI user roles, User roles
login management console port login, Logging in through the console port for the first device access
login management modem login, Logging in through a pair of modems
login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
login management SSH login, Logging in through SSH
login management SSH server login, Using the device to log in to an SSH server
login management Telnet login, Logging in through Telnet
login management Telnet login device configuration, Configuring Telnet login on the device
login management Telnet login max number concurrent users, Setting the maximum number of concurrent Telnet users
login management Telnet login none authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
login management Telnet server login, Using the device to log in to a Telnet server
login management VTY common line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings
device banner login type, Banner types
login management
CLI access, Logging in to the CLI
CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
CLI login authentication modes, Login authentication modes
CLI user line assignment, User line assignment
CLI user line identification, User line identification
CLI user roles, User roles
console port access, Logging in through the console port for the first device access
displaying CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packet, Setting the DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packets
FIPS compliance, FIPS compliance
login control (Telnet), Configuration example
maintaining CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
modem login, Logging in through a pair of modems
overview, Login overview
SNMP access control, Configuration example
SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
SSH login, Logging in through SSH
SSH login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
SSH server login, Using the device to log in to an SSH server
Telnet login, Logging in through Telnet
Telnet login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
Telnet login device configuration, Configuring Telnet login on the device
Telnet login max number concurrent users, Setting the maximum number of concurrent Telnet users
Telnet login none authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
Telnet server login, Using the device to log in to a Telnet server
user access control, Controlling user access
user lines, User lines
VTY common line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings


software upgrade image set, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
main next-startup configuration file, Backing up the main next-startup configuration file to a TFTP server, Restoring the main next-startup configuration file from a TFTP server
CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
FTP connection, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
ISSU, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
RBAC settings, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
software upgrade image settings, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
CLI display command output, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
configuration files, Managing configuration files
device. See
emergency shell file system, Managing the file system
file system, Managing the file system
file system directories, Managing directories
file system files, Managing files
file system storage media, Managing storage media
FTP server directories, Managing directories on the FTP server
FTP server connection release, Manually releasing FTP connections
device memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
CLI command line error message, Understanding command-line error messages
device management message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner type, Banner types
login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
device system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
file system file/folder alert operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
file system file/folder quiet operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
FTP active (PORT) operating mode, Configuring FTP
FTP ASCII transfer mode, Configuring FTP
FTP binary transfer mode, Configuring FTP
FTP passive (PASV) operating mode, Configuring FTP
login management none CLI authentication, Login authentication modes
login management password CLI authentication, Login authentication modes
login management scheme CLI authentication, Login authentication modes
login, Logging in through a pair of modems
login management overview, Login overview
device transceiver module diagnosis, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
device transceiver module verification, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules
preprovisioning configuration, Configuring preprovisioning
device CPU usage, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
device parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
file system storage media, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
file, Moving a file
emergency shell device reboot, Rebooting the device
emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
multiple-line banner input mode, Banner input modes, Banner input modes


device name configuration, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
file name formats, File name formats
file rename, Renaming a file
software upgrade files, Software file naming conventions
storage media naming rules, Storage medium naming rules
automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list
automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
automatic configuration file preparation, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
automatic configuration gateway, Configuring the gateway
automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
command help information display, Displaying command help information
device airflow direction configuration, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
device as FTP client, Using the device as an FTP client
device as FTP server, Using the device as an FTP server
device banner configuration, Configuring banners, Configuring banners
device banner input modes, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
device banner types, Banner types
device copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
device CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
device factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
device management task scheduling, Scheduling a task, Schedule configuration example
device memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
device name configuration, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
device parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
device password recovery capability disable, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
device port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
device reboot, Rebooting the device, Rebooting the device
device reboot (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
device reboot (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
device system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
device system time set, Setting the system time, Setting the system time
device system time source set, Specifying the system time source, Specifying the system time source
device temperature alarm threshold, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds
device transceiver module diagnosis, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
device transceiver module verification, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules
device USB interface disable, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
emergency shell device reboot, Rebooting the device
emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
emergency shell system software image load, Loading the system image
file system directory management, Managing directories
file system file management, Managing files
file system storage media management, Managing storage media
FTP basic server parameters configuration, Configuring basic parameters
FTP client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
FTP client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
FTP connection termination, Terminating the FTP connection
FTP connection troubleshooting, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
FTP manual server connection release, Manually releasing FTP connections
FTP server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
FTP server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
FTP server configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
FTP server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
FTP server files, Working with files on the FTP server
FTP user account change, Changing to another user account
IPv4 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
IPv6 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
ISSU command series, ISSU commands
ISSU device operating status verification, Verifying the device operating status
ISSU feature (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
ISSU feature status verification, Verifying feature status
ISSU for multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
ISSU for single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
ISSU inactive software image removal (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
ISSU IPE file decompressing (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
ISSU method identification, Identifying the ISSU method
ISSU methods, ISSU methods
ISSU patch image (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
ISSU running software image rollback (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
ISSU software activate/deactivate (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
ISSU software changes commit (install series commands), Committing software changes
ISSU software image (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
ISSU software image upgrade (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
ISSU software image verification (install series commands), Verifying software images
ISSU upgrade image preparation, Preparing the upgrade images
ISSU upgrade method, Determining the upgrade procedure
login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
login management login control (Telnet), Configuration example
login management SNMP access control, Controlling SNMP access, Configuration example
login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
login management SSH login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
login management Telnet login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
preprovisioning enable, Enabling preprovisioning
Python extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
Python extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
RBAC feature group configuration, Configuring feature groups
RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
RBAC permission assignment, Permission assignment
RBAC RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles, Assigning user roles
RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
RBAC user role creation, Creating user roles
RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
RBAC user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
software upgrade with a reboot, Example of software upgrade through a reboot
software upgrade with a warm reboot, Example of software upgrade through a warm reboot
network management
automatic configuration, Using automatic configuration
automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration examples
CLI use, Using the CLI
configuration file management, Managing configuration files
device management, Managing the device, Managing the device, Device management task list
emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
file system management, Managing the file system
FTP configuration, Configuring FTP
ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
ISSU performance by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
ISSU upgrade, Performing an ISSU
login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
login management user access control, Controlling user access
preprovisioning configuration, Configuring preprovisioning
Python language, Using Python, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
RBAC configuration, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
software upgrade, Upgrading software, Software upgrade examples
Tcl use, Using Tcl
TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP
next-startup configuration file, Deleting a next-startup configuration file
login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
non-AAA authentication (RBAC), Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
non-AAA authorization (RBAC), Assigning user roles
login management CLI authentication mode, Login authentication modes
login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
login management Telnet login none authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
CLI display command output lines, Numbering each output line from a display command


emergency shell system software image, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
RBAC temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
CLI online help access, Accessing the CLI online help
CLI display command output filtering, Filtering the output from a display command
CLI display command output management, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
CLI display command output view, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
CLI display comment output to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
CLI output control, Controlling the CLI output
CLI output control keys, Output controlling keys
CLI output line numbering, Numbering each output line from a display command


configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
device management, Managing the device, Managing the device
FTP basic server parameters configuration, Configuring basic parameters
storage media CF card partition, Partitioning a USB disk
storage media USB disk, Partitioning a USB disk
storage medium partition, Repairing a storage medium
FTP passive (PASV) operating mode, Configuring FTP
device password recovery capability disable, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
login management CLI authentication mode, Login authentication modes
login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
ISSU patch image, Uninstalling feature or patch images
software upgrade Comware patch image, Software types
pausing between CLI output screens, Pausing between screens of output
ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
ISSU by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
ISSU for multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
ISSU for single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
RBAC permission assignment, Permission assignment
RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles
RBAC interface access policy, Resource access policies
RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles
RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
RBAC VLAN access policy, Resource access policies
RBAC VPN instance access policy, Resource access policies
device status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
Boot ROM image, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
ISSU upgrade image, Preparing the upgrade images
software upgrade, Preparing for the upgrade
configuration, Configuring preprovisioning
enable, Enabling preprovisioning
settings display, Displaying and maintaining preprovisioned settings
abbreviating CLI command, Abbreviating commands
aborting ISSU software activate/deactivate (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
accessing CLI online help, Accessing the CLI online help
accessing server with emergency shell, Accessing the server
archiving running configuration (manual), Manually archiving the running configuration
assigning RBAC local AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
assigning RBAC non-AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
assigning RBAC remote AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
assigning RBAC user role, Assigning user roles
backing up main next-startup configuration file, Backing up the main next-startup configuration file to a TFTP server
calculating file digest, Calculating the file digest
changing current working directory, Changing the current working directory
changing FTP user accounts, Changing to another user account
checking emergency shell server connectivity with emergency shell, Checking the connectivity to a server
committing ISSU software changes (install series commands), Committing software changes
completing software upgrade, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
completing software upgrade (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
completing software upgrade (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
completing software upgrade with a warm reboot, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
compressing file, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
configuring automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
configuring automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
configuring automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
configuring automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list
configuring automatic configuration gateway, Configuring the gateway
configuring CLI command hotkey, Configuring and using command hotkeys
configuring CLI command keyword alias, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
configuring configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
configuring configuration commit delay, Configuring configuration commit delay
configuring configuration rollback, Configuring configuration rollback
configuring device airflow direction, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
configuring device as IPv4 TFTP client, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
configuring device as IPv6 TFTP client, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
configuring device banner, Configuring banners, Configuring banners, Configuration procedure, Configuration procedure
configuring device CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
configuring device name, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
configuring device parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
configuring device temperature alarm threshold, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds
configuring device with Tcl, Using Tcl to configure the device
configuring emergency shell management Ethernet port, Configuring the management Ethernet port
configuring FTP basic server parameters, Configuring basic parameters
configuring FTP client (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
configuring FTP server (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
configuring FTP server local authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
configuring FTP server local authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
configuring FTP server remote authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
configuring FTP server remote authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
configuring login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
configuring login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
configuring login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
configuring login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
configuring login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
configuring login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
configuring login management SNMP access control, Configuration example
configuring login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
configuring login management SSH login, Logging in through SSH
configuring login management Telnet login, Logging in through Telnet
configuring login management Telnet login on device, Configuring Telnet login on the device
configuring login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
configuring login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
configuring login management VTY common line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings
configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
configuring RBAC feature group, Configuring feature groups
configuring RBAC for RADIUS authentication user, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
configuring RBAC local AAA authentication user, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
configuring RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
configuring RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization
configuring RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
configuring RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
configuring RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
configuring RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
configuring RBAC user role rules, Configuring user role rules
configuring RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
configuring RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
controlling CLI output, Controlling the CLI output, Output controlling keys
controlling login management login (Telnet), Configuration example
controlling login management SNMP access, Controlling SNMP access
controlling login management SSH logins, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
controlling login management Telnet logins, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
copying file, Copying a file
creating directory, Creating a directory
creating RBAC user role, Creating user roles
decompressing file, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
decompressing ISSU IPE file (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
deleting file, Deleting or restoring a file
deleting file from recycle bin, Deleting files from the recycle bin
deleting next-startup configuration file, Deleting a next-startup configuration file
determining ISSU upgrade method, Determining the upgrade procedure
diagnosing device transceiver module, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
disabling device USB interface, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
disabling CLI console or AUX authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
disabling CLI output screen pausing, Disabling pausing between screens of output
disabling device password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
disabling login management Telnet login authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
displaying CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
displaying command help information, Displaying command help information
displaying configuration files, Displaying and maintaining configuration files
displaying current working directory, Displaying the current working directory
displaying device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
displaying directory information, Displaying directory information
displaying emergency shell mode device information, Displaying device information in emergency shell mode
displaying file information, Displaying file information
displaying FTP client, Displaying and maintaining the FTP client
displaying FTP server, Displaying and maintaining the FTP server
displaying ISSU, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
displaying preprovisioned settings, Displaying and maintaining preprovisioned settings
displaying RBAC settings, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
displaying software upgrade image settings, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
displaying text file content, Displaying the contents of a text file
editing CLI command line, Editing a command line
enabling CLI redisplay of entered-but-not-submitted command, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
enabling configuration archiving (automatic), Enabling automatic configuration archiving
enabling configuration encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
enabling device copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
enabling preprovisioning, Enabling preprovisioning
enabling RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
entering CLI command, Entering a command
entering CLI string/text type argument value, Entering a text or string type value for an argument
entering Python shell, Entering the Python shell
entering system view from user view, Entering system view from user view
establishing FTP client connection, Establishing an FTP connection
executing Python script, Executing a Python script
executing Tcl configuration view Comware command, Executing Comware commands in Tcl configuration view
filtering CLI display command output, Filtering the output from a display command
formatting file system storage media, Formatting a storage medium
identifying ISSU method, Identifying the ISSU method
importing Python extended API, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
installing ISSU software images (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
loading emergency shell system software image, Loading the system image
logging in through modems, Logging in through a pair of modems
logging in to SSH server (device login), Using the device to log in to an SSH server
logging in to Telnet server (device login), Using the device to log in to a Telnet server
maintaining CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
maintaining FTP connection, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
maintaining ISSU, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
maintaining RBAC settings, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
maintaining software upgrade image settings, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
managing CLI display command output, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
managing file system (emergency shell), Managing the file system
managing file system directories, Managing directories
managing file system files, Managing files
managing file system storage media, Managing storage media
managing FTP server directories, Managing directories on the FTP server
manually releasing FTP server connection, Manually releasing FTP connections
mounting file system storage media, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
moving file, Moving a file
numbering CLI display command output lines, Numbering each output line from a display command
obtaining emergency shell system software image, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
obtaining RBAC temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
partitioning CF card, Partitioning a USB disk
partitioning storage medium, Repairing a storage medium
partitioning USB disk, Partitioning a USB disk
pausing between CLI output screens, Pausing between screens of output
performing ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
performing ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
performing ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
performing ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
performing ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
performing ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
performing ISSU for multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
performing ISSU for single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
performing ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
performing ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
preloading Boot ROM image, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
preparing automatic configuration files, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
preparing for software upgrade, Preparing for the upgrade
preparing ISSU upgrade image, Preparing the upgrade images
rebooting device, Rebooting the device, Rebooting the device
rebooting device (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
rebooting device (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
rebooting device with emergency shell, Rebooting the device
removing directory, Removing a directory
removing ISSU inactive software image (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
renaming file, Renaming a file
restoring factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
restoring file, Deleting or restoring a file
restoring main next-startup configuration file, Restoring the main next-startup configuration file from a TFTP server
returning to CLI upper-level view from any view, Returning to the upper-level view from any view
returning to user view, Returning to user view
rolling back configuration, Rolling back configuration
rolling back ISSU running software image (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
saving CLI display command output to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
saving CLI running configuration, Saving the running configuration
saving running configuration, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
scheduling device management task, Scheduling a task, Schedule configuration example
selecting automatic configuration interface, Selecting the interfaces used for automatic configuration
setting device memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
setting device port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
setting device system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
setting device system time, Setting the system time, Setting the system time
setting DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packet, Setting the DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packets
setting file/folder operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
setting login management Telnet login max number concurrent users, Setting the maximum number of concurrent Telnet users
specifying device system time source, Specifying the system time source, Specifying the system time source
specifying next-startup configuration file, Specifying a next-startup configuration file
specifying startup image file, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
specifying startup image file (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
specifying startup image file (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
terminating FTP connection, Terminating the FTP connection
troubleshooting FTP connection, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
troubleshooting ISSU, Troubleshooting ISSU
troubleshooting ISSU failure to execute, Failure to execute the issu load/issu run switchover/issu commit/install activate/install deactivate command
troubleshooting RBAC local user access permissions, Local users have more access permissions than intended
troubleshooting RBAC login attempts by RADIUS users fail, Login attempts by RADIUS users always fail
understanding CLI command-line error message, Understanding command-line error messages
uninstalling ISSU feature (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
uninstalling ISSU patch images (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
unmounting file system storage media, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
upgrading ISSU software images (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
upgrading software, Upgrade procedure summary
upgrading software (reboot), Example of software upgrade through a reboot
upgrading software with a warm reboot, Example of software upgrade through a warm reboot
using CLI command history function, Using the command history function
using CLI command hotkey, Configuring and using command hotkeys
using CLI command keyword alias, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
using CLI undo command form, Using the undo form of a command
using emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
using Python language, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
verifying device transceiver module, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules
verifying ISSU device operating status, Verifying the device operating status
verifying ISSU software image (install series commands), Verifying software images
viewing CLI display command output, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
working with FTP server files, Working with files on the FTP server
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
extended API functions (CLI class), CLI class
extended API functions (get_self_slot), API get_self_slot
extended API functions (get_standby_slot), API get_standby_slot
extended API functions (Transfer class), Transfer class
extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
language use, Using Python, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
script execution, Executing a Python script
shell entry, Entering the Python shell


RBAC RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
RBAC temporary user role authorization, RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
AAA authorization, Assigning user roles
configuration, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
feature group configuration, Configuring feature groups
FIPS compliance, FIPS compliance
local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
non-AAA authorization, Assigning user roles
permission assignment, Permission assignment
predefined user roles, Predefined user roles
RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
resource access policies, Resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
rule configuration restrictions, Configuration restrictions and guidelines
settings display, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
settings maintain, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
temporary user role authorization configuration, Configuring temporary user role authorization
temporary user role authorization configuration restrictions, Configuration restrictions and guidelines
troubleshoot, Troubleshooting RBAC
troubleshoot local user access permissions, Local users have more access permissions than intended
troubleshoot login attempts by RADIUS users fail, Login attempts by RADIUS users always fail
user role assignment, Assigning user roles, Assigning user roles
user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
user role creation, Creating user roles
user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
user role rules, User role rules
user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
software upgrade with a reboot, Example of software upgrade through a reboot
device, Rebooting the device, Rebooting the device
device (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
device (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
emergency shell device reboot, Rebooting the device
recycle bin
file deletion, Deleting files from the recycle bin
RBAC user role AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
file system directory, Removing a directory
ISSU inactive software image (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
file, Renaming a file
RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
file, Deleting or restoring a file
main next-startup configuration file, Restoring the main next-startup configuration file from a TFTP server
ISSU upgrade, Understanding ISSU guidelines
paritioning storage media CF cards, Restrictions and guidelines
paritioning storage media USB disks, Restrictions and guidelines
RBAC rule configuration, Configuration restrictions and guidelines
RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration, Configuration restrictions and guidelines
software upgrade restrictions, Upgrade restrictions and guidelines
Tcl, Tcl usage guidelines and restrictions
unmounting file system storage media, Restrictions and guidelines
CLI upper-level view from any view, Returning to the upper-level view from any view
to user view, Returning to user view
RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
RBAC predefined user roles, Predefined user roles
RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles, Assigning user roles
RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
RBAC user role creation, Creating user roles
RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
RBAC user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
Role-Based Access Control. Use
rolling back
configuration, Configuring configuration rollback, Rolling back configuration
ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
ISSU running software image (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
FTP configuration, Configuring FTP
TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP, Configuring TFTP
file system storage media naming, Storage medium naming rules
RBAC command rule, User role rules
RBAC feature execute rule, User role rules
RBAC feature group rule, User role rules
RBAC feature read rule, User role rules
RBAC feature write rule, User role rules
RBAC OID rule, User role rules
RBAC user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
RBAC Web menu rule, User role rules
RBAC XML element rule, User role rules
running configuration
archiving, Configuring configuration rollback
archiving (manual), Manually archiving the running configuration
CLI save, Saving the running configuration
commit delay, Configuring configuration commit delay
device, Running configuration
encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
rollback, Configuring configuration rollback
saving (fast mode), Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
saving (safe mode), Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration


safe saving running configuration, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
CLI display command output to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
CLI running configuration, Saving the running configuration
running configuration, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
device management task, Scheduling a task, Schedule configuration example
device reboot (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
login management CLI authentication mode, Login authentication modes
login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
Python extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
Python extended API functions (CLI class), CLI class
Python extended API functions (get_self_slot), API get_self_slot
Python extended API functions (get_standby_slot), API get_standby_slot
Python extended API functions (Transfer class), Transfer class
Python extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
Python language, Using Python, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
Python script execution, Executing a Python script
configuration encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
device USB interface disable, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
login management login control (Telnet), Configuration example
login management SNMP access control, Controlling SNMP access, Configuration example
login management SSH login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
login management Telnet login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
login management user access control, Controlling user access
RBAC configuration, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
RBAC feature group configuration, Configuring feature groups
RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
RBAC permission assignment, Permission assignment
RBAC RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles, Assigning user roles
RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
RBAC user role creation, Creating user roles
RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
RBAC user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
automatic configuration interface, Selecting the interfaces used for automatic configuration
automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
automatic configuration (file server), Configuring the file server
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list, Server-based automatic configuration examples
automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
automatic configuration file preparation, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
automatic configuration gateway, Configuring the gateway
automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
emergency shell server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
FTP server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
device memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
device port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
device system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
device system time, Setting the system time, Setting the system time
DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packet, Setting the DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packets
file/folder operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
login management Telnet login max number concurrent users, Setting the maximum number of concurrent Telnet users
device banner type, Banner types
Python entry, Entering the Python shell
single-line banner input mode, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
access control, Controlling SNMP access, Configuration example
device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
login management overview, Login overview
login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
emergency shell system software image load, Loading the system image
emergency shell system software image retrieval, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
upgrade. See
software upgrade
Boot ROM image preload, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
BootWare image type, Software types
CLI method, Upgrading software, Software upgrade examples
completion, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
completion (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
completion (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
completion with a warm reboot, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
Comware Boot image type, Software types
Comware feature image, Software types
Comware image loading, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
Comware image redundancy, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
Comware image type, Software types
Comware patch image, Software types
Comware system image type, Software types
file naming, Software file naming conventions
image settings display, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
image settings maintain, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
ISSU, Performing an ISSU
ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
ISSU feature status verification, Verifying feature status
ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
ISSU inactive software image removal (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
ISSU IPE file decompressing (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
ISSU method identification, Identifying the ISSU method
ISSU performance by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
ISSU running software image rollback (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
ISSU software image (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
ISSU software image upgrade (install series commands)