- RBAC AAA authorization, Assigning user roles
- RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
- RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
- RBAC non-AAA authorization, Assigning user roles
- RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
- RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- abbreviating command, Abbreviating commands
- aborting
- ISSU software activate/deactivate operation (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
- accessing
- CLI online help, Accessing the CLI online help
- emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
- login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- RBAC VPN instance access policy, Resource access policies
- accounting
- login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
- login management user access control, Controlling user access
- login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
- login management login control (Telnet), Configuration example
- login management SNMP access control, Controlling SNMP access, Configuration example
- login management SSH login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- login management Telnet login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- login management user access control, Controlling user access
- activating
- ISSU activate operation (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
- active
- FTP active (PORT) operating mode, Configuring FTP
- airflow direction configuration, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
- alias (command keyword), Configuring and using command keyword aliases
- Python extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
- Python extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
- archiving
- configuration archive, Configuring configuration rollback
- configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
- configuration archiving (automatic), Enabling automatic configuration archiving
- running configuration (manual), Manually archiving the running configuration
- argument (CLI string/text type), Entering a text or string type value for an argument
- ASCII transfer mode, Configuring FTP
- assigning
- CLI user line assignment, User line assignment
- RBAC local AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- RBAC non-AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
- RBAC permission assignment, Permission assignment
- RBAC remote AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role, Assigning user roles
- RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles
- authenticating
- FTP basic server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
- login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
- login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
- login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
- login management CLI none authentication mode, Login authentication modes
- login management CLI password authentication mode, Login authentication modes
- login management CLI scheme authentication mode, Login authentication modes
- login management Telnet login none authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
- login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
- login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
- RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
- RBAC RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
- RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
- RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
- RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
- RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- authorizing
- FTP basic server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
- login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
- login management user access control, Controlling user access
- RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization
- auto
- automatic configuration archiving, Enabling automatic configuration archiving
- configuration. See
- automatic configuration
- DHCP server, Configuring the DHCP server
- DNS server, Configuring the DNS server
- file preparation, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
- file server configuration, Configuring the file server
- gateway, Configuring the gateway
- HTTP server+Python script, Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
- HTTP server+Tcl script, Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
- interface selection, Selecting the interfaces used for automatic configuration
- IRF fabric setup, Automatic IRF setup
- server-based, Using automatic configuration, Server-based automatic configuration task list, Server-based automatic configuration examples
- start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
- TFTP server, Automatic configuration using TFTP server
- USB-based, Using automatic configuration
- console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
- console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
- console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
- console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
- login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
- login management overview, Login overview
- backing up
- main next-startup configuration file, Backing up the main next-startup configuration file to a TFTP server
- software upgrade backup image set, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
- banner
- configuration, Configuring banners, Configuring banners, Configuration procedure, Configuration procedure
- incoming type, Banner types
- legal type, Banner types
- login type, Banner types
- MOTD type, Banner types
- multiple-line input mode, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
- shell type, Banner types
- single-line input mode, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
- binary transfer mode, Configuring FTP
- boot loader
- startup image file specification, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
- startup image file specification (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
- startup image file specification (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
- Boot ROM
- Boot ROM image preload, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
- startup image file specification, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
- startup image file specification (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
- startup image file specification (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
- BootWare
- software upgrade image type, Software types, Software types
- software upgrade methods, Upgrade methods
- software upgrade preparation, Preparing for the upgrade
- software upgrade system startup, System startup process
- calculating
- file digest, Calculating the file digest
- CF card partitioning, Partitioning a USB disk
- changing
- file system current working directory, Changing the current working directory
- FTP user account, Changing to another user account
- checking
- emergency shell server connectivity, Checking the connectivity to a server
- command abbreviation, Abbreviating commands
- command entry, Entering a command
- command history function use, Using the command history function
- command hotkey use, Configuring and using command hotkeys
- command keyword alias configuration, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
- command keyword alias use, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
- command keyword hotkey configuration, Configuring and using command hotkeys
- command line editing, Editing a command line
- command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
- command-line error message, Understanding command-line error messages
- console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
- console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
- console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
- console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
- console port login procedure, Logging in through the console port for the first device access
- device reboot (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
- device reboot (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
- display command output filtering, Filtering the output from a display command
- display command output line numbering, Numbering each output line from a display command
- display command output management, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
- display command output save to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
- display command output viewing, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
- displaying login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
- emergency shell file system management, Managing the file system
- emergency shell system software image retrieval, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
- emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
- enter system view from user view, Entering system view from user view
- local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
- login authentication modes, Login authentication modes
- login management overview, Login overview
- login overview, Logging in to the CLI
- maintaining login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
- online help access, Accessing the CLI online help
- output control, Controlling the CLI output
- output control keys, Output controlling keys
- Python extended API functions (CLI class), CLI class
- return to user view, Returning to user view
- running configuration save, Saving the running configuration
- software upgrade, Upgrading software, Software upgrade examples
- string/text type argument value, Entering a text or string type value for an argument
- undo command form, Using the undo form of a command
- upper-level view return from any view, Returning to the upper-level view from any view
- use, Using the CLI
- user lines, User lines
- user roles, User roles
- view hierarchy, CLI views
- client
- FTP client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
- IPv4 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
- IPv6 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
- command
- CLI command abbreviation, Abbreviating commands
- CLI command entry, Entering a command
- CLI command history function use, Using the command history function
- CLI command hotkey configuration, Configuring and using command hotkeys
- CLI command hotkey use, Configuring and using command hotkeys
- CLI command keyword alias configuration, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
- CLI command keyword alias use, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
- CLI command line editing, Editing a command line
- CLI command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
- CLI string/text type argument value, Entering a text or string type value for an argument
- CLI undo command form, Using the undo form of a command
- ISSU command series, ISSU commands
- ISSU install series commands, Performing an ISSU by using install commands
- ISSU performance by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
- ISSU upgrade, Performing an ISSU
- line interface. Use
- login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
- login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
- Tcl, Using Tcl
- commit delay
- running configuration, Configuring configuration commit delay
- committing
- ISSU software changes (install series commands), Committing software changes
- completing
- software upgrade, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
- software upgrade (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
- software upgrade (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
- software upgrade with a warm reboot, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
- compressing
- file, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
- Comware
- Python extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
- Python extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
- Python language use, Using Python, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
- software upgrade Boot image type, Software types
- software upgrade feature image, Software types
- software upgrade image loading, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
- software upgrade image redundancy, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
- software upgrade image type, Software types
- software upgrade patch image, Software types
- software upgrade system image type, Software types
- Tcl configuration view command execution, Executing Comware commands in Tcl configuration view
- configuration
- startup configuration loading, Startup configuration loading process
- configuration file
- configuration archive, Configuring configuration rollback
- configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
- configuration archiving (automatic), Enabling automatic configuration archiving
- configuration rollback, Configuring configuration rollback, Rolling back configuration
- content, Configuration file content organization and format
- device configuration types, Configuration types
- displaying, Displaying and maintaining configuration files
- encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
- file formats, Configuration file formats
- FIPS compliance, FIPS compliance
- format, Configuration file content organization and format
- main next-startup file backup, Backing up the main next-startup configuration file to a TFTP server
- main next-startup file restore, Restoring the main next-startup configuration file from a TFTP server
- management, Managing configuration files
- next-startup configuration file, Specifying a next-startup configuration file
- next-startup file delete, Deleting a next-startup configuration file
- restrictions and guidelines, General configuration restrictions and guidelines
- running configuration archiving (manual), Manually archiving the running configuration
- running configuration save, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
- startup file selection, Startup configuration file selection
- configuring
- automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
- automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
- automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
- automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list, Server-based automatic configuration examples
- automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
- command keyword alias, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
- command keyword hotkey, Configuring and using command hotkeys
- configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
- configuration commit delay, Configuring configuration commit delay
- configuration rollback, Configuring configuration rollback
- device airflow direction, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
- device as IPv4 TFTP client, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
- device as IPv6 TFTP client, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
- device banner, Configuring banners, Configuring banners, Configuration procedure, Configuration procedure
- device CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
- device name, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
- device parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
- device temperature alarm threshold, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds
- device with Tcl, Using Tcl to configure the device
- emergency shell management Ethernet port, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- FTP, Configuring FTP
- FTP basic server parameters, Configuring basic parameters
- FTP client (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
- FTP server (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
- FTP server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
- FTP server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
- login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
- login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
- login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
- login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
- login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
- login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
- login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
- login management common VTY line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings
- login management SNMP access control, Configuration example
- login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
- login management SSH login, Logging in through SSH
- login management Telnet login, Logging in through Telnet
- login management Telnet login on device, Configuring Telnet login on the device
- login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
- login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
- parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
- preprovisioning, Configuring preprovisioning
- RBAC, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
- RBAC feature group, Configuring feature groups
- RBAC for RADIUS authentication user, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
- RBAC local AAA authentication user, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
- RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
- RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization
- RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
- RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
- RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
- RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
- RBAC user role rules, Configuring user role rules
- RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
- RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
- TFTP, Configuring TFTP
- console
- login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
- login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
- login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
- login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
- login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
- login management console port login procedure, Logging in through the console port for the first device access
- login management overview, Login overview
- controlling
- CLI output, Controlling the CLI output
- CLI output control keys, Output controlling keys
- login management login (Telnet), Configuration example
- login management SNMP access, Controlling SNMP access
- login management SSH logins, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- login management Telnet logins, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- login management user access, Controlling user access
- RBAC configuration, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list
- copying
- file, Copying a file
- copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
- device CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
- ISSU command series, ISSU commands
- creating
- file system directory, Creating a directory
- RBAC user role, Creating user roles
- deactivating
- ISSU deactivate operation (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
- decompressing
- file, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
- ISSU IPE file (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
- default
- device factory-default configuration restore, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
- deleting
- file, Deleting or restoring a file
- next-startup configuration file, Deleting a next-startup configuration file
- recycle bin file, Deleting files from the recycle bin
- detecting
- device port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
- determining
- ISSU upgrade method, Determining the upgrade procedure
- device
- automatic configuration, Using automatic configuration
- automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
- automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
- automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
- automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list, Server-based automatic configuration examples
- automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
- automatic configuration file preparation, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
- automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
- CLI command history function use, Using the command history function
- CLI command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
- CLI display command output filtering, Filtering the output from a display command
- CLI display command output line numbering, Numbering each output line from a display command
- CLI display command output management, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
- CLI display command output save to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
- CLI display command output viewing, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
- CLI output control, Controlling the CLI output, Output controlling keys
- CLI running configuration save, Saving the running configuration
- CLI upper-level view return from any view, Returning to the upper-level view from any view
- CLI use, Using the CLI
- command help information display, Displaying command help information
- configuration types, Configuration types
- emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- emergency shell reboot, Rebooting the device
- emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
- emergency shell server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
- emergency shell system software image load, Loading the system image
- emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
- enter system view from user view, Entering system view from user view
- file system management, Managing the file system
- file system storage media formatting, Formatting a storage medium
- file system storage media management, Managing storage media
- file system storage media mount, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
- file system storage media unmount, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
- FTP basic server parameters configuration, Configuring basic parameters
- FTP client, Using the device as an FTP client
- FTP client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
- FTP client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
- FTP configuration, Configuring FTP
- FTP connection termination, Terminating the FTP connection
- FTP connection troubleshooting, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
- FTP manual server connection release, Manually releasing FTP connections
- FTP server, Using the device as an FTP server
- FTP server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
- FTP server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
- FTP server configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
- FTP server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
- FTP server files, Working with files on the FTP server
- FTP user account change, Changing to another user account
- IPv4 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
- IPv6 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
- ISSU device operating status verification, Verifying the device operating status
- ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
- login management modem login, Logging in through a pair of modems
- login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
- login management SSH server login, Using the device to log in to an SSH server
- login management Telnet login device configuration, Configuring Telnet login on the device
- login management Telnet server login, Using the device to log in to a Telnet server
- management, Device management task list
- preprovisioning configuration, Configuring preprovisioning
- return to user view, Returning to user view
- running configuration, Running configuration
- software upgrade, Upgrading software, Software upgrade examples
- software upgrade system startup, System startup process
- startup configuration, Startup configuration
- startup configuration loading, Startup configuration loading process
- storage media CF card partition, Partitioning a USB disk
- storage media USB disk partition, Partitioning a USB disk
- storage medium partition, Repairing a storage medium
- Tcl configuration, Using Tcl to configure the device
- Tcl configuration view Comware command execution, Executing Comware commands in Tcl configuration view
- TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP
- device management
- airflow direction configuration, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
- banner configuration, Configuring banners, Configuring banners, Configuration procedure, Configuration procedure
- banner input modes, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
- banner types, Banner types
- configuration, Managing the device, Managing the device
- copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
- CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
- device name configuration, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
- device reboot, Rebooting the device, Rebooting the device
- device reboot (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
- device reboot (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
- displaying configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
- maintaining configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
- memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
- parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
- password recovery capability disable, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
- port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
- restoring factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
- system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
- system time set, Setting the system time, Setting the system time
- system time source set, Specifying the system time source, Specifying the system time source
- task scheduling, Scheduling a task, Schedule configuration example
- temperature alarm threshold, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds
- transceiver module diagnosis, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
- transceiver module verification, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules
- USB interface disable, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
- automatic configuration, Using automatic configuration
- automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
- automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
- automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration examples
- automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
- automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
- diagnosing
- device transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
- directory
- file system current working directory change, Changing the current working directory
- file system current working directory display, Displaying the current working directory
- file system directory creation, Creating a directory
- file system directory information display, Displaying directory information
- file system directory management, Managing directories
- file system directory removal, Removing a directory
- file system management, Managing the file system
- FTP server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
- disabling
- CLI output screen pausing, Disabling pausing between screens of output
- device password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
- device USB interface, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
- login management Telnet login authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
- displaying
- CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
- command help information, Displaying command help information
- configuration files, Displaying and maintaining configuration files
- device copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
- device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
- emergency shell mode device information, Displaying device information in emergency shell mode
- file system current working directory display, Displaying the current working directory
- file system directory information, Displaying directory information
- file system file information, Displaying file information
- file system text file content, Displaying the contents of a text file
- FTP client, Displaying and maintaining the FTP client
- FTP server, Displaying and maintaining the FTP server
- ISSU, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
- preprovisioned settings, Displaying and maintaining preprovisioned settings
- RBAC settings, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
- software upgrade image settings, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
- automatic configuration, Using automatic configuration
- automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
- automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
- editing command line, Editing a command line
- emergency shell
- device information display, Displaying device information in emergency shell mode
- device reboot, Rebooting the device
- file system management, Managing the file system
- management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- server access, Accessing the server
- server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
- software upgrade (Comware), Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
- system software image, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
- system software image load, Loading the system image
- use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
- enabling
- CLI command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
- configuration archiving (automatic), Enabling automatic configuration archiving
- configuration encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
- device copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
- preprovisioning, Enabling preprovisioning
- RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
- encrypting
- private key, Enabling configuration encryption
- public key, Enabling configuration encryption
- entering
- CLI entered-but-not-submitted command redisplay, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
- command, Entering a command
- Python shell, Entering the Python shell
- string/text type argument value, Entering a text or string type value for an argument
- system view from user view, Entering system view from user view
- error
- CLI command line error message, Understanding command-line error messages
- establishing
- FTP client connection, Establishing an FTP connection
- Ethernet
- emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- executing
- Python script, Executing a Python script
- Tcl configuration view Comware command, Executing Comware commands in Tcl configuration view
- factory-default
- restoring factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
- fast saving running configuration, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
- feature
- ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
- ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
- ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
- file
- calculating digest, Calculating the file digest
- compression, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
- configuration file content, Configuration file content organization and format
- configuration file format, Configuration file content organization and format
- configuration file formats, Configuration file formats
- configuration file management, Managing configuration files
- copying, Copying a file
- decompression, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
- deletion, Deleting or restoring a file
- device configuration startup file selection, Startup configuration file selection
- File Transfer Protocol. Use
- FTP server files, Working with files on the FTP server
- information display, Displaying file information
- ISSU IPE file decompressing, Decompressing an .ipe file
- management, Managing files
- moving, Moving a file
- name format, File name formats
- next-startup configuration file, Specifying a next-startup configuration file
- recycle bin file deletion, Deleting files from the recycle bin
- renaming, Renaming a file
- restoration, Deleting or restoring a file
- software upgrade file naming, Software file naming conventions
- system. See
- text content display, Displaying the contents of a text file
- file system
- current working directory change, Changing the current working directory
- current working directory display, Displaying the current working directory
- directory creation, Creating a directory
- directory information display, Displaying directory information
- directory management, Managing directories
- directory removal, Removing a directory
- file compression, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
- file copy, Copying a file
- file decompression, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
- file deletion, Deleting or restoring a file
- file digest calculation, Calculating the file digest
- file information display, Displaying file information
- file management, Managing files
- file move, Moving a file
- file name formats, File name formats
- file rename, Renaming a file
- file restoration, Deleting or restoring a file
- file/folder operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
- management, Managing the file system
- recycle bin file deletion, Deleting files from the recycle bin
- storage media CF card partition, Partitioning a USB disk
- storage media CF card partitioning restrictions, Restrictions and guidelines
- storage media formatting, Formatting a storage medium
- storage media management, Managing storage media
- storage media mount, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
- storage media mounting/unmounting restrictions, Restrictions and guidelines
- storage media naming rules, Storage medium naming rules
- storage media unmount, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
- storage media USB disk partition, Partitioning a USB disk, Restrictions and guidelines
- storage medium partition, Repairing a storage medium
- text file content display, Displaying the contents of a text file
- filtering
- CLI display command output, Filtering the output from a display command
- FIPS compliance
- configuration file, FIPS compliance
- login management, FIPS compliance
- RBAC, FIPS compliance
- format
- configuration file, Configuration file formats, Configuration file content organization and format
- file name, File name formats
- file system storage media formatting, Formatting a storage medium
- automatic configuration (file server), Configuring the file server
- basic server parameters configuration, Configuring basic parameters
- client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
- client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
- command help information display, Displaying command help information
- configuration, Configuring FTP
- connection maintenance, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
- connection termination, Terminating the FTP connection
- device as client, Using the device as an FTP client
- device as server, Using the device as an FTP server
- displaying client, Displaying and maintaining the FTP client
- displaying server, Displaying and maintaining the FTP server
- emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
- emergency shell system software image retrieval, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
- IPv4 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
- IPv6 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
- local server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
- local server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
- manual server connection release, Manually releasing FTP connections
- remote server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
- remote server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
- server configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
- server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
- server files, Working with files on the FTP server
- TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP
- troubleshooting connection, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
- user account change, Changing to another user account
- identifying
- CLI user line, User line identification
- ISSU method, Identifying the ISSU method
- image
- emergency shell system software image retrieval, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
- ISSU inactive software image removal (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
- ISSU patch image (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
- ISSU software image (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- ISSU software image upgrade (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- software upgrade BootWare image type, Software types
- software upgrade Comware Boot image type, Software types
- software upgrade Comware image loading, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
- software upgrade Comware image redundancy, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
- software upgrade Comware image type, Software types
- software upgrade Comware system image type, Software types
- startup image file specification, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
- startup image file specification (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
- startup image file specification (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
- importing
- Python extended API, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
- incoming banner type, Banner types
- In-Service Software Upgrade. Use
- install series commands
- ISSU feature uninstall, Uninstalling feature or patch images
- ISSU patch image uninstall, Uninstalling feature or patch images
- ISSU running software image rollback, Rolling back the running software images
- ISSU software image installation, Installing or upgrading software images
- ISSU software image upgrade, Installing or upgrading software images
- installing, Installing or upgrading software images, See also
- ISSU software images (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- interface, Login overview, See also
- IP
- FTP configuration, Configuring FTP
- TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP
- IPE file (ISSU), Decompressing an .ipe file
- IPv4
- emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
- emergency shell server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
- FTP client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
- TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
- IPv6
- emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
- emergency shell server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
- FTP client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
- TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
- automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
- Boot ROM image preload, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
- emergency shell device reboot, Rebooting the device
- emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
- FTP client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
- FTP server configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
- ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
- ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
- ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
- ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
- ISSU for multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
- ISSU for single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
- ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
- ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
- ISSU methods, ISSU methods
- ISSU performance by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
- ISSU software image verification (install series commands), Verifying software images
- ISSU upgrade, Performing an ISSU
- software upgrade completion, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
- software upgrade completion (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
- software upgrade completion (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
- software upgrade completion with a warm reboot, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
- software upgrade startup image file specification, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
- software upgrade startup image file specification (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
- software upgrade startup image file specification (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
- software upgrade with a reboot, Example of software upgrade through a reboot
- command series, ISSU commands
- console port login, Logging in to the device through the console port
- device operating status, Verifying the device operating status
- displaying, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
- emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
- feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
- feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
- feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
- feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
- feature status verification, Verifying feature status
- feature uninstall (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
- feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
- inactive software image removal (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
- install series commands, Performing an ISSU by using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
- IPE file decompression (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
- issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
- maintaining, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
- method identification, Identifying the ISSU method
- methods, ISSU methods
- multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
- patch image uninstall (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
- running software image rollback (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
- single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
- software activate/deactivate (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
- software image (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- software image upgrade (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- software image verification (install series commands), Verifying software images
- software upgrade Comware image method, Upgrade methods
- software upgrade non-ISSU method, Upgrade methods
- troubleshooting, Troubleshooting ISSU
- troubleshooting failure to execute, Failure to execute the issu load/issu run switchover/issu commit/install activate/install deactivate command
- upgrade, Performing an ISSU
- upgrade image preparation, Preparing the upgrade images
- upgrade restrictions, Understanding ISSU guidelines
- device management, Device management task list
- legal banner type, Banner types
- line
- CLI user line assignment, User line assignment
- login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
- login management CLI user line, User lines
- login management CLI user line identification, User line identification
- login management VTY common line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings
- loading
- emergency shell system software image, Loading the system image
- local
- RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- logging in
- ISSU console port, Logging in to the device through the console port
- login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
- login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
- login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
- login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
- login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
- login management CLI login, Logging in to the CLI
- login management CLI login authentication modes, Login authentication modes
- login management CLI user lines, User lines
- login management CLI user roles, User roles
- login management console port login, Logging in through the console port for the first device access
- login management modem login, Logging in through a pair of modems
- login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
- login management SSH login, Logging in through SSH
- login management SSH server login, Using the device to log in to an SSH server
- login management Telnet login, Logging in through Telnet
- login management Telnet login device configuration, Configuring Telnet login on the device
- login management Telnet login max number concurrent users, Setting the maximum number of concurrent Telnet users
- login management Telnet login none authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
- login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
- login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
- login management Telnet server login, Using the device to log in to a Telnet server
- login management VTY common line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings
- login
- device banner login type, Banner types
- login management
- CLI access, Logging in to the CLI
- CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
- CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
- CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
- CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
- CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
- CLI login authentication modes, Login authentication modes
- CLI user line assignment, User line assignment
- CLI user line identification, User line identification
- CLI user roles, User roles
- console port access, Logging in through the console port for the first device access
- displaying CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
- DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packet, Setting the DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packets
- FIPS compliance, FIPS compliance
- login control (Telnet), Configuration example
- maintaining CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
- modem login, Logging in through a pair of modems
- overview, Login overview
- SNMP access control, Configuration example
- SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
- SSH login, Logging in through SSH
- SSH login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- SSH server login, Using the device to log in to an SSH server
- Telnet login, Logging in through Telnet
- Telnet login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- Telnet login device configuration, Configuring Telnet login on the device
- Telnet login max number concurrent users, Setting the maximum number of concurrent Telnet users
- Telnet login none authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
- Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
- Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
- Telnet server login, Using the device to log in to a Telnet server
- user access control, Controlling user access
- user lines, User lines
- VTY common line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings
- main
- software upgrade image set, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
- main next-startup configuration file, Backing up the main next-startup configuration file to a TFTP server, Restoring the main next-startup configuration file from a TFTP server
- maintaining
- CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
- device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
- FTP connection, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
- ISSU, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
- RBAC settings, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
- software upgrade image settings, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
- management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- managing
- CLI display command output, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
- configuration files, Managing configuration files
- device. See
- emergency shell file system, Managing the file system
- file system, Managing the file system
- file system directories, Managing directories
- file system files, Managing files
- file system storage media, Managing storage media
- FTP server directories, Managing directories on the FTP server
- manual
- FTP server connection release, Manually releasing FTP connections
- memory
- device memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
- message
- CLI command line error message, Understanding command-line error messages
- device management message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner type, Banner types
- login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- mode
- device system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
- file system file/folder alert operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
- file system file/folder quiet operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
- FTP active (PORT) operating mode, Configuring FTP
- FTP ASCII transfer mode, Configuring FTP
- FTP binary transfer mode, Configuring FTP
- FTP passive (PASV) operating mode, Configuring FTP
- login management none CLI authentication, Login authentication modes
- login management password CLI authentication, Login authentication modes
- login management scheme CLI authentication, Login authentication modes
- modem
- login, Logging in through a pair of modems
- login management overview, Login overview
- module
- device transceiver module diagnosis, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
- device transceiver module verification, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules
- preprovisioning configuration, Configuring preprovisioning
- monitoring
- device CPU usage, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
- device parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
- mounting
- file system storage media, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
- moving
- file, Moving a file
- emergency shell device reboot, Rebooting the device
- emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
- multiple-line banner input mode, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
- naming
- device name configuration, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
- file name formats, File name formats
- file rename, Renaming a file
- software upgrade files, Software file naming conventions
- storage media naming rules, Storage medium naming rules
- network
- automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
- automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
- automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
- automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list
- automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
- automatic configuration file preparation, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
- automatic configuration gateway, Configuring the gateway
- automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
- command help information display, Displaying command help information
- device airflow direction configuration, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
- device as FTP client, Using the device as an FTP client
- device as FTP server, Using the device as an FTP server
- device banner configuration, Configuring banners, Configuring banners
- device banner input modes, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
- device banner types, Banner types
- device copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
- device CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
- device factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
- device management task scheduling, Scheduling a task, Schedule configuration example
- device memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
- device name configuration, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
- device parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
- device password recovery capability disable, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
- device port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
- device reboot, Rebooting the device, Rebooting the device
- device reboot (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
- device reboot (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
- device system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
- device system time set, Setting the system time, Setting the system time
- device system time source set, Specifying the system time source, Specifying the system time source
- device temperature alarm threshold, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds
- device transceiver module diagnosis, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
- device transceiver module verification, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules
- device USB interface disable, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
- emergency shell device reboot, Rebooting the device
- emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- emergency shell server access, Accessing the server
- emergency shell system software image load, Loading the system image
- file system directory management, Managing directories
- file system file management, Managing files
- file system storage media management, Managing storage media
- FTP basic server parameters configuration, Configuring basic parameters
- FTP client configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
- FTP client connection establishment, Establishing an FTP connection
- FTP connection termination, Terminating the FTP connection
- FTP connection troubleshooting, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
- FTP manual server connection release, Manually releasing FTP connections
- FTP server authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
- FTP server authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
- FTP server configuration (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
- FTP server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
- FTP server files, Working with files on the FTP server
- FTP user account change, Changing to another user account
- IPv4 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
- IPv6 TFTP client configuration, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
- ISSU command series, ISSU commands
- ISSU device operating status verification, Verifying the device operating status
- ISSU feature (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
- ISSU feature status verification, Verifying feature status
- ISSU for multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
- ISSU for single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
- ISSU inactive software image removal (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
- ISSU IPE file decompressing (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
- ISSU method identification, Identifying the ISSU method
- ISSU methods, ISSU methods
- ISSU patch image (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
- ISSU running software image rollback (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
- ISSU software activate/deactivate (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
- ISSU software changes commit (install series commands), Committing software changes
- ISSU software image (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- ISSU software image upgrade (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- ISSU software image verification (install series commands), Verifying software images
- ISSU upgrade image preparation, Preparing the upgrade images
- ISSU upgrade method, Determining the upgrade procedure
- login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
- login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
- login management login control (Telnet), Configuration example
- login management SNMP access control, Controlling SNMP access, Configuration example
- login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
- login management SSH login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- login management Telnet login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- preprovisioning enable, Enabling preprovisioning
- Python extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
- Python extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
- RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
- RBAC feature group configuration, Configuring feature groups
- RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
- RBAC permission assignment, Permission assignment
- RBAC RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
- RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
- RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
- RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
- RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
- RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles, Assigning user roles
- RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
- RBAC user role creation, Creating user roles
- RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
- RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
- RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
- RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
- RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
- software upgrade with a reboot, Example of software upgrade through a reboot
- software upgrade with a warm reboot, Example of software upgrade through a warm reboot
- network management
- automatic configuration, Using automatic configuration
- automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration examples
- CLI use, Using the CLI
- configuration file management, Managing configuration files
- device management, Managing the device, Managing the device, Device management task list
- emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
- file system management, Managing the file system
- FTP configuration, Configuring FTP
- ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
- ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
- ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
- ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
- ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
- ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
- ISSU performance by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
- ISSU upgrade, Performing an ISSU
- login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- login management user access control, Controlling user access
- preprovisioning configuration, Configuring preprovisioning
- Python language, Using Python, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
- RBAC configuration, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
- software upgrade, Upgrading software, Software upgrade examples
- Tcl use, Using Tcl
- TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP
- next-startup configuration file, Deleting a next-startup configuration file
- login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- non-AAA authentication (RBAC), Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
- non-AAA authorization (RBAC), Assigning user roles
- none
- login management CLI authentication mode, Login authentication modes
- login management CLI console or AUX none authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
- login management Telnet login none authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
- numbering
- CLI display command output lines, Numbering each output line from a display command
- obtaining
- emergency shell system software image, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
- RBAC temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
- online
- CLI online help access, Accessing the CLI online help
- outputting
- CLI display command output filtering, Filtering the output from a display command
- CLI display command output management, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
- CLI display command output view, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
- CLI display comment output to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
- CLI output control, Controlling the CLI output
- CLI output control keys, Output controlling keys
- CLI output line numbering, Numbering each output line from a display command
- parameter
- configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
- device management, Managing the device, Managing the device
- FTP basic server parameters configuration, Configuring basic parameters
- partitioning
- storage media CF card partition, Partitioning a USB disk
- storage media USB disk, Partitioning a USB disk
- storage medium partition, Repairing a storage medium
- passive
- FTP passive (PASV) operating mode, Configuring FTP
- password
- device password recovery capability disable, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
- login management CLI authentication mode, Login authentication modes
- login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
- login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
- login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
- patch
- ISSU patch image, Uninstalling feature or patch images
- software upgrade Comware patch image, Software types
- pausing between CLI output screens, Pausing between screens of output
- performing
- ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
- ISSU by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
- ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
- ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
- ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
- ISSU for multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
- ISSU for single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
- ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
- ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
- permitting
- RBAC permission assignment, Permission assignment
- RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles
- policy
- RBAC interface access policy, Resource access policies
- RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
- RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles
- RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
- RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
- RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
- RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
- RBAC VLAN access policy, Resource access policies
- RBAC VPN instance access policy, Resource access policies
- port
- device status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
- emergency shell management Ethernet port configuration, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- preloading
- Boot ROM image, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
- preparing
- ISSU upgrade image, Preparing the upgrade images
- software upgrade, Preparing for the upgrade
- preprovisioning
- configuration, Configuring preprovisioning
- enable, Enabling preprovisioning
- settings display, Displaying and maintaining preprovisioned settings
- procedure
- abbreviating CLI command, Abbreviating commands
- aborting ISSU software activate/deactivate (install series commands), Aborting a software activate/deactivate operation
- accessing CLI online help, Accessing the CLI online help
- accessing server with emergency shell, Accessing the server
- archiving running configuration (manual), Manually archiving the running configuration
- assigning RBAC local AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- assigning RBAC non-AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
- assigning RBAC remote AAA authentication user role, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- assigning RBAC user role, Assigning user roles
- backing up main next-startup configuration file, Backing up the main next-startup configuration file to a TFTP server
- calculating file digest, Calculating the file digest
- changing current working directory, Changing the current working directory
- changing FTP user accounts, Changing to another user account
- checking emergency shell server connectivity with emergency shell, Checking the connectivity to a server
- committing ISSU software changes (install series commands), Committing software changes
- completing software upgrade, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
- completing software upgrade (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
- completing software upgrade (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
- completing software upgrade with a warm reboot, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
- compressing file, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
- configuring automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
- configuring automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
- configuring automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
- configuring automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list
- configuring automatic configuration gateway, Configuring the gateway
- configuring CLI command hotkey, Configuring and using command hotkeys
- configuring CLI command keyword alias, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
- configuring configuration archive parameters, Configuring configuration archive parameters
- configuring configuration commit delay, Configuring configuration commit delay
- configuring configuration rollback, Configuring configuration rollback
- configuring device airflow direction, Specifying the preferred airflow direction , Specifying the preferred airflow direction
- configuring device as IPv4 TFTP client, Configuring the device as an IPv4 TFTP client
- configuring device as IPv6 TFTP client, Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
- configuring device banner, Configuring banners, Configuring banners, Configuration procedure, Configuration procedure
- configuring device CPU usage monitoring, Configuring CPU usage monitoring
- configuring device name, Configuring the device name, Configuring the device name
- configuring device parity error alarm, Configuring parity error alarm for entries on forwarding chips
- configuring device temperature alarm threshold, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds, Configuring the temperature alarm thresholds
- configuring device with Tcl, Using Tcl to configure the device
- configuring emergency shell management Ethernet port, Configuring the management Ethernet port
- configuring FTP basic server parameters, Configuring basic parameters
- configuring FTP client (centralized IRF device), FTP client configuration example
- configuring FTP server (centralized IRF device), FTP server configuration example
- configuring FTP server local authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
- configuring FTP server local authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
- configuring FTP server remote authentication, Configuring authentication and authorization
- configuring FTP server remote authorization, Configuring authentication and authorization
- configuring login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
- configuring login management CLI console or AUX password authentication, Configuring password authentication for console login
- configuring login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
- configuring login management CLI local console or AUX port login, Logging in through the console port locally
- configuring login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
- configuring login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
- configuring login management SNMP access control, Configuration example
- configuring login management SSH device as server, Configuring the device as an SSH server
- configuring login management SSH login, Logging in through SSH
- configuring login management Telnet login, Logging in through Telnet
- configuring login management Telnet login on device, Configuring Telnet login on the device
- configuring login management Telnet login password authentication, Configuring password authentication for Telnet login
- configuring login management Telnet login scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for Telnet login
- configuring login management VTY common line settings, Configuring common VTY line settings
- configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
- configuring RBAC feature group, Configuring feature groups
- configuring RBAC for RADIUS authentication user, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
- configuring RBAC local AAA authentication user, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
- configuring RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
- configuring RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization
- configuring RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
- configuring RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
- configuring RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
- configuring RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
- configuring RBAC user role rules, Configuring user role rules
- configuring RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
- configuring RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
- controlling CLI output, Controlling the CLI output, Output controlling keys
- controlling login management login (Telnet), Configuration example
- controlling login management SNMP access, Controlling SNMP access
- controlling login management SSH logins, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- controlling login management Telnet logins, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- copying file, Copying a file
- creating directory, Creating a directory
- creating RBAC user role, Creating user roles
- decompressing file, Compressing or decompressing a file, Archiving or extracting files
- decompressing ISSU IPE file (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
- deleting file, Deleting or restoring a file
- deleting file from recycle bin, Deleting files from the recycle bin
- deleting next-startup configuration file, Deleting a next-startup configuration file
- determining ISSU upgrade method, Determining the upgrade procedure
- diagnosing device transceiver module, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules, Diagnosing transceiver modules
- disabling device USB interface, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
- disabling CLI console or AUX authentication, Disabling authentication for console login
- disabling CLI output screen pausing, Disabling pausing between screens of output
- disabling device password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability, Disabling password recovery capability
- disabling login management Telnet login authentication, Disabling authentication for Telnet login
- displaying CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
- displaying command help information, Displaying command help information
- displaying configuration files, Displaying and maintaining configuration files
- displaying current working directory, Displaying the current working directory
- displaying device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
- displaying directory information, Displaying directory information
- displaying emergency shell mode device information, Displaying device information in emergency shell mode
- displaying file information, Displaying file information
- displaying FTP client, Displaying and maintaining the FTP client
- displaying FTP server, Displaying and maintaining the FTP server
- displaying ISSU, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
- displaying preprovisioned settings, Displaying and maintaining preprovisioned settings
- displaying RBAC settings, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
- displaying software upgrade image settings, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
- displaying text file content, Displaying the contents of a text file
- editing CLI command line, Editing a command line
- enabling CLI redisplay of entered-but-not-submitted command, Enabling redisplaying entered-but-not-submitted commands
- enabling configuration archiving (automatic), Enabling automatic configuration archiving
- enabling configuration encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
- enabling device copyright statement display, Enabling displaying the copyright statement, Enabling displaying the copyright statement
- enabling preprovisioning, Enabling preprovisioning
- enabling RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
- entering CLI command, Entering a command
- entering CLI string/text type argument value, Entering a text or string type value for an argument
- entering Python shell, Entering the Python shell
- entering system view from user view, Entering system view from user view
- establishing FTP client connection, Establishing an FTP connection
- executing Python script, Executing a Python script
- executing Tcl configuration view Comware command, Executing Comware commands in Tcl configuration view
- filtering CLI display command output, Filtering the output from a display command
- formatting file system storage media, Formatting a storage medium
- identifying ISSU method, Identifying the ISSU method
- importing Python extended API, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
- installing ISSU software images (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- loading emergency shell system software image, Loading the system image
- logging in through modems, Logging in through a pair of modems
- logging in to SSH server (device login), Using the device to log in to an SSH server
- logging in to Telnet server (device login), Using the device to log in to a Telnet server
- maintaining CLI login, Displaying and maintaining CLI login
- maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration, Displaying and maintaining device management configuration
- maintaining FTP connection, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
- maintaining ISSU, Displaying and maintaining ISSU
- maintaining RBAC settings, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
- maintaining software upgrade image settings, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
- managing CLI display command output, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
- managing file system (emergency shell), Managing the file system
- managing file system directories, Managing directories
- managing file system files, Managing files
- managing file system storage media, Managing storage media
- managing FTP server directories, Managing directories on the FTP server
- manually releasing FTP server connection, Manually releasing FTP connections
- mounting file system storage media, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
- moving file, Moving a file
- numbering CLI display command output lines, Numbering each output line from a display command
- obtaining emergency shell system software image, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
- obtaining RBAC temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
- partitioning CF card, Partitioning a USB disk
- partitioning storage medium, Repairing a storage medium
- partitioning USB disk, Partitioning a USB disk
- pausing between CLI output screens, Pausing between screens of output
- performing ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
- performing ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
- performing ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
- performing ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
- performing ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
- performing ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
- performing ISSU for multichassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a multichassis IRF fabric
- performing ISSU for single-chassis IRF fabric, Upgrading a single-chassis IRF fabric
- performing ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
- performing ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
- preloading Boot ROM image, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
- preparing automatic configuration files, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
- preparing for software upgrade, Preparing for the upgrade
- preparing ISSU upgrade image, Preparing the upgrade images
- rebooting device, Rebooting the device, Rebooting the device
- rebooting device (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
- rebooting device (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
- rebooting device with emergency shell, Rebooting the device
- removing directory, Removing a directory
- removing ISSU inactive software image (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
- renaming file, Renaming a file
- restoring factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
- restoring file, Deleting or restoring a file
- restoring main next-startup configuration file, Restoring the main next-startup configuration file from a TFTP server
- returning to CLI upper-level view from any view, Returning to the upper-level view from any view
- returning to user view, Returning to user view
- rolling back configuration, Rolling back configuration
- rolling back ISSU running software image (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
- saving CLI display command output to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
- saving CLI running configuration, Saving the running configuration
- saving running configuration, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
- scheduling device management task, Scheduling a task, Schedule configuration example
- selecting automatic configuration interface, Selecting the interfaces used for automatic configuration
- setting device memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
- setting device port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
- setting device system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
- setting device system time, Setting the system time, Setting the system time
- setting DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packet, Setting the DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packets
- setting file/folder operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
- setting login management Telnet login max number concurrent users, Setting the maximum number of concurrent Telnet users
- specifying device system time source, Specifying the system time source, Specifying the system time source
- specifying next-startup configuration file, Specifying a next-startup configuration file
- specifying startup image file, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
- specifying startup image file (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
- specifying startup image file (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
- terminating FTP connection, Terminating the FTP connection
- troubleshooting FTP connection, Maintaining and troubleshooting the FTP connection
- troubleshooting ISSU, Troubleshooting ISSU
- troubleshooting ISSU failure to execute, Failure to execute the issu load/issu run switchover/issu commit/install activate/install deactivate command
- troubleshooting RBAC local user access permissions, Local users have more access permissions than intended
- troubleshooting RBAC login attempts by RADIUS users fail, Login attempts by RADIUS users always fail
- understanding CLI command-line error message, Understanding command-line error messages
- uninstalling ISSU feature (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
- uninstalling ISSU patch images (install series commands), Uninstalling feature or patch images
- unmounting file system storage media, Mounting or unmounting a storage medium
- upgrading ISSU software images (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- upgrading software, Upgrade procedure summary
- upgrading software (reboot), Example of software upgrade through a reboot
- upgrading software with a warm reboot, Example of software upgrade through a warm reboot
- using CLI command history function, Using the command history function
- using CLI command hotkey, Configuring and using command hotkeys
- using CLI command keyword alias, Configuring and using command keyword aliases
- using CLI undo command form, Using the undo form of a command
- using emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
- using Python language, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
- verifying device transceiver module, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying and diagnosing transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules, Verifying transceiver modules
- verifying ISSU device operating status, Verifying the device operating status
- verifying ISSU software image (install series commands), Verifying software images
- viewing CLI display command output, Viewing and managing the output from a display command effectively
- working with FTP server files, Working with files on the FTP server
- Python
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
- automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
- extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
- extended API functions (CLI class), CLI class
- extended API functions (get_self_slot), API get_self_slot
- extended API functions (get_standby_slot), API get_standby_slot
- extended API functions (Transfer class), Transfer class
- extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
- language use, Using Python, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
- script execution, Executing a Python script
- shell entry, Entering the Python shell
- RBAC RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
- RBAC temporary user role authorization, RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
- AAA authorization, Assigning user roles
- configuration, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
- default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
- feature group configuration, Configuring feature groups
- FIPS compliance, FIPS compliance
- local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
- non-AAA authorization, Assigning user roles
- permission assignment, Permission assignment
- predefined user roles, Predefined user roles
- RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
- resource access policies, Resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
- rule configuration restrictions, Configuration restrictions and guidelines
- settings display, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
- settings maintain, Displaying and maintaining RBAC settings
- temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
- temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
- temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
- temporary user role authorization configuration, Configuring temporary user role authorization
- temporary user role authorization configuration restrictions, Configuration restrictions and guidelines
- troubleshoot, Troubleshooting RBAC
- troubleshoot local user access permissions, Local users have more access permissions than intended
- troubleshoot login attempts by RADIUS users fail, Login attempts by RADIUS users always fail
- user role assignment, Assigning user roles, Assigning user roles
- user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
- user role creation, Creating user roles
- user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
- user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
- user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
- user role rules, User role rules
- user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
- user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
- reboot
- software upgrade with a reboot, Example of software upgrade through a reboot
- rebooting
- device, Rebooting the device, Rebooting the device
- device (immediate), Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI, Rebooting devices immediately at the CLI
- device (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
- emergency shell device reboot, Rebooting the device
- recycle bin
- file deletion, Deleting files from the recycle bin
- remote
- RBAC user role AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- removing
- file system directory, Removing a directory
- ISSU inactive software image (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
- renaming
- file, Renaming a file
- resource
- RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
- restoring
- factory-default settings and states, Restoring the factory-default settings and states
- file, Deleting or restoring a file
- main next-startup configuration file, Restoring the main next-startup configuration file from a TFTP server
- restrictions
- ISSU upgrade, Understanding ISSU guidelines
- paritioning storage media CF cards, Restrictions and guidelines
- paritioning storage media USB disks, Restrictions and guidelines
- RBAC rule configuration, Configuration restrictions and guidelines
- RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration, Configuration restrictions and guidelines
- software upgrade restrictions, Upgrade restrictions and guidelines
- Tcl, Tcl usage guidelines and restrictions
- unmounting file system storage media, Restrictions and guidelines
- returning
- CLI upper-level view from any view, Returning to the upper-level view from any view
- to user view, Returning to user view
- role
- RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
- RBAC predefined user roles, Predefined user roles
- RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
- RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles, Assigning user roles
- RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
- RBAC user role creation, Creating user roles
- RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
- RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
- RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
- RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
- RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
- Role-Based Access Control. Use
- rolling back
- configuration, Configuring configuration rollback, Rolling back configuration
- ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
- ISSU running software image (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
- routing
- FTP configuration, Configuring FTP
- TFTP configuration, Configuring TFTP, Configuring TFTP
- rule
- file system storage media naming, Storage medium naming rules
- RBAC command rule, User role rules
- RBAC feature execute rule, User role rules
- RBAC feature group rule, User role rules
- RBAC feature read rule, User role rules
- RBAC feature write rule, User role rules
- RBAC OID rule, User role rules
- RBAC user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
- RBAC Web menu rule, User role rules
- RBAC XML element rule, User role rules
- running configuration
- archiving, Configuring configuration rollback
- archiving (manual), Manually archiving the running configuration
- CLI save, Saving the running configuration
- commit delay, Configuring configuration commit delay
- device, Running configuration
- encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
- rollback, Configuring configuration rollback
- saving (fast mode), Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
- saving (safe mode), Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
- safe saving running configuration, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
- saving
- CLI display command output to file, Saving the output from a display command to a file
- CLI running configuration, Saving the running configuration
- running configuration, Saving the running configuration, Using different methods to save the running configuration
- scheduling
- device management task, Scheduling a task, Schedule configuration example
- device reboot (scheduled), Scheduling a device reboot, Scheduling a device reboot
- scheme
- login management CLI authentication mode, Login authentication modes
- login management CLI console or AUX common user line settings, Configuring common AUX line settings
- login management CLI console or AUX scheme authentication, Configuring scheme authentication for console login
- scripting
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
- Python extended API functions, Comware 7 extended Python API functions
- Python extended API functions (CLI class), CLI class
- Python extended API functions (get_self_slot), API get_self_slot
- Python extended API functions (get_standby_slot), API get_standby_slot
- Python extended API functions (Transfer class), Transfer class
- Python extended API import, Importing and using the Comware 7 extended Python API
- Python language, Using Python, Python usage example, Comware 7 extended Python API
- Python script execution, Executing a Python script
- security
- configuration encryption, Enabling configuration encryption
- device USB interface disable, Disabling all USB interfaces, Disabling all USB interfaces
- login management command accounting, Configuring command accounting, Configuration example
- login management command authorization, Configuring command authorization, Configuration example
- login management login control (Telnet), Configuration example
- login management SNMP access control, Controlling SNMP access, Configuration example
- login management SSH login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- login management Telnet login control, Controlling Telnet/SSH logins
- login management user access control, Controlling user access
- RBAC configuration, Configuring RBAC, Configuration task list, RBAC configuration examples
- RBAC default user role, Enabling the default user role feature
- RBAC feature group configuration, Configuring feature groups
- RBAC local AAA authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for local AAA authentication users
- RBAC permission assignment, Permission assignment
- RBAC RADIUS authentication user configuration, RBAC configuration example for RADIUS authentication users
- RBAC resource access policies, Configuring resource access policies
- RBAC temporary user role authorization, Configuring temporary user role authorization, Obtaining temporary user role authorization
- RBAC temporary user role authorization (HWTACACS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (HWTACACS authentication)
- RBAC temporary user role authorization (RADIUS authentication), RBAC temporary user role authorization configuration example (RADIUS authentication)
- RBAC user role assignment, Assigning user roles, Assigning user roles
- RBAC user role authentication, Configuring user role authentication
- RBAC user role creation, Creating user roles
- RBAC user role interface policy, Configuring the interface policy of a user role
- RBAC user role local AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to local AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role non-AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
- RBAC user role remote AAA authentication, Assigning user roles to remote AAA authentication users
- RBAC user role rule configuration, Configuring user role rules
- RBAC user role VLAN policy, Configuring the VLAN policy of a user role
- RBAC user role VPN instance policy, Configuring the VPN instance policy of a user role
- selecting
- automatic configuration interface, Selecting the interfaces used for automatic configuration
- server
- automatic configuration (DHCP server), Configuring the DHCP server
- automatic configuration (DNS server), Configuring the DNS server
- automatic configuration (file server), Configuring the file server
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Python script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script
- automatic configuration (HTTP server+Tcl script), Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Tcl script
- automatic configuration (IRF fabric setup), Automatic IRF setup
- automatic configuration (server-based), Server-based automatic configuration task list, Server-based automatic configuration examples
- automatic configuration (TFTP server), Automatic configuration using TFTP server
- automatic configuration file preparation, Preparing the files for automatic configuration
- automatic configuration gateway, Configuring the gateway
- automatic configuration start, Starting and completing automatic configuration
- emergency shell server connectivity check, Checking the connectivity to a server
- FTP server directory management, Managing directories on the FTP server
- setting
- device memory usage threshold, Setting memory thresholds, Setting memory thresholds
- device port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer, Setting the port status detection timer
- device system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode, Setting the system operating mode
- device system time, Setting the system time, Setting the system time
- DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packet, Setting the DSCP value for outgoing Telnet packets
- file/folder operation mode, Setting the operation mode for files and folders
- login management Telnet login max number concurrent users, Setting the maximum number of concurrent Telnet users
- shell
- device banner type, Banner types
- Python entry, Entering the Python shell
- single-line banner input mode, Banner input modes, Banner input modes
- access control, Controlling SNMP access, Configuration example
- device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- login management overview, Login overview
- SNMPv1
- login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- SNMPv2
- login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- SNMPv3
- login management SNMP device access, Accessing the device through SNMP
- software
- emergency shell system software image load, Loading the system image
- emergency shell system software image retrieval, Obtaining a system image from an FTP/TFTP server
- emergency shell use, Using the emergency shell, Emergency shell usage example
- upgrade. See
- software upgrade
- Boot ROM image preload, Preloading the Boot ROM image to Boot ROM
- BootWare image type, Software types
- CLI method, Upgrading software, Software upgrade examples
- completion, Specifying startup images and completing the upgrade
- completion (in bulk), Specifying startup images for all devices in bulk
- completion (one by one), Specifying startup images for devices one by one
- completion with a warm reboot, Upgrading software by performing a warm reboot
- Comware Boot image type, Software types
- Comware feature image, Software types
- Comware image loading, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
- Comware image redundancy, Comware image redundancy and loading procedure
- Comware image type, Software types
- Comware patch image, Software types
- Comware system image type, Software types
- file naming, Software file naming conventions
- image settings display, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
- image settings maintain, Displaying and maintaining software image settings
- ISSU, Performing an ISSU
- ISSU (install series commands), Performing an ISSU by using install commands
- ISSU feature compatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to a compatible version
- ISSU feature incompatible upgrade (issu series commands), Software image upgrade to an incompatible version
- ISSU feature rollback (install series commands), Software image rollback example, Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature rollback (issu series commands), Software image rollback example
- ISSU feature status verification, Verifying feature status
- ISSU feature upgrade (install series commands), Software image upgrade example, Software image upgrade example, Software image patching example, Software image patching example
- ISSU inactive software image removal (install series commands), Removing inactive software images
- ISSU install series commands, ISSU examples for using install commands, ISSU examples for using install commands
- ISSU IPE file decompressing (install series commands), Decompressing an .ipe file
- ISSU issu series commands, ISSU examples for using issu commands
- ISSU method identification, Identifying the ISSU method
- ISSU performance by issu series commands, Performing an ISSU by using issu commands
- ISSU running software image rollback (install series commands), Rolling back the running software images
- ISSU software image (install series commands), Installing or upgrading software images
- ISSU software image upgrade (install series commands)