Automatic configuration using HTTP server and Python script

Network requirements

As shown in Figure 9, Switch A does not have a configuration file.

Configure the servers so Switch A can obtain a Python script to complete the following configuration tasks:

Figure 43: Network diagram

Configuration procedure

  1. Configure the DHCP server:

    # Enable DHCP.

    <DeviceA> system-view
    [DeviceA] dhcp enable

    # Configure address pool 1 to assign IP addresses on subnet to clients.

    [DeviceA] dhcp server ip-pool 1
    [DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1] network 24

    # Specify the URL of the script file for the clients.

    [DeviceA-dhcp-pool-1] bootfile-name
  2. Configure the HTTP server:

    # Edit the configuration file on the HTTP server.

    import comware
    comware.CLI(‘system-view ;telnet server enable ;local-user user ;password simple abcabc ;service-type telnet ;quit ;user-interface vty 0 4 ;authentication-mode scheme ;user-role network-admin ;quit ;interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1 ;port link-mode route ;ip address dhcp-alloc ;return’)

    # Start HTTP service software and enable HTTP service. (Details not shown.)

Verifying the configuration

  1. Power on Switch A.

  2. After Switch A starts up, display assigned IP addresses on Device A.

    <DeviceA> display dhcp server ip-in-use
    IP address       Client identifier/    Lease expiration      Type
                     Hardware address      0030-3030-632e-3239-  Dec 12 17:41:15 2013  Auto(C)
  3. Telnet to from Device A.

    <DeviceA> telnet
  4. Enter the username user and password abcabc as prompted. (Details not shown.)

    You are logged in to Switch A.