Setting the system operating mode
In different operating modes, the device supports different features.
The operating modes include:
Standard mode—The device does not support FC or FCoE. By default, the device operates in this mode.
Advanced mode—The device supports FC and FCoE as well as all features supported in standard mode, and reserves ACL resources for FC and FCoE entries. The available ACL resources are less than in standard mode.
Expert mode—The device supports FCoE over S-Channel. However, it does not support the MAC VLAN, MPLS, QinQ, SPB, TRILL, VLAN mapping, Voice VLAN, and VPLS features, which are supported in both standard mode and advanced mode.
For more information about FC, FCoE, and FCoE over S-Channel, see FC and FCoE Configuration Guide.
If the prompt "Not enough hardware resources available." appears after you set the system operating mode, perform the following tasks:
Use the display qos-acl resource command to display ACL resource usage.
Use the undo acl command to release ACL resources as required.
Set the system operating mode again.
For more information about the display qos-acl resource and undo acl commands, see ACL and QoS Command Reference.
To set the system operating mode:
Step | Command | Remarks |
1. Enter system view. | system-view | N/A |
2. Set the system operating mode. | system-working-mode { advance | standard | expert } | By default, the device operates in standard mode. Change to the operating mode takes effect after a reboot. |