Setting the system time
When the system time source is the local system time, the system time is determined by the UTC time, local time zone, and daylight saving time. You can use the display clock command to view the system time.
A correct system time setting is essential to network management and communication. Set the system time correctly or use NTP to synchronize the device with a trusted time source before you run it on the network.
To set the system time:
Step | Command | Remarks |
1. Set the UTC time. | clock datetime time date | By default, the UTC time is the factory-default time. |
2. Enter system view. | system-view | N/A |
3. Set the local time zone. | clock timezone zone-name { add | minus } zone-offset | The default local time zone is the UTC time zone. |
4. Set the daylight saving time. | clock summer-time name start-time start-date end-time end-date add-time | By default, daylight saving time is disabled. |