Software image patching example
Patching requirements
As shown in Figure 3, the IRF fabric has two members.
Patch the software images running on the members.
Figure 35: Network diagram
Patching procedure
# Download the patch images boot-patch.bin and system-patch.bin from the TFTP server to the root directory of the flash memory on the master.
<Sysname> tftp get boot-patch.bin File will be transferred in binary mode Downloading file from remote TFTP server, please wait...| TFTP: 100752 bytes received in 11 second(s) File downloaded successfully. <Sysname> tftp get system-patch.bin File will be transferred in binary mode Downloading file from remote TFTP server, please wait...| TFTP: 100112 bytes received in 9 second(s) File downloaded successfully.
# Display active software images.
<Sysname> display install active Active packages on slot 1: flash:/boot.bin flash:/system.bin Active packages on slot 2: flash:/boot.bin flash:/system.bin
The output shows that the patch images are not active.
# Activate the patch images on the member devices.
<Sysname> install activate patch flash:/boot-patch.bin slot 1 <Sysname> install activate patch flash:/system-patch.bin slot 1 <Sysname> install activate patch flash:/boot-patch.bin slot 2 <Sysname> install activate patch flash:/system-patch.bin slot 2
# Display active software images.
<Sysname> display install active Active packages on slot 1: flash:/boot.bin flash:/system.bin flash:/boot-patch.bin flash:/system-patch.bin Active packages on slot 2: flash:/boot.bin flash:/system.bin flash:/boot-patch.bin flash:/system-patch.bin
# Confirm the software change.
<Sysname> install commit
# Display the main startup software images.
<Sysname> display install committed Committed packages on slot 1: flash:/boot.bin flash:/system.bin flash:/boot-patch.bin flash:/system-patch.bin Committed packages on slot 2: flash:/boot.bin flash:/system.bin flash:/boot-patch.bin flash:/system-patch.bin
The output shows that the patch images have been specified as the startup software images.