Displaying and maintaining ISSU
The display issu state command applies only to an ISSU that uses the issu series commands. All the other display commands and all reset commands can be used during an ISSU, regardless of whether the install or issu commands are used.
Execute display commands in any view and reset commands in user view.
Task | Command |
Display version compatibility information. | display version comp-matrix |
Display ISSU status information. | display issu state |
Display automatic rollback timer information. | display issu rollback-timer |
Display active software images. | display install active [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ] |
Display inactive software images. | display install inactive [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ] |
Display main startup software images. | display install committed [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ] |
Display backup startup software images. | display install backup [ slot slot-number ] [ verbose ] |
Display ongoing ISSU activate, deactivate, and rollback operations. | display install job |
Display ISSU log entries. | display install log [ verbose ] |
Display software image file information. | display install package { filename | all } [ verbose ] |
Display the software images included in an .ipe file. | display install ipe-info ipe-filename |
Display rollback point information. | display install rollback |
Display all software image files that include a specific component or file. | display install which { component name | file filename } [ slot slot-number ] |
Clear ISSU log entries. | reset install log-history oldest log-number |
Clear ISSU rollback points. | reset install rollback oldest point-id |