Uninstalling feature or patch images
The uninstall operation only removes images from the current software image list. For the change to take effect after a reboot, you must perform a commit operation to remove the images from the main startup image list.
Uninstalled images are still stored on the storage medium. To permanently remove the images, execute the install remove command. For more information, see "Removing inactive software images."
Boot and system images cannot be uninstalled.
Uninstalling feature images
Perform this task in user view.
Task | Command | Remarks |
Deactivate feature images. | install deactivate feature filename&<1-30> slot slot-number | N/A |
Uninstalling patch images
Perform this task in user view.
Task | Command | Remarks |
Deactivate patch images. | install deactivate patch { all | filename slot slot-number } | N/A |