Installing or upgrading software images

Restrictions and guidelines

Use one of the following methods to perform this task:

To install an image, you must begin with the master device. To upgrade an image, you must begin with a subordinate device.

You can install up to 32 .bin files on the device, including one boot image file, one system image file, and up to 30 feature or patch image files.

Installing or upgrading images except for patches

Perform this task in user view.




1. (Optional.) Identify the ISSU method and possible impacts of the upgrade.

install activate { boot filename | system filename | feature filename&<1-30> } * slot slot-number test


2. Activate images.

install activate { boot filename | system filename | feature filename&<1-30> } * slot slot-number


Installing patch images

Before installing patch images, check whether the device is already running patch images.

Perform this task in user view.



Activate patch images.

install activate patch filename { all | slot slot-number }