Upgrade methods

Upgrading method

Software types


Upgrading from the CLI:

Upgrading software

  • Boot ROM image

  • Comware images (excluding patches)

This method is disruptive. You must reboot the entire device to complete the upgrade.

Upgrading software through a warm reboot

Comware images

You can perform a warm reboot only on standalone devices.

Compared to upgrading software through a reboot, warm reboot reduces the service downtime.

Performing an ISSU

Comware images

The ISSU method enables a software upgrade without service interruption.

Use this method for an IRF fabric.

For more information about ISSU, see "ISSU overview."

Upgrading from the Boot ROM menu

  • Boot ROM image

  • Comware software images

Use this method when the device cannot start up correctly.



Upgrade an IRF fabric from the CLI rather than the Boot ROM menu.

The Boot ROM menu method increases the service downtime, because it requires that you upgrade the member devices one by one.

This chapter only covers upgrading software from the CLI.