Configuring configuration archive parameters

Before archiving the running configuration, either manually or automatically, you must configure a file directory and file name prefix for configuration archives.

Configuration archives are named in the format of prefix_serial number.cfg, for example, 20080620archive_1.cfg and 20080620archive_2.cfg. The serial number is automatically assigned from 1 to 1000, increasing by 1. After the serial number reaches 1000, it restarts from 1.

If you change the file directory or file name prefix, or reboot the device, the following events occur:

After the maximum number of configuration archives is reached, the system deletes the oldest archive to make room for the new archive.

Configuration guidelines

In an IRF fabric, the configuration archive feature saves the running configuration only on the master device. To make sure the system can archive the running configuration after a master/subordinate switchover, create the directory on all IRF members.

Configuration procedure

To configure configuration archive parameters:




1. Enter system view.



2. Configure the directory and file name prefix for archiving the running configuration.

archive configuration location directory filename-prefix filename-prefix

Do not include member ID information in the directory name.

By default, no path or file name prefix is set for configuration archives, and the system does not regularly save configuration.



The undo form of this command performs the following operations:

  • Disables both manual and automatic configuration archiving.

  • Restores the default settings for the archive configuration interval and archive configuration max commands.

  • Clears the configuration archive information displayed by using the display archive configuration command.

3. (Optional.) Set the maximum number of configuration archives.

archive configuration max file-number

The default number is 5.

Change the setting depending on the amount of storage available on the device.