File name formats



  • Storage medium names and the slot strings are case sensitive and must be entered in lower case. The system will display that the file or directory does not exist if you enter a storage name or the slot string in upper case.

  • Folder names and file names are case insensitive.

When you specify a file, enter the file name in one of the formats shown in Table 11. When you specify a directory, follow the rules for the drive and path arguments.

Table 11: File name formats





Specifies a file in the current working directory.

a.cfg indicates a file named a.cfg in the current working directory.


Specifies a file in a folder in the current working directory.

The path argument represents the path to the file. If the file is in a single-level folder, specify the folder name for the argument. If the file is in a nested folder, separate each folder name by a forward slash (/).

  • test/a.cfg indicates a file named a.cfg in the test folder in the current working directory.

  • test/subtest/a.cfg indicates a file named a.cfg in the subtest subfolder of the test folder in the current working directory.


Specifies a file in a storage medium on the device.

The drive argument represents the storage medium name. Typically, the storage medium name is flash: or usba0:.

If the device has only one storage medium, the drive argument is optional.

flash:/test/a.cfg indicates a file named a.cfg in the test folder in the root directory of the flash memory.