Configuring the device as an IPv6 TFTP client
Step | Command | Remarks |
1. Enter system view. | system-view | N/A |
2. (Optional.) Use an ACL to control the client's access to TFTP servers. | tftp-server ipv6 acl acl-number | By default, no ACL is used for access control. |
3. Specify the source IPv6 address for TFTP packets sent by the TFTP client. | tftp client ipv6 source { interface interface-type interface-number | ipv6 source-ip-address } | By default, no source IPv6 address is specified. The source address is automatically selected as defined in RFC 3484. |
4. Return to user view. | quit | N/A |
5. Download or upload a file in an IPv6 network. | tftp ipv6 tftp-server [ -i interface-type interface-number ] { get | put | sget } source-filename [ destination-filename ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ dscp dscp-value | source { interface interface-type interface-number | ipv6 source-ipv6-address } ] * | The source IP address specified in this command takes precedence over the one set by the tftp client ipv6 source command. Use this command in user view. |