Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines

Specify user roles for the following two types of login users on the user lines:

For more information about user lines, see "Login overview" and "Logging in to the CLI." For more information about SSH, see Security Configuration Guide.

To assign a user role to non-AAA authentication users on a user line:




1. Enter system view.



2. Enter user line view or use line class view.

  • Enter user line view:line { first-num1 [ last-num1 ] | { aux | vty } first-num2 [ last-num2 ] }

  • Enter user line class view:line class { aux | vty }

For information about the priority order and application scope of the configurations in user line view and user line class view, see "Logging into the CLI."

3. Specify a user role on the user line.

user-role role-name

Repeat this step to specify up to 64 user roles on a user line.

By default, network-admin is specified on the AUX user line, and network-operator is specified on any other user line.

The device cannot assign the security-audit user role to non-AAA authentication users.