Assigning user roles to non-AAA authentication users on user lines
Specify user roles for the following two types of login users on the user lines:
Users who use password authentication or no authentication.
SSH clients that use publickey or password-publickey authentication. User roles assigned to these SSH clients are specified in their respective local device management user accounts.
For more information about user lines, see "Login overview" and "Logging in to the CLI." For more information about SSH, see Security Configuration Guide.
To assign a user role to non-AAA authentication users on a user line:
Step | Command | Remarks |
1. Enter system view. | system-view | N/A |
2. Enter user line view or use line class view. |
| For information about the priority order and application scope of the configurations in user line view and user line class view, see "Logging into the CLI." |
3. Specify a user role on the user line. | user-role role-name | Repeat this step to specify up to 64 user roles on a user line. By default, network-admin is specified on the AUX user line, and network-operator is specified on any other user line. The device cannot assign the security-audit user role to non-AAA authentication users. |