Using the command history function

The system automatically saves commands successfully executed by a login user to the following two command history buffers:

Table 4: Comparison between the two types of command history buffers


Command history buffer for a user line

Command history buffer for all user lines

What kind of commands are saved in the buffer?

Commands successfully executed by the current user of the user line.

Commands successfully executed by all login users.

Cleared when the user logs out?



How to view buffered commands?

Use the display history-command command.

Use the display history-command all command.

How to recall buffered commands?

  1. Navigate to the command in the buffer:

    • In Windows 200x or Windows XP HyperTerminal or Telnet, use the up or down arrow key (↑ or ↓).

    • In Windows 9x HyperTerminal, use Ctrl+P and Ctrl+N.

  2. Press Enter.

You cannot call buffered commands.

How to set the buffer size?

Use the history-command max-size size-value command in user line view to set the buffer size.

By default, the buffer can store up to 10 commands.

You cannot set the buffer size.

By default, the buffer can store up to 1024 commands.

How to disable the buffer?

Setting the buffer size to 0 disables the buffer.

You cannot disable the buffer.

The system follows these rules when buffering commands: