Using the command history function
The system automatically saves commands successfully executed by a login user to the following two command history buffers:
Command history buffer for the user line.
Command history buffer for all user lines.
Table 4: Comparison between the two types of command history buffers
Item | Command history buffer for a user line | Command history buffer for all user lines |
What kind of commands are saved in the buffer? | Commands successfully executed by the current user of the user line. | Commands successfully executed by all login users. |
Cleared when the user logs out? | Yes. | No. |
How to view buffered commands? | Use the display history-command command. | Use the display history-command all command. |
How to recall buffered commands? |
| You cannot call buffered commands. |
How to set the buffer size? | Use the history-command max-size size-value command in user line view to set the buffer size. By default, the buffer can store up to 10 commands. | You cannot set the buffer size. By default, the buffer can store up to 1024 commands. |
How to disable the buffer? | Setting the buffer size to 0 disables the buffer. | You cannot disable the buffer. |
The system follows these rules when buffering commands:
Buffering a command in the exact format in which the command was entered. For example, if you enter an incomplete command, the buffered command is also incomplete. If you enter a command with a command keyword alias, the buffered command also uses the alias.
If you enter a command in the same format multiple times in succession, the system buffers the command only once. If you enter a command in different formats multiple times, the system buffers each command format. For example, display cu and display current-configuration are buffered as two entries but successive repetitions of display cu create only one entry.
To buffer a new command when a buffer is full, the system deletes the oldest command entry in the buffer.