CLI views
Commands are grouped in different views by function. To use a command, you must enter its view.
CLI views are hierarchically organized, as shown in Figure 1. Each view has a unique prompt, from which you can identify where you are and what you can do. For example, the prompt [Sysname-vlan100] shows that you are in VLAN 100 view and can configure attributes for that VLAN.
Figure 1: CLI views
You are placed in user view immediately after you log in to the CLI. The user view prompt is <Device-name>, where Device-name indicates the device name. The device name is Sysname by default. You can change it by using the sysname command.
In user view, you can perform the following tasks:
Perform basic operations including display, debug, file management, FTP, Telnet, clock setting, and reboot.
Enter system view. The system view prompt is [Device-name].
In system view, you can perform the following tasks:
Configure settings that affect the device as a whole, such as the daylight saving time, banners, and hotkeys.
Enter different function views. For example, you can perform the following tasks:
Enter interface view to configure interface parameters.
Enter VLAN view to add ports to the VLAN.
Enter user line view to configure login user attributes.
To display all commands available in a view, enter a question mark (?) at the view prompt.