Using the remote probe VLAN to enable local mirroring to support multiple monitor ports

In typical local port mirroring configuration, you can configure only one monitor port in a local mirroring group. As a result, you cannot monitor traffic of a local device on multiple data monitoring devices. To do that, take advantage of the remote probe VLAN used in Layer 2 remote mirroring.

In Layer 2 remote port mirroring, a remote probe VLAN is configured, and the mirrored packets are broadcast within the remote probe VLAN. By connecting multiple data monitoring devices to the remote probe VLAN's member ports, you can monitor the local device's traffic on multiple data monitoring devices.

Configure this feature by following these steps:

  1. Configure a remote source mirroring group on the local device.

  2. Configure the monitored ports on the device as source ports of this mirroring group.

  3. Configure a remote probe VLAN for this mirroring group.

  4. Assign the ports connecting the data monitoring devices to the remote probe VLAN.

In this way, when packets mirrored on the monitored ports are broadcast in the remote probe VLAN, they are sent out of the ports connecting the data monitoring devices, and all data monitoring devices can thus receive these mirrored packets.

Configuration restrictions and guidelines

Configuration procedure

To configure local port mirroring with multiple monitor ports:




1. Enter system view.



2. Create a remote source mirroring group.

mirroring-group group-id remote-source

By default, no mirroring group exists on a device.

3. Configure source ports for the remote source mirroring group.

  • (Approach 1) In system view:mirroring-group group-id mirroring-port mirroring-port-list { both | inbound | outbound }

  • (Approach 2) In interface view:

    1. interface interface-type interface-number

    2. [ mirroring-group group-id ] mirroring-port { both | inbound | outbound }

    3. quit

Use either approach.

By default, no source port is configured for a mirroring group.

4. Configure the reflector port for the remote source mirroring group.

mirroring-group group-id reflector-port reflector-port

By default, no reflector port is configured for a mirroring group.

5. Create the remote probe VLAN and enter VLAN view.

vlan vlan-id

By default, no remote probe VLAN is configured for a mirroring group.

6. Assign monitor ports to the remote probe VLAN.

port interface-list

By default, a newly-created VLAN does not have any member port.

7. Return to system view.



8. Configure the remote probe VLAN for the remote source mirroring group.

mirroring-group group-id remote-probe vlan rprobe-vlan-id

By default, no remote probe VLAN is configured for a mirroring group.