Outputting system information to a log host




1. Enter system view.



2. Enable the information center.

info-center enable


Enabled by default.

3. Specify a name for a channel identified by its number.

info-center channel channel-number name channel-name


See Table 2 for default channel names.

4. Configure an output rule for the log host.

info-center source { module-name | default } channel { channel-number | channel-name } [ debug { level severity | state state } * | log { level severity | state state } * | trap { level severity | state state } * ] *


See "Default output rules of system information."

5. Specify the source IP address for the log information.

info-center loghost source interface-type interface-number


By default, the source interface is the output interface of the matching route, and the primary IP address of the output interface is used as the source IP address of log information.

6. Configure the timestamp format for system information output to the log host.

info-center timestamp loghost { date | iso | no-year-date | none }


date by default.

7. Set the system information format.

  • Set the format to UNICOM:info-center format unicom

  • Set the format to HPE:undo info-center format


Use either approach.

HPE by default.

8. Specify a log host and configure related parameters.

info-center loghost [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] { host-ipv4-address | ipv6 host-ipv6-address } [ port port-number ] [ dscp dscp-value ] [ channel { channel-number | channel-name } | facility local-number ] *

By default, no log host or related parameters are specified.

If no channel is specified when outputting system information to a log host, the system uses channel 2 (loghost) by default.

The value of the port-number argument must be the same as the value configured on the log host. Otherwise, the log host cannot receive system information.