display ospfv3 graceful-restart

Use display ospfv3 graceful-restart to display GR information.


display ospfv3 [ process-id ] graceful-restart [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




process-id: Specifies an OSPFv3 process by its ID in the range of 1 to 65535. If you do not specify this argument, the command displays GR information for all processes.

verbose: Displays detailed GR information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief GR information.


# Display brief GR information for all OSPFv3 processes (GR restarter).

<Sysname> display ospfv3 graceful-restart

               OSPFv3 Process 1 with Router ID

 Graceful-restart capability     : Enable
 Graceful-restart support        : Planned and un-planned, Partial
 Helper capability               : Enable
 Helper support                  : Planned and un-planned
 Current GR state                : Normal
 Graceful-restart period         : 120 seconds
 Number of neighbors under helper: 0
 Number of restarting neighbors  : 0
 Last exit reason:
   Restarter: None
   Helper   : None

Table 145: Command output



OSPFv3 Process 1 with Router ID

The GR status of OSPFv3 process 1 with router ID is displayed.

Graceful-restart capability

Whether OSPFv3 GR is enabled:

  • Enabled.

  • Disabled.

Graceful-restart support

GR modes that the process supports (displayed only when GR is enabled):

  • Planned and un-planned—Supports both planned and unplanned GR.

  • Planned only—Supports only planned GR.

  • Partial—Supports partial GR.

  • Global—Supports global GR.

Helper capability

Whether OSPFv3 GR helper is enabled:

  • Enabled.

  • Disabled.

Helper support

Policies and GR modes that the GR helper supports (displayed only when GR helper is enabled):

  • Strict LSA check—The GR helper supports strict LSA checking.

  • Planned and un-planned—The GR helper supports both planned and unplanned GR.

  • Planned only—The GR helper supports only planned GR.

Current GR state

GR status:

  • Normal—GR is not in progress or has completed.

  • Under GR—GR is in progress.

  • Under Helper—The process is acting as GR helper.

Graceful-restart period

GR restart interval.

Number of neighbors under helper

Number of neighbors in GR helper status.

Number of restarting neighbors

Number of neighbors in GR restarter status.

Last exit reason

Last exit reason:

  • Restarter—Reason that the restarter exited most recently:

    • None.

    • Completed—GR is completed.

    • Interval timer is fired—The GR timer expires.

    • Interface state change—An interface state change occurs.

    • Received 1-way hello—The device receives 1-way hello packets from the neighbor.

    • Reset neighbor—The neighbor is reset.

    • DR or BDR change—The DR or BDR changes.

  • Helper—Reason that the helper exited most recently:

    • None.

    • Completed—GR is completed.

    • Received 1-way hello—The device receives 1-way hello packets from the neighbor.

    • Grace Period timer is fired—The GR timer expires.

    • Lsa check failed—An LSA change on the GR helper is detected.

    • Reset neighbor—The neighbor is reset.

    • Received MAXAGE gracelsa but neighbor is not full—The device receives Grace-LSAs that reached the maximum age, but the neighbor is not in Full state.

# Display detailed GR information for all OSPFv3 processes (GR restarter).

<Sysname> display ospfv3 graceful-restart verbose

               OSPFv3 Process 1 with Router ID

 Graceful-restart capability     : Enable
 Graceful-restart support        : Planned and un-planned, Partial
 Helper capability               : Enable
 Helper support                  : Planned and un-planned
 Current GR state                : Normal
 Graceful-restart period         : 120 seconds
 Number of neighbors under helper: 0
 Number of restarting neighbors  : 0
 Last exit reason:
   Restarter: None
   Helper   : None

 Area flag: Normal
 Area up interface count: 1

 Virtual-link Neighbor-ID:, Neighbor-state: Full
 Restarter state: Normal   State: P-2-P    Type: Virtual
 Interface: 6696 (Vlan-interface200), Instance-ID: 0
 Local  IPv6 address: 200:1:FFFF::1
 Remote IPv6 address: 201:FFFF::2
 Transit area:
 Last exit reason:
   Restarter: None
   Helper   : None
 Neighbor       GR state       Last helper exit reason      Normal         None

 Area flag: Transit
 Area up interface count: 3

 Interface: 5506 (Vlan-interface3), Instance-ID: 0
 Restarter state: Normal   State: DR       Type: Broadcast
 Last exit reason:
   Restarter: None
   Helper   : None
 Neighbor count of this interface: 0
 Number of neighbors under helper: 0

 Interface: 6696 (Vlan-interface200), Instance-ID: 0
 Restarter state: Normal   State: DR       Type: Broadcast
 Last exit reason:
   Restarter: None
   Helper   : None
 Neighbor count of this interface: 1
 Number of neighbors under helper: 0
 Neighbor       GR state       Last helper exit reason      Normal         None

 Area flag: NSSANoSummaryNoImportRoute
 7/5 translator state: Disabled
 7/5 translate stability timer interval: 0
 Area up interface count: 0

Table 146: Command output




Area ID.

Area flag

Type of the area:

  • Normal.

  • Transit.

  • Stub.

  • StubNoSummary—Totally stub area.

  • NSSA.

  • NSSANoSummary—Totally NSSA area.

  • NSSANoSummaryNoImportRoute—Totally NSSA area with the no-import-route keyword configured.

7/5 translator state

State of the translator that translates Type-7 LSAs to Type-5 LSAs:

  • Enabled—The translator is specified through commands.

  • Elected—The translator is designated through election.

  • Disabled—The device is not a translator.

7/5 translate stability timer interval

Stability interval (in seconds) for Type-7 LSA-to-Type-5 LSA translation.

Area up interface count

Number of up interfaces in the area.


Interface in the area, or the output interface of the virtual link.

Restarter state

Restarter state on the interface.


Interface state.


Interface network type.

Neighbor count of this interface

Number of neighbors on the interface.


Neighbor router ID.

GR state

Neighbor GR state:

  • Normal—GR is not in progress or has completed.

  • Under GR—GR is in process.

  • Under Helper—The process is acting as GR helper.

Last helper exit reason

Reason that the helper exited most recently.

Virtual-link Neighbor-ID

Router ID of the virtual link's neighbor.


Neighbor or virtual link state: Down, Init, 2-Way, ExStart, Exchange, Loading, and Full.

Local IPv6 address

Local IPv6 address of the neighbor relationship.

Remote IPv6 address

Peer IPv6 address of the neighbor relationship.

Transit area

Transit area ID.