display ospfv3

Use display ospfv3 to display OSPFv3 process information.


display ospfv3 [ process-id ] [ verbose ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




process-id: Specifies an OSPFv3 process by its ID in the range of 1 to 65535. If you do not specify this argument, the command displays information about all OSPFv3 processes.

verbose: Displays detailed OSPFv3 process information. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays brief OSPFv3 process information.


# Display detailed information about all OSPFv3 processes.

<Sysname> display ospfv3 verbose

               OSPFv3 Process 1 with Router ID

 RouterID:          Router type:  ABR  ASBR  NSSA
 Route tag: 0
 Route tag check: Disabled
 Multi-VPN-Instance: Disabled
 Type value of extended community attributes:
    Domain ID : 0x0005
    Route type: 0x0306
    Router ID : 0x0107
 DN-bit check: Enabled
 DN-bit set: Enabled
 Originating router-LSAs with maximum metric
    Condition: On startup while BGP is converging for 600 seconds, State: Inactive
    Advertise summary-LSAs with metric 16711680
    Advertise external-LSAs with metric 16711680
    Advertise intra-area-prefix-LSAs with maximum metric
 SPF-schedule-interval: 5 50 200
 LSA generation interval: 5
 LSA arrival interval: 1000
 Transmit pacing: Interval: 20 Count: 3
 Default ASE parameters: Tag: 1
 Route preference: 10
 ASE route preference: 150
 FRR backup mode: LFA
 SPF calculation count: 0
 External LSA count: 0
 LSA originated count: 0
 LSA received count: 0
 SNMP trap rate limit interval: 10  Count: 7
 Area count: 2  Stub area count: 0  NSSA area count: 1
 ExChange/Loading neighbors: 0
 Max equal cost paths: 32
 Up interfaces: 1
 Full neighbors: 1
 Normal areas with up interfaces: 1
 Calculation trigger type: Full
 Current calculation type: SPF calculation
 Current calculation phase: Calculation area topology
 Redistribute timer: Off
 Redistribute schedule type: RIB
 Redistribute route count: 0
 Process reset state: N/A
 Current reset type: N/A
 Next reset type: N/A
 Reset prepare message replied: -/-/-/-
 Reset process message replied: -/-/-/-
 Reset phase of module:
   M-N/A, P-N/A, S-N/A, C-N/A, R-N/A

 Area flag: Normal
 SPF scheduled count: 0
 ExChange/Loading neighbors: 0
 LSA count: 0
 Up interfaces: 0
 MTU: 1440
 Default cost: 1
 Created by Vlink
 Process reset state: N/A
 Current reset type: N/A
 Reset prepare message replied: -/-/-/-
 Reset process message replied: -/-/-/-
 Reset phase of module:
   M-N/A, P-N/A, S-N/A, C-N/A, R-N/A

 Area flag: Normal
 SPF scheduled count: 0
 ExChange/Loading neighbors: 0
 LSA count: 0
 IPsec profile name: Profile000
 Keychain authentication: Enabled (test) 
 Up interfaces: 1
 MTU: 1500
 Default cost: 1
 Process reset state: N/A
 Current reset type: N/A
 Reset prepare message replied: -/-/-/-
 Reset process message replied: -/-/-/-
 Reset phase of module:
   M-N/A, P-N/A, S-N/A, C-N/A, R-N/A

 Area flag: NSSA
 7/5 translator state: Disabled
 7/5 translate stability timer interval: 0
 SPF Scheduled Count: 0
 ExChange/Loading neighbors: 0
 LSA Count: 0
 Up interfaces: 0
 MTU: 1440
 Default cost: 1
 Process reset flag: N/A
 Current reset type: N/A
 Reset prepare message replied: -/-/-/-
 Reset process message replied: -/-/-/-
 Reset phase of module:
   M-N/A, P-N/A, S-N/A, C-N/A, R-N/A

Table 136: Command output



OSPFv3 Process 1 with Router ID

OSPFv3 process is 1, and router ID is

Router type

Router type:

  • ABR.

  • ASBR.

  • NSSA.

  • Null.

Route tag

Tag of the routes redistributed into the OSPFv3 process.

Route tag check

Whether the check is enabled for the route tag in OSPFv3 LSAs of the OSPFv3 process.


Whether the OSPFv3 process supports PE or multiple VPN instances:

  • Multi-VPN-Instance: Disabled—The process does not support multiple VPN instances.

  • Multi-VPN-Instance: Enabled—The process supports multiple VPN instances.

  • PE Router, Multi-VPN-Instance: Enabled—The local device is a PE.

DN-bit check

Whether the check is enabled for the DN bit in OSPFv3 LSAs of the OSPFv3 process.

DN-bit set

Whether the DN bit is set for OSPFv3 LSAs in the OSPFv3 process.


Time when the router acts as a stub router:

  • Always.

  • On startup while BGP is converging for xxx seconds, where xxx is specified by the user.

  • On startup for xxx seconds, where xxx is specified by the user.


State of the stub router:

  • Active.

  • Inactive.


Interval for SPF calculations.

Transmit pacing

LSU advertisement rate:

  • Interval—Specifies the interval for sending LSUs.

  • Count—Specifies the maximum number of LSUs sent at each interval.

Default ASE parameters

Default parameters of redistributed routes. Tag represents the route tag of the redistributed routes.

Route preference

Internal route preference.

ASE route preference

AS-external route preference.

FRR backup mode

FRR backup mode:

  • LFA—Uses the LFA algorithm to calculate a backup next hop for all routes. LFA ABR-only indicates that only the next hop of the route to the ABR can be used as the backup next hop.

  • route-policy route-policy-name—Specifies a backup next hop by using a routing policy.

LSA originated count

Number of originated LSAs.

LSA received count

Number of received LSAs.

SNMP trap rate limit interval: 10 Count: 7

OSPFv3 can output a maximum of 7 SNMP notifications within 10 seconds.

Area count

Total number of areas.

Stub area count

Number of stub areas.

NSSA area count

Number of NSSA areas.

ExChange/Loading neighbors

Neighbors in ExChange/Loading state.

Calculation trigger type

Route calculation trigger type:

  • Full—Calculation of all routes is triggered.

  • Area topology change—Topology change in an area.

  • Intra router change—Incremental intra-area route change.

  • ASBR change—Incremental ASBR route change.

  • Full IP prefix—Calculation of all IP prefixes is triggered.

  • Full intra AS—Calculation of all intra-AS prefixes is triggered.

  • Inc intra AS—Calculation of incremental intra-AS prefixes is triggered.

  • Full inter AS—Calculation of all AS-external prefixes is triggered.

  • Inc inter AS—Calculation of incremental AS-external prefixes is triggered.

  • Nexthop calculation—Calculation of next hops is triggered.

  • N/A—Route calculation is not triggered.

Current calculation type

Current route calculation type:

  • SPF calculation.

  • Intra router calculation—Intra-area route calculation.

  • ASBR calculation—Inter-area ASBR route calculation.

  • Inc intra router—Incremental intra-area route calculation.

  • Inc ASBR calculation—Incremental inter-area ASBR route calculation.

  • Full intra AS—Calculation of all intra-AS prefixes.

  • Inc intra AS—Calculation of incremental intra-AS prefixes.

  • Full inter AS—Calculation of all AS-external prefixes.

  • Inc inter AS—Calculation of incremental AS-external prefixes.

  • N/A—Route calculation is not triggered.

Current calculation phase

Current route calculation phase:

  • Calculation area topology—Calculating area topology.

  • Calculation router—Calculating routes on routers.

  • Calculation intra AS—Calculating intra-AS routes.

  • Calculation ASBR—Calculating routes on ASBRs.

  • Calculation inter AS—Calculating AS-external routes.

  • Calculation end—Ending phase of calculation.

  • N/A—Route calculation is not triggered.

Redistribute timer

Route redistribution timer status: on or off.

Redistribute schedule type

Route redistribution scheduling type:

  • RIB—Redistribute routes through the RIB table.

  • Self—Redistribute routes through the routing table.

  • N/A—Route redistribution is not triggered.

Redistribute route count

Number of redistributed routes.

Process reset state

Process reset state:

  • N/A—The process is not reset.

  • Under reset—The process is in the reset progress.

  • Under RIB smooth—The process is synchronizing RIB routes.

Current reset type

Current process reset type:

  • N/A—The process is not reset.

  • GR quit—Normal reset when GR quits abnormally.

  • Delete—Delete OSPFv3 process.

  • Undo router-id—Delete router ID.

  • Set router-id—Set router ID.

Next reset type

Next process reset type:

  • N/A—The process is not reset.

  • GR quit—Normal reset when GR quits abnormally.

  • Delete—Delete OSPFv3 process.

  • Undo router-id—Delete router ID.

  • Set router-id—Set router ID.

Reset prepare message replied

Modules that reply reset prepare messages:

  • P—Neighbor maintenance module.

  • S—LSDB synchronization module.

  • C—Route calculation module.

  • R—Route redistribution module.

Reset process message replied

Modules that reply reset process messages:

  • P—Neighbor maintenance module.

  • S—LSDB synchronization module.

  • C—Route calculation module.

  • R—Route redistribution module.

Reset phase of module

Reset phase of each module:

  • LSDB synchronization (S) module:

    • N/A—Not reset.

    • Delete ASE—Delete all ASE LSAs.

    • Delete area LSA—Delete LSAs from an area.

    • Delete area IF—Delete interfaces from an area.

  • Route calculation (C) module:

    • N/A—Not reset.

    • Delete topology—Delete area topology.

    • Delete router—Delete routes of routers.

    • Delete intra AS—Delete intra-AS routes

    • Delete inter AS—Delete AS-external routes.

    • Delete ASBR—Delete ASBR routes.

  • Route redistribution (R) module:

    • N/A—Not reset.

    • Delete import—Delete redistributed routes.

IPsec profile name

IPsec profile applied to the interface.

Keychain authentication: Enabled (test)

Keychain authentication is enabled for the area, and the keychain test is used.

Created by Vlink

The area is created through virtual link.

7/5 translator state

State of the translator that translates Type-7 LSAs to Type-5 LSAs:

  • Enabled—The translator is specified through commands.

  • Elected—The translator is designated through election.

  • Disabled—The device is not a translator.

7/5 translate stability timer interval

Stability interval (in seconds) for Type-7 LSA-to-Type-5 LSA translation.