display bgp routing-table ipv6 unicast
Use display bgp routing-table ipv6 unicast to display BGP IPv6 unicast routing information.
display bgp [ instance instance-name ] routing-table ipv6 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ ipv6-address prefix-length [ advertise-info ] | as-path-acl as-path-acl-number | community-list { { basic-community-list-number | comm-list-name } [ whole-match ] | adv-community-list-number } | peer ipv6-address { advertised-routes | received-routes } [ ipv6-address prefix-length | statistics ] | statistics ]
Any view
Predefined user roles
instance instance-name: Specifies a BGP instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify this option, the command displays BGP IPv6 unicast routing information for the default BGP instance.
vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command displays the BGP IPv6 unicast routing information for the public network.
ipv6-address prefix-length: Specifies the destination network address and prefix length. The value range for the prefix-length argument is 0 to 128. If you do not specify this argument, the command displays brief information about all BGP IPv6 unicast routing information.
advertise-info: Displays advertisement information for BGP IPv6 unicast routes. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays the BGP IPv6 unicast routing table.
as-path-acl as-path-acl-number: Displays BGP IPv6 unicast routes that match the AS path list specified by its number in the range of 1 to 256.
community-list: Displays BGP IPv6 unicast routes that match a community list.
basic-community-list-number: Specifies a basic community list by its number in the range of 1 to 99.
comm-list-name: Specifies a community list by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.
whole-match: Displays routes exactly matching the specified community list. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays routes whose COMMUNITY attributes include the specified community list.
adv-community-list-number: Specifies an advanced community list by its number in the range of 100 to 199.
peer: Displays BGP IPv6 unicast routing information advertised to or received from the specified peer.
ipv4-address: Specifies the peer IPv4 address.
ipv6-address: Specifies the peer IPv6 address.
advertised-routes: Displays routing information advertised to the specified peer.
received-routes: Displays routing information received from the specified peer.
statistics: Displays routing statistics.
Usage guidelines
This command displays BGP IPv6 unicast routing information regardless of whether the unicast keyword is specified.
# Display brief information about all BGP IPv6 unicast routes.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 Total number of routes: 1 BGP local router ID is Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history, s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external a – additional-path Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete * >e Network : 3:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : 1::2 LocPrf : PrefVal : 0 OutLabel : NULL MED : Path/Ogn: 100i
# Display information about BGP IPv6 unicast routes that match AS path list 1.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 as-path-acl 1 Total number of routes: 2 BGP local router ID is Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history, s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external a – additional-path Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete * >e Network : 2:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : 1::2 LocPrf : PrefVal : 0 OutLabel : NULL MED : Path/Ogn: 100i * >e Network : 3:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : 1::2 LocPrf : PrefVal : 0 OutLabel : NULL MED : Path/Ogn: 100i
# Display information about BGP IPv6 unicast routes that match BGP community list 100.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 community-list 100 Total number of routes: 2 BGP local router ID is Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history, s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external a – additional-path Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete * >e Network : 2:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : 1::2 LocPrf : PrefVal : 0 OutLabel : NULL MED : Path/Ogn: 100i * >e Network : 3:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : 1::2 LocPrf : PrefVal : 0 OutLabel : NULL MED : Path/Ogn: 100i
# Display information about all BGP IPv6 unicast routes advertised to peer 1::1.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 peer 1::1 advertised-routes Total number of routes: 1 BGP local router ID is Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history, s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external a – additional-path Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete * > Network : 2:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : :: LocPrf : MED : 0 OutLabel : NULL Path/Ogn: i
# Display information about all BGP IPv6 unicast routes received from peer 1::1.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 peer 1::1 received-routes Total number of routes: 1 BGP local router ID is Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history, s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external a – additional-path Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete * >e Network : 2:: PrefixLen : 64 NextHop : ::FFFF: LocPrf : PrefVal : 0 OutLabel : NULL MED : 0 Path/Ogn: 100i
Table 113: Command output
Field | Description |
Status codes | Status codes:
Origin | Origin of the route:
Network | Destination network address. |
PrefixLen | Prefix length of the destination network address. |
NextHop | Next hop IPv6 address. |
LocPrf | Local preference value. |
PrefVal | Preferred value of the route. |
OutLabel | This field is not supported in the current software version. Outgoing label of the route. |
MED | MULTI_EXIT_DISC attribute. |
Path/Ogn | AS_PATH and ORIGIN attributes of the route:
# Display detailed information about BGP IPv6 unicast routes destined to network 2::/64.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 2:: 64 BGP local router ID: Local AS number: 200 Paths: 2 available, 1 best BGP routing table information of 2::/64: From : ( Relay nexthop : ::FFFF: Original nexthop: ::FFFF: OutLabel : NULL RxPathID : 0x0 TxPathID : 0x0 AS-path : 100 Origin : igp Attribute value : MED 0, pref-val 0 State : valid, external, best IP precedence : N/A QoS local ID : N/A Traffic index : N/A From : 1::1 ( Relay nexthop : 1::1 Original nexthop: 1::1 OutLabel : NULL RxPathID : 0x0 TxPathID : 0x0 AS-path : 100 Origin : igp Attribute value : MED 0, pref-val 0 State : valid, external IP precedence : N/A QoS local ID : N/A Traffic index : N/A
Table 114: Command output
Field | Description |
Paths | Number of routes:
Original nexthop | Original next hop of the route. If the route was obtained from a BGP update message, the original next hop is the next hop IP address in the message. |
OutLabel | This field is not supported in the current software version. Outgoing label of the route. |
RxPathID | Add-path ID of received routes. |
TxPathID | Add-path ID of advertised routes. |
AS-path | AS_PATH attribute of the route, which records the ASs the route has passed and avoids routing loops. |
Origin | Origin of the route:
Attribute value | BGP path attributes:
State | Current state of the route:
From | IP address of the BGP peer that advertised the route. |
Relay Nexthop | Next hop found by route recursion. If no next hop is found, this field displays not resolved. |
IP precedence | IP precedence in the range of 0 to 7. N/A indicates that the route does not support this field. |
QoS local ID | QoS local ID in the range of 1 to 4095. N/A indicates that the route does not support this field. |
Traffic index | Traffic index in the range of 1 to 64. N/A indicates that the route does not support this field. |
# Display advertisement information for BGP IPv6 unicast routes destined to network 2::/64.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 2:: 64 advertise-info BGP local router ID: Local AS number: 100 Paths: 1 best BGP routing table information of 2::/64(TxPathID:0): Advertised to peers (2 in total): 1::2
Table 115: Command output
Field | Description |
Paths | Number of optimal routes destined to the specified network. |
BGP routing table information of 2::/64(TxPathID:0) | Advertisement information for BGP routes destined to network 2::/64. |
Advertised to peers (2 in total) | Peers to which the route has been advertised, and the number of peers. |
# Display statistics for BGP IPv6 unicast routes advertised to peer 1::1.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 peer 1::1 advertised-routes statistics Advertised routes total: 1
# Display statistics for BGP IPv6 unicast routes received from peer 1::1.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 peer 1::1 received-routes statistics Received routes total: 1
Table 116: Command output
Field | Description |
Advertised routes total | Total number of advertised routes. |
Received routes total | Total number of received routes. |
# Display BGP IPv6 unicast route statistics.
<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 statistics Total number of routes: 4
Table 117: Command output
Field | Description |
Total number of routes | Total number of routes. |
Related commands
ip as-path
ip community-list