display bgp routing-table ipv6 unicast

Use display bgp routing-table ipv6 unicast to display BGP IPv6 unicast routing information.


display bgp [ instance instance-name ] routing-table ipv6 [ unicast ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ ipv6-address prefix-length [ advertise-info ] | as-path-acl as-path-acl-number | community-list { { basic-community-list-number | comm-list-name } [ whole-match ] | adv-community-list-number } | peer ipv6-address { advertised-routes | received-routes } [ ipv6-address prefix-length | statistics ] | statistics ]


Any view

Predefined user roles




instance instance-name: Specifies a BGP instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify this option, the command displays BGP IPv6 unicast routing information for the default BGP instance.

vpn-instance vpn-instance-name: Specifies an MPLS L3VPN instance by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 31 characters. If you do not specify a VPN instance, this command displays the BGP IPv6 unicast routing information for the public network.

ipv6-address prefix-length: Specifies the destination network address and prefix length. The value range for the prefix-length argument is 0 to 128. If you do not specify this argument, the command displays brief information about all BGP IPv6 unicast routing information.

advertise-info: Displays advertisement information for BGP IPv6 unicast routes. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays the BGP IPv6 unicast routing table.

as-path-acl as-path-acl-number: Displays BGP IPv6 unicast routes that match the AS path list specified by its number in the range of 1 to 256.

community-list: Displays BGP IPv6 unicast routes that match a community list.

basic-community-list-number: Specifies a basic community list by its number in the range of 1 to 99.

comm-list-name: Specifies a community list by its name, a case-sensitive string of 1 to 63 characters.

whole-match: Displays routes exactly matching the specified community list. If you do not specify this keyword, the command displays routes whose COMMUNITY attributes include the specified community list.

adv-community-list-number: Specifies an advanced community list by its number in the range of 100 to 199.

peer: Displays BGP IPv6 unicast routing information advertised to or received from the specified peer.

ipv4-address: Specifies the peer IPv4 address.

ipv6-address: Specifies the peer IPv6 address.

advertised-routes: Displays routing information advertised to the specified peer.

received-routes: Displays routing information received from the specified peer.

statistics: Displays routing statistics.

Usage guidelines

This command displays BGP IPv6 unicast routing information regardless of whether the unicast keyword is specified.


# Display brief information about all BGP IPv6 unicast routes.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6

 Total number of routes: 1

 BGP local router ID is
 Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history,
               s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external
               a – additional-path
               Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

* >e Network : 3::                                      PrefixLen : 64
     NextHop : 1::2                                     LocPrf    :
     PrefVal : 0                                        OutLabel  : NULL
     MED     :
     Path/Ogn: 100i

# Display information about BGP IPv6 unicast routes that match AS path list 1.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 as-path-acl 1

 Total number of routes: 2

 BGP local router ID is
 Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history,
               s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external
               a – additional-path
               Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

* >e Network : 2::                                      PrefixLen : 64
     NextHop : 1::2                                     LocPrf    :
     PrefVal : 0                                        OutLabel  : NULL
     MED     :
     Path/Ogn: 100i

* >e Network : 3::                                      PrefixLen : 64
     NextHop : 1::2                                     LocPrf    :
     PrefVal : 0                                        OutLabel  : NULL
     MED     :
     Path/Ogn: 100i

# Display information about BGP IPv6 unicast routes that match BGP community list 100.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 community-list 100

 Total number of routes: 2

 BGP local router ID is
 Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history,
               s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external
               a – additional-path
               Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

* >e Network : 2::                                      PrefixLen : 64
     NextHop : 1::2                                     LocPrf    :
     PrefVal : 0                                        OutLabel  : NULL
     MED     :
     Path/Ogn: 100i

* >e Network : 3::                                      PrefixLen : 64
     NextHop : 1::2                                     LocPrf    :
     PrefVal : 0                                        OutLabel  : NULL
     MED     :
     Path/Ogn: 100i

# Display information about all BGP IPv6 unicast routes advertised to peer 1::1.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 peer 1::1 advertised-routes

 Total number of routes: 1

 BGP local router ID is
 Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history,
               s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external
               a – additional-path
               Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

* >  Network : 2::                                      PrefixLen : 64
     NextHop : ::                                       LocPrf    :
     MED     : 0                                        OutLabel  : NULL
     Path/Ogn: i

# Display information about all BGP IPv6 unicast routes received from peer 1::1.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 peer 1::1 received-routes

 Total number of routes: 1

 BGP local router ID is
 Status codes: * - valid, > - best, d - dampened, h - history,
               s - suppressed, S - stale, i - internal, e - external
               a – additional-path
               Origin: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

* >e Network : 2::                                      PrefixLen : 64
     NextHop : ::FFFF:                          LocPrf    :
     PrefVal : 0                                        OutLabel  : NULL
     MED     : 0
     Path/Ogn: 100i

Table 113: Command output



Status codes

Status codes:

  • * – valid—Valid route.

  • > – best—Optimal route.

  • d – dampened—Dampened route.

  • h – history—History route.

  • s – suppressed—Suppressed route.

  • S stale—Stale route.

  • i – internal—Internal route.

  • e – external—External route.

  • a additional-path—Add-Path optimal route.


Origin of the route:

  • i – IGP—Originated in the AS. The origin of routes advertised with the network command is IGP.

  • e – EGP—Learned through EGP.

  • ?– incomplete—Unknown origin. The origin of routes redistributed from IGP protocols is INCOMPLETE.


Destination network address.


Prefix length of the destination network address.


Next hop IPv6 address.


Local preference value.


Preferred value of the route.


This field is not supported in the current software version.

Outgoing label of the route.


MULTI_EXIT_DISC attribute.


AS_PATH and ORIGIN attributes of the route:

  • AS_PATH attribute—Records the ASs the route has passed, which avoids routing loops.

  • ORIGIN attribute—Identifies the origin of the route.

# Display detailed information about BGP IPv6 unicast routes destined to network 2::/64.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 2:: 64

 BGP local router ID:
 Local AS number: 200

 Paths:   2 available, 1 best

 BGP routing table information of 2::/64:
 From            : (
 Relay nexthop   : ::FFFF:
 Original nexthop: ::FFFF:
 OutLabel        : NULL
 RxPathID        : 0x0
 TxPathID        : 0x0
 AS-path         : 100
 Origin          : igp
 Attribute value : MED 0, pref-val 0
 State           : valid, external, best
 IP precedence   : N/A
 QoS local ID    : N/A
 Traffic index   : N/A

 From            : 1::1 (
 Relay nexthop   : 1::1
 Original nexthop: 1::1
 OutLabel        : NULL
 RxPathID        : 0x0
 TxPathID        : 0x0
 AS-path         : 100
 Origin          : igp
 Attribute value : MED 0, pref-val 0
 State           : valid, external
 IP precedence   : N/A
 QoS local ID    : N/A
 Traffic index   : N/A

Table 114: Command output




Number of routes:

  • available—Number of valid routes.

  • best—Number of optimal routes.

Original nexthop

Original next hop of the route. If the route was obtained from a BGP update message, the original next hop is the next hop IP address in the message.


This field is not supported in the current software version.

Outgoing label of the route.


Add-path ID of received routes.


Add-path ID of advertised routes.


AS_PATH attribute of the route, which records the ASs the route has passed and avoids routing loops.


Origin of the route:

  • igp—Originated in the AS. The origin of routes advertised with the network command is IGP.

  • egp—Learned through EGP.

  • incomplete—Unknown origin. The origin of routes redistributed from IGP protocols is INCOMPLETE.

Attribute value

BGP path attributes:

  • MED—MED value.

  • localpref—Local preference value.

  • pref-val—Preferred value.

  • pre—Route preference.


Current state of the route:

  • valid.

  • internal.

  • external.

  • local.

  • best.


IP address of the BGP peer that advertised the route.

Relay Nexthop

Next hop found by route recursion. If no next hop is found, this field displays not resolved.

IP precedence

IP precedence in the range of 0 to 7. N/A indicates that the route does not support this field.

QoS local ID

QoS local ID in the range of 1 to 4095. N/A indicates that the route does not support this field.

Traffic index

Traffic index in the range of 1 to 64. N/A indicates that the route does not support this field.

# Display advertisement information for BGP IPv6 unicast routes destined to network 2::/64.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 2:: 64 advertise-info

 BGP local router ID:
 Local AS number: 100

 Paths:   1 best

 BGP routing table information of 2::/64(TxPathID:0):
 Advertised to peers (2 in total):

Table 115: Command output




Number of optimal routes destined to the specified network.

BGP routing table information of 2::/64(TxPathID:0)

Advertisement information for BGP routes destined to network 2::/64.

Advertised to peers (2 in total)

Peers to which the route has been advertised, and the number of peers.

# Display statistics for BGP IPv6 unicast routes advertised to peer 1::1.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 peer 1::1 advertised-routes statistics

 Advertised routes total: 1

# Display statistics for BGP IPv6 unicast routes received from peer 1::1.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 peer 1::1 received-routes statistics

 Received routes total: 1

Table 116: Command output



Advertised routes total

Total number of advertised routes.

Received routes total

Total number of received routes.

# Display BGP IPv6 unicast route statistics.

<Sysname> display bgp routing-table ipv6 statistics

 Total number of routes: 4

Table 117: Command output



Total number of routes

Total number of routes.

Related commands

ip as-path

ip community-list