Use version to specify a global RIP version.
Use undo version to restore the default.
version { 1 | 2 }
undo version
No global RIP version is configured. An RIP interface can send RIPv1 broadcasts and receive RIPv1 broadcasts and unicasts, and RIPv2 broadcasts, multicasts, and unicasts.
RIP view
Predefined user roles
1: Specifies the RIP version as RIPv1.
2: Specifies the RIP version as RIPv2. RIPv2 messages are multicast.
Usage guidelines
An interface prefers the RIP version configured on it over the global RIP version.
If no RIP version is specified for the interface and the global version is RIPv1, the interface uses RIPv1 and can perform the following operations:
Send RIPv1 broadcasts.
Receive RIPv1 broadcasts and unicasts.
If no RIP version is specified for the interface and the global version is RIPv2, the interface uses RIPv2 multicast mode and can perform the following operations:
Send RIPv2 multicasts.
Receive RIPv2 broadcasts, multicasts, and unicasts.
# Specify the global RIP version as RIPv2.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] rip 100 [Sysname-rip-100] version 2
Related commands
rip version