rip bfd enable
Use rip bfd enable to enable BFD for RIP on an interface.
Use undo rip bfd enable to restore the default.
rip bfd enable
undo rip bfd enable
BFD for RIP is disabled on an interface.
Interface view
Predefined user roles
Usage guidelines
RIP supports BFD echo-mode detection for a directly connected neighbor, and BFD control-mode detection for an indirectly neighbor.
BFD echo-mode detection only applies to a RIP neighbor one hop away.
Using the undo peer command does not delete the neighbor relationship immediately and cannot bring down the BFD session immediately.
The rip bfd enable command and the rip bfd enable destination command are mutually exclusive and cannot be configured on a device at the same time.
# Enable BFD for RIP on VLAN-interface 11.
<Sysname> system-view [Sysname] interface vlan-interface 11 [Sysname-Vlan-interface11] rip bfd enable